Page 299 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 299
8-Superficie et état des ter-re8 agricoles occupées, province de Québec, 1871-1956
8-Area and Condition of Occupied Farm Land, Province of Quebec, 1871-1956
Superficie roOYbllne TcrN'l dMrinh~e-lmlJroyûd 100IlO Terri'
dU8 fflrlllf':04 pUT ferlJlc nou u('frt()héo
ANNÉE8-YEARS ~- --------
Arcn in AverQ,~e En culture Unimproved
(nrrus u.rca. Total (1) land
peT fu,TlO U lIuer t;TL:Jpti
Iler ilOTeS ncrr.s u.erc8 fi reH
1871. 11.026.786 93.1 fi. 703 ,OH ;j. 7130.762 ".321.842
1881. 12.620.877 01.0 6.410.264 ·1 .2œ .84~ 6,215.613
18YI. lô .nIa,7Ga 01.2 8.070,iHfl -l.OM.BGO 7.2YO.B17
1\101. . 14,44'I,J7" 103.1 7.130.941 '1.738.804 7.004. Z:i4
Illl1 . 15 .6L3. ~fl7 104.3 8.162.0B7 5.~17,10" 7.4.'iI,18O
1021. 17.267.012 L25.1 0.064,650 Il .000, U~6 8,102,362
1031. . 17,304.104 127.8 Il.994,IIiB 6.140,200 8.310,006
1041. . 18,OG2.504 11fl.8 0,002,671 0.J37,52! S. IlOIl. Bila
[951. .. 10.786.405 124.0 B.828.008 5.700,afi9 7.057,437
\056.. IC•• ~10,128 120.8 8.520.83.'i r. ..J4.0 ,534 7.280.203
(1) COlnpreou lu t.~rre en ~rnndc CUlt,\ln,:, le.b )nruiotl, (J) JIU:lud(~~ fleIn, v.f\n:l(';n, nrchanl f\nd mlrH.'ry ~rop
leM VCrll.CT8 ct ICH p6pjnière~. luml.
Ll\ ~up(lI'HCi(~ t.o1.nlP df'S 122,017 fÙl'ml'~ ue Tlrt' un'u or t.he 122,tH7 l',unn in \JI"
III provinr.e de Québf'l'. 8'élève i\ 11),910,128 !'''''villce or Quehl"(~ wus 15,91O.t~8 L1.I,,·e~ in
acres en Hi55, s,lit. une Auperfi('ic moyellne Igo(,>. giving lin Ilverage ll.nellj(e of 12D.,q,
de 129.8 fLcres. l.n su])0.rlieie (kil, km' Thl' AU)JI'l'fi('in,~ of ill1IJI'ovcd hwd u.ll1Ullntod
défrichée ult.cint 8,62\l,83fl ll.l'.l'0.R. don t.
to B,fi2H,835 a('l'e~, III' whieiL r:•.!i4!L::i24 ILcl'eS
5,54D,524 ,,,(,re~ ou (14.3 pOUl' l'cnl. sonl 0.11
or ti4.::\ pr'l' (:1'111. IV('I'(, UIl<.h,,· erop.-4, und un-
eullure, ct \n lCITe non défrichée. 7,280,293
u.creA. r.'ntelldut' de~ rNml'S l'pprésent.f' improved l>.lnd 1.:()llIpri~()d 7,280,2!X~ nOl·CR.
moins do 5 pour ""'111 d.. In ~upp,rfi('ip I,of,nle rrhp rfLl'lll :U',I"P:L.ll:" l'I'PI'('!if'nt.l·d Ip·"o,"'; tlw.!) 5
de la prflvincc dl' (~uéb\~r.' fjui (·st. dl' pOl' ,,('n( ,,1' 1.11<' I, 'uperfi'l of the' l'rov-
3:35,270,400 nereA. illCl.' or (~ucllt'e wiLidt i~ ;3:15,2ïO,400 aCrl'R.
Lu terril agripolp ()l·('up.'" (,~, px.ploitép Roit LH.nc1 iR fn.nllcd by either the (JIVIICI' or l'
p~r lt' propriét.l1iro soit pnr UTI Il.lcutnirc. En Immut. In 1!)56, 15,515,2m acre.,; or 97.5
1956, J5,516,201 Uel'('.R ou 97.5 pour cent d,~ pel' "en\ of I.he tnt,d arCIL or f''LI'II1S \Vere
lit RlIpcrfh:i(' tolalc d,'s rf'nneA SOIlt. exploit,ées
operntBJ Il.\' 1.lw ownf·I·.'. (n t.lH' pr:ürin
par le propriét.airp.. DallS ks Prairies, ce
provinneR. tll<' 'l<lll!' pl:I·'~"lIl.u~(' 1I'1.l~ 77.1
même puurcen1.a/!;t' s'(i1.n.hli1. n. 77.1 1111 Muni-
in !I1anil,o\'IL, (in.!) ill HH~k'~(.I'.III'W:1.Il Ilild
t.obll, li. 65.fl en SnskM(,hp,\\'nn Ilt 11 54.0 l'.11
AIbortu.. (14.() i Il Alhl','l,11.
9--Tenure des fermes occupées au Canada, par provinces, 1956
9-Tenure of Occupied Farms in Canada, by Provinces, 1956
Sil pernoio OCcu p6e p/i.r-Arr:a Dr.(',upicri by
1~~l\:T~~~ dl~lIt fermufII Propri6tui n1 Lom!.n(re
----_. Land l,rel.' l''o.rm urell Owo.or ---- ---
n.cros acres 8 % nOrt)l:t %
Terre-Neu vc.... Nfld ... 07.637.760 7i .814 00.&73 UO.U 2.241 3.1
Ile-du-P.-F.:... .P. E. 1.. l ,a97. 760 I.OOfi.411.3,Ofl!l lIO,9 33.4.95 :1. 1
N.-Eooll8O .. N, 8 .. 1.3.275,520 2. 771i .642 2.7) l,GIll 97.7 M.023 2.3
N.-BnlD8wick. , 17.!iH2,720 2,981,4411 2.910.81\4 97.r. 70,5t:J5 2.4
8 uébtJc ....... 335 .270.400 15.910,528 "'.515.201 07,Ii 301.807 2,5
. nl,anD ..... 232.500,480 10.870,646 17. 082, r,(it, 005 J .8U7 .OBI Il.6
M"nilob~...... : . : 140.622.720 17.931.BI7 13.8IB,400 77. ) 4.113,3{,7 22.9
SÜRkn.tehuwan. 152.804,000 62,703.979 '11.108,721 6b.\! 21.3&6.258 34,1
Alborto!> ........ l511, 232,000 45.070.3Y5 2\!. 707 .027 M.n L6.202.468 25.4
Col.-BriL .B. C. 22\! .038,560 1 4,538.881 .1,(\35,268 80 1 H03.613 l'J.O
C."'''AOA Cl). 2,S13,383,680 173,923,691 121,796,179 74.1 46,128,512 2&.9
(1) Jndlld('~ <Jill... l'or Yukon and Norlhwc::tt. 'terri..