Page 302 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 302
10 _. EKploitants de fenne, supeTficie et état de la terre agricole, par réglons
économiques et divisions statistiques, 1956
10 - Farm Operators, Ana and Condition of Farm Land, by Economie Regions
and Statlstical Divisions, 1956
Terre Mfrichée
Bupcrfioi(~ ~~r.crlÎC'ie
Exploitnllt. tntu.'c UH Il t.(\ITO 1mproy{'rl lo.nt! Torre-
do fl)T11lC de la torre llgricole no n-dMrichéo
Rr;:C[ONS &: DrV1810NS
Fano Tolal Arc.. 01 Un;,oproved
Qp61"nt,l)ns, land IlrOR. (Mm IUlld En culture I""ù (1)
Undel' ol'ops
6-MoNTntA..... 27.llll5 9,414,llllD 3,214,092 2,252.697 1,681.,095 1,031,495
Al'gent.<Juil. ' . 8Ml 501.120 1611.54[, 72.224 411.2·12 01.321
Ragot , . 1.!l08 221,110 213.081 11\2, .541 108.&1& 50.613
lJeàuhfU'uoitt. .. . . 94.080 114.915 50.170 36.798 8.737
Chf'lo""p;ual' . 1.27!1 160.1\00 138.82'1 104, 3,)~ 71.216 34.471
DBux-MontnI!UJ~:-I.•..•.. 1.,\30 178.5(;0 138.0'1~ 103.353 70.071 3<1.695
Huut,io,R,don. ,', . 1,2nO 2:'lI,040 202 ,i'!I~ 11&,760 78.226 86.827
Ibervillo . nQ 1:!1I.720 10/j.SM !l2.6J~ 117.602 1.1.051
,JolieU.~ . 1,803 1.(;1)3.840 107,211 125.744 81.1011 71,167
t:~~~'i~:::::::::::::: I,Or"1 J J,:W,8BO 301.473 122.115 7ot,107 170.068
L·A~sompt.i()n . 1,340 158,080 130,888 06.0·lf, 66.778 3.3.9,13
MU:l3Ï!=Iquoi. . ., . 1.311 :!oIO.OOO 200.640 11.1.;.ge 87.&17 87.0H
Mont<>alm....... . . 1.288 2.49~,160 129.333 73.;'08 45.176 M.Hf>
Ns.piorville . . . gr,[ n" .~OO 90,415 75.317 fi8.010 15,OilB
Rielwllnu....... .. .,. 1.002 141 .440 nn.210 70.805 65.340 Ill,321
Rouville ,. I,H~ Ir.!j .:j~O 132.0011 108.715 77.M2 23.381
Saint-Hy""intho . 1.108 177.n20 151.737 111l.6R~ 82.231 32,061
SrLin("'Joan . 797 131.:lO0 100.504. 82.020 63.4&1 18.0\84
Soulnne:cs.....•.... , . nr, 87.040 77.472 117. Rt"1 ']6,054. 9,IlIS
Terrebonno . 1.408 &OO.4~U 162,000 80.~ü7 ôO.4,'i2 73.339
Vuudreuil. ......•.. .... 808 128.640 911.205 7.1.007 ';2.1i·ICo 22.598
Veroh~re•.............• 1.914 127.3110 111.091 92.1l8! 71 .~~U 18.710
Ynmn.sku o ••• 1./174 233,600 107,818 1&3.731 197.ilF>1 -l1 .087
r -MOl(T[l}~AI, MÙrRQ"O,,"'A'"
MON"Tnl)IM. M~TRoJ'oLI'rAS' l,J93 276,480 104,123 90.814 68,470 13,509
Ch"robly . ,19il lA8.160 1[,.036 :J0.018 30.[,73 &,118
Il,,,,de-Monl.réol. il94 B8.320 .59.287 (i0.8il" ~7, 807 8.301
8---OU'rAOOAIS..... 6,344 8,176,680 1,01/;,029 465,721 276,226
Hull . 2.101 1.640.440 420.358 104.1\l3 103.102 2M.I60
Pnpiormu . J.71\1 1.011.&10 2116,117 148.tJ1I5 8~. 43R 147,152 . 1.482 6.118.iOO 2118.&54 If,2,803 8G,01lG 14&. fi91
8,8n 54,849,280 1.160,756 493,873 146,607 666.883
Ahil.1bl...... . . 0.43Co 'Ill, 104 .000 800.20~ 32il,200 227,1100 171.003
l'émi~r,R.mln~ue . 2.396 0,740.280 3ôO.!i53 11\4.lJ73 118,701 18.'.,880
N"w QIJl'"FJc.•........ 539 201,712,640 74,767 29,861 44.906
Su,Q:unnn.y . ii~9 201,712,64.0 14,767 29,861 44,906