Page 264 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 264
246 GuLON fSA 'l'fON-COT,O"'" IZA 'l'iON
On note, parmi 1eR urgents dépeDsés puur Among the amount~ oxpended for colo-
Lravaux cie coloni atioD dans I~ provincB d0 n izution work in the Provinoo of Quebec iD
QlH11Jec en 1955-.5(-\, uue somme dl' 1lS,696.7D7 [955-56, the sum oi' $5,690,707 w~s spent
a.ppliqllée il, la, eonstruotion, l'am,~liorati(ln
For constructiun, improvement and main-
et l'entretien de chemins At d" pontil de colo-
tenance of colon ization rOltds and bridges;
n i!:latioD; au COl1rs du mûmt' l'xf,rcic€), un
during the sarns yenr, the ~um or $1,017,001
mon tan t de $1,0 L7.GUI a été aJfl'f! l", i\ des
travaux d'ossouchement flt de labour JtJ(~ca W/1S rl.iflbursed l'ur mechaniz~(1 stllmp 016ll.r-
Disé~. Le ministère dt' la Colollisat.ioll ~ inR and ploughiuj!. In 1955-56, the Df3pl1rl,-
construit fln H):,.')-;,o, 179 milles de chemin~ nlont of Coloni'l.l1tion bui]t 479 miles uf DCW
Dellfs, a umélinrl;Ï ,1.0413 milles de chemins ronds, improved 1.04B miles of existing
eX"istants et entretenu d'autrcs ohemins sur
roads and maintnined 3,551 milles of otber
une lon~lleur de :3.551 milles; il a aussi con~
rOMls; 2,8ttJ new bridges nnd culverts,
trnit 2,H~j nuuveaux pont,a et ponce~lIxri 'UIll'
longueur dB 1,:~;17 pieds eL réparé :lB6 au tros rneasuring l,3:n l'eet wero a.l~o built amI
ponts. :~66 otht'r bridges were repaired.
I-T..avaux effectuée eu.. les chemine de colonla.tlon depula 1909
I-Wo..k Done on Colonizallon Roada aine. 1909
.Payé pr" .Pald by
ConrecUon ChomjnA Ch.mJll.I
ANNËE8 de chemina p~r8c.hové8 réparé. t1t ponoeaUJ; le KOUvern.- 1... munlal-
lleuh ment pnliLéol
YEARB Road. Road. B~~~ •• (1)
Ncw rond. Complotau R.p.I,.d Muelclp.l-
Openeu Cu\vorL. Oovemmen~ lUe.
rnlll••-mil... mlll..-mll.. mlll.....mll•• ~I.d....fcot 1 1
IUOO-lO , , 138.17 176.56 279.63 16,90.1 170,000 17,860
1010-11. . 177.60 240.88 .12.10 15,623 216,858 16,23<1
IOU-12 ,. 166.36 220.62 387.27 13,467 228,337 0,356
1012·13 , .. 138.18 10S.01 246.00 13,607 217,206 11 ,fl94
(013-11 .. 148,32 211.11 221. OS 12,226 249,646 16,443
lfl!4-16 , ......• 178.M 152,60 268.60 12,136 225,000 S,Ml3
1015-16 . IM.45 173.62 201.80 12,962 200,000 13,300
1016-17 , .. 193.63 216.31 373.33 J2,460 260,000 10,fl76
LOI7-18 , . 100.64 176.41 337.40 10,181 80S,048 2O.32S
LOI8-10" . 288.00 279.07 359.89 16,464 63-1.,036 2-4,309
1910-20 , .. , ' .. 277.16 332,91 609.35 20,S18 700,000 44,091
1020-21. , . 111.33 400.32 ôl2.flO 21,437 1. 43fl, Og7 77 ,833
1021·22 , . 6li2,74 712.14 505.07 32,961 2,001 ,000 68,lô3
[022-23 . 661.42 6S0.33 680.00 20,470 2.451,000 52,607
LO~:l-24 . 636,06 479.30 706.80 25, ()QO 2,1I7,S63 37,080
1924-26 . 429040 303.10 782.41 10.706 1,504 ,000 61,042
1025-2fl." . 21S.32 230.36 787.20 12,422 039.000 27,743
102l}-27 . 210.13 220.02 01l3.34 13,144 918,500 2S,673
1927-28 , . L60.88 268,47 H30.00 13,767 009,000 42,602
1028-29 . 184.73 223.67 IHO.04 20,071 1,104 .000 101,821
102().30, " . 166.92 232,75 l ,~~~.05 23,726 1,3M .000 111,170
1030-31. ' . 121.04 210.1lO 1,549.16 21,292 I.H3,176 98,746
103L-32 .. 333,03 373.66 1,731.11 10,178 2,816,676 71.881
1032-33(2) . 105.62 288.46 577.16 23,163 2,045,170 22,648
LU3.1-34 . L()Q.'t4. 132.21 660.24 13,574 (1) S13,431 12,40.
L034-3I;" .. , ,. 171.05 L33.1lO 1,016.35 20.200 1,070,500 10,732
1031.l-36 ' . 40.10 99.67 1,223.10 16,683 027.758 28.25S
1036....17 ,., .. ,. 623.91 336.11 ."44 .36 12.7Z6 1.012,360
rO~7-38 . fi13,30 8.10.34 2,:110.08 41.358 4,800,121
1938-30 . 408.03 860.01 2,~60.16 34,258 6,657,340
1039-40 . 270.13 350.41 2,204.26 16,766 2,320,520
111-10-41(3). " . 178.03 140.07 .140.34 0,017 1,811,275
1041·42 , . 116.86 .6\. 17 I,SOI.35 3.853 1,293,654
1012-43 .. .~2,00 230.00 1.768 00 2,281 1. 207,5,\7
L04:1-4-1 . 80.0r, 386.85 2.115.85 2,312 I,OR6.fl18
1944-45 , •.. 52.28 466.38 2,241.09 1,370 1,120,1.10
ln4!j-10 ' . 66.8" 1I83 .•6 2,633.73 2.621 1,2-41,418
1946-17 . LUS.56 813.76 1,807.42 2.480 2. \07,863
1!)47-18 , ......• 321. 48 1. 211 ,36 1,134.10 2,580 6,592,3L4
1048-~." .••••..•. 280.71 1,381.30 2,864 .73 I.S04 5,024.2M
1040·60 ,. , 160.62 flfl7.48 3,220.03 1,251 3,072.571
IOGO-51. .. "" •.... 193.00 774.00 8.316.00 1,502 3,060,667
1051-52 . 126.81 980.01 3,079.81 1,716 4,520,255
LÇlrI2-tI3..•. , . 262.flO 1,681.40 3.682.00 2,661 5,600.750
L9;;:1-64" .. " .. ' . 345.82 87S,87 4,380,02 1,883 4,785.274
LOrA-55 ' . . . 410. \4 1. 14 L. ~:i 4.060 03 J .56S 5.246,I~Y
lO!.r>-U6 ,. 47\1,00 1.046.1~ 3.5,,0 84 1.337 (1,006,707
(t) Suht4lde ordlnlLir~ seulUlIlIHlt. (1) OnLy ord.nllry 8ubs,dy.
(2) y compriH Ica tm\'u,lIx offeC)tu~1t il. mêm ~ le mon- (2) locludilll! work l'nid for 011\ of nmollnt
tnnt alfecL~ 1\ 1'('h,bli"<JIllcnt dc chOmeur" Industriels. for oeUlln)! unomployed workmcn.
(3) 9 moi. scuJument. Le. cbiffrc9 des lefL~ucu" DO (3) 9 1000Lha only. Longth fi~u...,~ incillde unly p",rt
comprennent q\l't10Ll pnrtin des trtlVQ.\IX rlüt~ 1J8r 10 of wOrl;:B ùooe uy tho RonJ~ D~rll\rtm(lnL.
département de IlL voidl:.