Page 296 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 296
Parmi 1(1~ IIrgents dépenslls pour travau" The amounts disbursed for coloniZIJ.tion
de colonisation on note uno somme de undertuking~ include the sum of $5,590,750
$5,590,750 cn 1952-53 at de $4,785,274 en
in Hl52-53 und of $4,785,274 in 1953-54 for
1953-54 B.ppliqu(ie~ :L Ill. construction, l'um6-
the construction, improvement and upkeep
liornLion et l'entretien de chemins et de
ponts de colonisation; de plus, un montant. de of colonizalion l'oads und bridges; besides
$608,585 cn 1952-58 et un nutre de $809,270 $608,585 in 1952-53 a.nd $!!09,270 in 1%:1-54
en 1953-54 ont oté nffeetés :L des travaux were apent for stump clearance (Lnd mechn.n-
d'essoucbement et de labour mécanislls. i7.ed ploughing.
En 1953-54 le ministère de la colonisa.tion In 195:3-54 f ho ColoniMtion Dcpal·tment
a construit 346 milk'i dc chemins neufs, builL 31ü milf'A of new ronds, impl'Oved 879
nmélioré 879 milles do chcmins existants (11. milcs of alrendy exisLing; roads and main-
entretenu d 'autn'~ dH'Illins sur une longueur tllined o[.!ll'r roads over fi Iongth of 4,Joo
de 4,380 milles; il u. nUBsi construit 1,708 miles; it a\f;o construct.ed 1,738 new bridges
nOUVf'lIl1X ponta et ponceaux d'une longueur and culvel'ts amounting in length to 1,883
de !,il!!::! pieds et rGpu.ré 301 nutrcs ponts. fCI,t. nnd rcpaired 30 l other bridges.
1-TravaUll elfectu'. sur 111I ch.mins de colonisation depuis 1901
1-Work Dona on Colonl_atlon Raad••Ince 1901
Pay' par - Pald by
Con/eot.ion Cbemln. Cboroln. Ponh --_..
ANN!1;ES do cnl'lrnjns peraebev6. l6par6. et p.DO".UI 10 llOU verno- I_ munl.l-
- D"uIs - - - ment. paUiE.
YEARS ....- Roud. Road. B~~aeo (1) -
Ne,", r""d. Coroploted R.palrod - MUbioipal·
Openod Culvort. Oovernment IUeo
mllle.-mll•• mille.-m1lo. roIUoo-ouJ•• 1 1
l~og...IO ........... 1:IM.47 176.M 27{1.03 16,003 170,000 17,8lI0
1910-11 ........... 177.6{1 240.88 412.19 16,623 210.8118 16,234
1911-12 .•.......•. 166.36 22{1.62 387.27 13,467 228,387 9,3M
1912-18........... 138.18 108.{l1 246.00 18.697 217,20e 11,1104
1913-14 ........... 148.32 214.11 221.08 12,226 249, M6 16,443
1914...16........... 178.66 162.60 268.60 12,136 226,000 8, 1lO8
111111-10 ........... 164.46 173.62 261.80 12,{l62 200,000 13, seo
1916-17........... 109.63 210.31 373.33 12.400 2ôO,00O 10,1176
1917-18...... , .... 160.64 176.41 337.46 16.181 a08,048 20,328
1918-19 ......•.... 288.00 27{1.07 369.89 16,464 6:W .936 24. 39~
1019·21)........... 277 .46 332.91 609.36 20,818 700.000 "",091
1920-21 ........... 411. 33 400.82 612.06 21,487 1,43l1,O97 77,333
W21-22 ............ 652,14 712.14 696.07 32,061 2,004 ,000 e8,163
1922-23........... Ml.42 680.33 880.00 29,470 2,464,000 62,e07
1923-24........... 636.06 470.30 706.89 26,009 2,117.803 37.089
1924-26........... 420.49 303.10 782.41 19.706 1,604,000 6l,942
1026-26........... 218.32 230.3~ 787.2{1 12,422 030,000 27.743
1926-27........... 210.13 221l. 02 093.34 18,144 918.600 28.673
1027-28........... 160.88 U8.47 930.60 13.767 860,000 42.602
1928-29........... 184.73 223.67 940.64 20,971 1,104.000 101,821
1920-30........ , .. lliO.92 232.76 1,2112.06 23,726 1,364 ,000 111,770
1930-31. .......... 121.04 219.80 l,M{I.16 21.292 1,413.176 98,146
1931-32........... 338.03 373.6'5 1,731.11 19,178 2,616,676 71,881
1032-33(2) .. ,. ..... 196.62 288.46 577 .16 23.168 2.~6,170 22,MS
1038-34 •.......... 1011. .4 132.21 650.24 13.674 (1) 813,431 12,464
1034-3e........... 171.05 183.80 1,0111.36 20,290 1,070.500 10,732
10:16-36..•...•.... 46.19 90.67 1,223.40 10,683 027,7118 28,2118
1036-37........... 628.91 836.11 044.36 12,7211 1,912,30il ............
1037·3B ...... , .... ~13.30 8M. 3~ 2,310.08 41, B6B 4.890,121 ............
1938-39 .•...... _., 408.03 860.01 2,600.16 34,268 6,667.340 ............
1030-40........... 270 .IB 350.41 a, 294.26 16,76~ 2,320,020 ., .... ' .. ...
1040-41 (3) ....••. _. 17B.03 149 97 3~{I.34 9,017 I,Bll,2711 ............
104 1-42,. ..•...... 116.86 461.17 l ,801.3.~ 3.863 1,203.0~4 ............
1042-13........... 82.00 2.~9.00 1,7h8.00 2,281 1.207,647 ., ..........
1043-44 ... _..... " 80.05 386.8~ 2, HS .8e 2.312 1,086,048 ............
194.4-46 ..........• 62.28 468.38 2.241.60 1,370 1,120,100 ., ......... '
1040-46 ....•...... 66.8e 1l83.45 2,~33. 73 2,021 1.241.418 ............
1940-47............ 15B.M 813.705 1.807.42 2.480 2.107,868 ............
lil47-48............ 321.48 t,a14.36 1,134.10 2,580 6,692,314 ., ..........
1948-40............ 280.71 1.381.30 2.864.73 1,801 6.024.266 ., ..........
1949..50............ 160.62 667.48 3.220.03 1,251 3.072.1171 ,...........
1960-h1 ............ 193.00 774 .00 8.3l6.00 1.502 3,060,667 ............
1961-52 ........... 126.81 980.01 3.079.81 1,71fi 4.620,2fi~ ............
11162-53............ 262.60 1,681.40 3,882.00 2,051 o .fi90. 760 ............
1953-:;4.. ........ 345.B2 878.87 4,380,02 1,883 4,785.274 ............
(1) B"b.ide ordinalro .0"lo",ont. (1) Only ordluary,..
(2) y oompri. leo lraveu. effoctu~. ~ al~"'e le mOn- (2) Inol"dinll ....ork paid lor oui 01 amo"u& allolt.ed
tent a"eclé ~ "6tabLi...monl de obamo"rI Induatriel•. lor .0Ulil4l unemployed ",olkmon.
(8) 0 mol••euJemeni. Leo .bl"r... dM 10bllUO"" ne (3) 9 Dlootb. ouL)'. L.., 61"reo inol"d. onJ,. part
IOU!llpreUDeDt qu'une pal' dM p.r 1. d4- or ...orlu doDo by the Road. Dopartmcnl.
pammcnt d. la voirie.