Page 101 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 101

LANGUE-LANGUAGE                             83

                    MATERNELLE                         MOTHER TONGUE
         Une persouo/) peut pos.<;6d,'r quelque connais-  A person mny hnve sorne lroowlerlgR of an
        sance d'une lun/-:'LIU otT:icielle corrune, p..'tr El.'(em-  oflicinl language, for im;tanee ho mn,y bo nble
        plo, l'éclire ou la el)ltlpl"('nc!l'e et, c(;pendaut,  t.o  undel'stl~nd and 11\'lln wri te it  wi t110lJ t,
        être in('Jlpnble cIe ln perler.  Dan~ 1 s tablenux  however, being able ta ~peak it. rn the tahJ('~
        de la présente sect,ion. la population est clns.i-  of this ~I'rtjon, thl: population je classitled ac-
        fiée selon la languo oflkidlo l'arlr'e t selon la  cardin!:" ta tLc offkial JUllb' I:!lokr.n and the
        lan~e 1nnf.l1rnl'1le.  FRr Inn/',lIc mntf'rueUo on  mother I;ong-Ile.  Thel expressioll "mothl'J' ton·
        entend ln première Innglle qu'un îudividu a  gue" nB USI\d }wro ~ignifies the first language
        apprise durnnt son enfance et qu'il comprend  Jearned in chilcUlood, if it is still undcJ'Rtoad
        llllcore.                            by the individual.

        38-Langue officielle parlée et langue maternelle de la population du Canada,
                                   par province., 1951
        38--0fficial Languag-e Spoken and Mother Tonll'ue of the Population 01 Canada,
                                    by Provinces, 1951
                                             l,nnguo pQTI~o      Lungu  Inat,crnelle
                                                -                     -
                            Population      l",nguLlge Spokon     Mo~h"r Tongue
             pnOVINCr~         (1)                     Anglais c~
                                      Auv.lni.  Françni8  Français  Anglni8  Frn.oçnie
                            Population  -       -        -        -        -
                                      Englioh  French  nn~n*~I~~oh  Engli.b  'J"rond.
        Torfo-Neuvo... Nowroundland .  361.410  356.377  153  3.990  357,328  2,321
        no-~n-P.-l';.... /'. E. 1.........  98,429  88.7·t3  914  8.7·15  80,241  8.477
        N.-  008_0 ..... N. 8cotin......  642.584.  505,257  7.462  39.524  588.610  38.94/i
        N.-Bn.lIl.wiok ...............  615,607  318.r,OO  100,712  06.005  325,412  1&'\,110
        8~t~:t~·...'.....::::::::::::::::~  4,065,681  1.115,584.  2,53·1.242  1.038.laO  3.755,442  3,817.030
        Manitoha.... , ...............  776.541  685.911  7,860  58,441  167.892  51,/\)1)
        B...k...~ollownn ................  831.728  767,248  4.656  40.780  515,873  30,815
        Albed."......................  1139.601  868,696  6,922  40,785  M8.H3  34,1lW
        Cololubio-Drit.. B. C...........  J,I65,210  1,112,937  727  39,433  1163,920  19.361.
        Yukun .. '" ................ ,  Il.096  8,337  ln  610    G,618     308
        Terr. du N.-O.. N. W. T.... , ..  16,004  6,929  171  1.031  3,801  li81
             CAWAOA •••••••• , , ••• 14,009,429  8,387,395  2,741,112  1,727,447  1,210,109  4,081,150
        Torro-Nouve... Newfoundland ,  /85,113  182.279  82  2,312  182,768,3
        n"'~l~~P.-E. ... .1', E. l.: .......  60,218  46,31li  475  4.407  4&,512  4.273
        N.- Cu••o ..... N. Soo"'a......  32'\,Of>b  300.631  3.4&4  20,1171  290.6611  10, SM
        N.·Brunowiok.....••.........  2:,fl, 211  1&Il ,433  47,no  61,851  163,003  93,310
                            2,0~j,!. 127  218,276  1.179,895  614,041  273,328  1,667,881
        8~~~;\~.'.'.'.'.::::::::::::::::: 2,314.170  2.060.43(,  37,731  194,670  1,/<[,8,629  171l,901
        M~nltobl\ ....................  3U4.R18  3"n.3:JlI  3.810  30, 22.~  234,~39  27,470
        8~.ka~ohow..n................  434,608  403,041  2.162  21,710  2116.078  HI.21l\
        Alb.rt·...... , ...............•.  4fl~, 19:.!  4(.O.&3fl  2,977  22,220  U33.002  18,002
        Colombio-Brlt.. B. C...........  &0(1,961  M8,224  378  21,700  48/,789  10.403
        Yukon.. , ...............•...  ~ .167  4,O\l~  3   374    3,9;14    227
        Terr. du N.-O.. N. W. T .......  Il.003  4,330  70  648   2,512     3701
             CANAOA •. ....... , ...  J,OII,873  4,753,820  l,nl,I16  884,848  4,1Al,788  2,039,463
        Tcrre-N.u"u.. , Newrnund.\..nd .  176,273  174,008  71  1,078  174, &60  968
        Ile-iu-P.-E.. , .i'. E. J..........  48.211  43,42S  41111  4.338  43.72\l  4.204
        N.- co......... N. 80U~I"" ....  317,629  294,626  3,978  IS,8r>3  291.951  19.001
        N.-llrun.owiek ....•...........  25fi.1811  169,127  52.902  4-4,244  1&2.359  91,800
                            2.033.MH  2H,ô38  1,354.347  424,089  284.,933  1.1l79,1411
        8~t1::i~··.·.'.'.'.::::::::.:::::::: 2,28-1,372  2.0litLl·IQ  41,243  166,206  l,80ll,813  lM ,001
        M.....llobn....................  381,723  3a5.liO'1  1,OM  28,216  233,058  26,720
        Saak..tchewan................  3U7,11lO  3lH ,207  2,C>QoI  19,070  260,19li  17.6\19
        Atborto.....................  447.300  412,11l7  2.94li  18,559  316.321  16, ]Ool
        Colombie-Brll.. B. C........ ...  1i1l8, 240  044,713  30111  17.728  482,131  8,873
        Yukoo.........         3,639    3,339      7       145    2,1l84.    81
        TerT. du N.·O..N.'W.'T',::::::  0.9lil  2.691l  02  383   1.2\)2    207
             CANAOA .............  6,820,556  4,1133,675  1,462,986  742,511'  4,U8,021  2,029,397
         (1) y oomllr18 lee llenOnnea qui De p~rlcDt ni J'aDglai.  (1) lucludioll perooDo 8Pooklng Dm'her Englillh nor
        Dl le IraDoaie ot ceU011 doDt la l~ngue malern.llo ""t UDe  Frencb aDd tbo~e wi~b .. loroian 1aollubll" ua IDeth.r
        l.DilUe 6tn.ngllro.                  longue.
         8ourue~ N,ul'1~m" r'st:,numuil du CGlTl-Oda.. Vol. 1.  Soureo: Ninlh C.nolU 01 Canada, Vol. J.
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106