Page 105 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 105

OCCUPATIONS                             87

          Le tableau suivn.nt répartit la. population  The follov,'ing ta.blo shows the distribu tian
         active de la Proviuce par groupe d'OCOllpOr  or the gainfullY occupioo in the Province by
         tions.  Ci-après, il, la. pllge lOI, un texte expli-  occupa.tion  gTOUps.  The  diITerence  wb..icb
         que les diff61'enoos qui existent entre la classi-  exista betWl'lln the olussifioation by "OCCUPIIr
         fication par "occupations" et la olassi.fioation  tions" alJd thc oll'RHifieation by "industries"
         par "industries".                    is expla.ined in the toxt on pa.go 101.

         43-Main d'œuvre (l) de la province de Québec, par groupe d'occupations et selle,
         43-Labour force (1) of the Province of Quebec, by occupation group and sex,

             GRourlD V'OOCU1>ATlONB
                                   IOOL    Ill! 1  Hl21            lOi1    1951
              OCCUPATION Gnoup
         A~rieult"re  .           IU4.381  201,599  214,088  223,164  2&1.530  187, &l6
         Pêehe ct trappago.        ~.317   4,431   3.954   6,:141  8,081    5 J,38
        Forét•......... '  .       3..'obl  Il.278  10.811  15.5-17  30,4ô7  35,9bl
         Min.. et carrié       .   \.338   5.560   4.104   6.127   9.ü77   12.273
        Fahrioation et nI6onniQuo  .      79.288   87.663  Il L,325  173,288  285,680
        Construction. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  .  101.~8"  35.085  44,,877  62,822  09,961  98,389
        Trl'Losportll ct communioatilJl1s  , ..  ~5 .171  34,952  41,040  65,882  79,317  12'1.130
        Cornn'u)rce ot fiUJlnoo. .. . .. ..  .  .  61, 131  63.080  78.329  81.6&1  10 .9lJ9
        Service            , .    27.!i13  33.720  46.068  73,674  8D,\Hl7  133.516
          ProrOll8ionnel  , .•......  (2)  14,165  20.388  29.400  36.280  51,733
          Personnol             .  13.202  15.8Ofi  10,707  34,092  4\.534  55,622
         Bureau.x.......•..........•....•...  1  Lfi,:100  17.210  3) 33.086  43.21'>4  4U ,404  69,233
         Mu.nœuvrce (4).............•......  41,:1'!l  77,868  \11,095  133.282  81,038  100,242
         Non dOllUll ..•.•.•.•••....•...••..  24~  2.374     311   3.751   21,497
             TOUTES OCCUPATIONS•••..••.  435,034  552,140  642,240  820,011  928,464  1,130,194
        Agriculturel. ...............•.....  1.540  3.017  3.G18  '1.619  3,544  7,664 and trupping....      3      14      JO      40       62      30
        Log~ing..............                                                 3
        Minl1l~ and Quarrying. .... . . . . . . .. .          1       21      12
        ManufnctllrinA: and mochfLnicnl. .... , .  31; \88  37;478  4ll,J07  68.227  88.032
        Con8truotion. .... .  . ... , . , ....  27.116  01  13  22   240     l!7
        Traneportlltion and communication..  2.132  1.197  3.3~·1  4.551  4,347  10,460
        Trado nnri rÎ . .. ... . ...  6,93'1  10,:!HO  14 ,686  18.469  20.678
        Servi e.. , .. , .. ..    '12.607  40,935  IH .791  L04 ,47&  126,8-1f,  121,-174
          Profcrulionûl . , ... ... , ....... , ..  (2)  12.942  20.847  3/1,077  41,311  &2,U1-I
          Pcraonu1. ..            26.235  36.731  34,O\H   68.238  85.320  71.7';\
        CI 'rien\. , .....         2.841   5.776   18.U5&  27,887  .~7.:17:l  7:; ,;;38
        Labour ·r. (4).            1,090     311             4BO     3711   l ,U~8
        Not .Io.ted ...              Il            l,Dl!     63      680   ·1.6UO
             ALLo ocCUPA'fION      77,245  101,101  138,590  202,076  260,191  941,646
          (1) Allée de lO aM ct plu.. en 1901 "t 1911. et d. 14  (l) 10 yon.. of nge and over in 1001 nnd 1911, uDd
        an ot plue  epo,li> 1021.             fourt.een yen1'8 ef aae and. over ,inee 1921.
          (2) Non rli.ponible.                 (2) Not nV Unble.
          (3)  'ornr.rolld 108 correcteur. d·éprouve•. leo exp~di­  (3) Includ... proof readero.•hipper•. weillhmon ..od
        tionnllire.s, os pesour8 ct. les poatillon8 cla8sée ailleurs Ice  postillon cln.aairiod elecwhero in othe·r yeu,re.  The o.ddi-
        outres nnn~e8.  L'llddil.ion de ces personnes aux ohiffr  hon of thesc pe,"en. te th  lU31 figure would have ndded
        de H)3t nurult ajouté 18 pOlll' CDnt.l\.U nowbra d'hommes  18 per cent te the Ilumber of =Ice in tbia occupatioD
        dBn!! ce gl'oupo d'OCCllpl\tionB,    group.
          (4) Sont compril!l do.ns co jtTOUPC, lee ma.nœ\lVTes de  (4) l eeluùud in tbi.e group "ra labourcrs in 011 ioduotrieo
        toute. les indu.lric. RUuf L·nIlTleulturc. In péehe, I·  excapt o.grioulturc t fishlnA:, logaing u.nd rn'nUlI=(.
         t. les minee.
          Sourco: l""tuvibn.~ r~cenum"ntdu Oa,nadn, Vol. lV,  Sourec: Ninll. C<n.3119 o} C",,,,da. Vol. IV.
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110