Page 98 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 98

80                            POP ULA '['ION

          I,('~  tableaux  ci-drR~ou~ présentent.  JeR  The tlLbles given beln\'{ .~how (:~t.imul('~ of
        cstinlltl ions d(,l IlL populll.tion de Ill. province  the populltt,ion of the Provin"., ùf quel wc
        de Qlwbec SHJOIl l'étt~L civil, l'ftge ct lH "l'XC,  :w.c()rdill~ to civil st.atu", u!!:!' und sel', as
         aiusi que les (',fim:ttion~ rcvis6e: pour l"s  wl'JI !l>; l'l,'vi~,'d ,.~I.imlil.!'~ fol' 1941 to 1ÇI5;3.
        a.llll~(·' 19'11 i 195:.1.
        34-Popullltion estimative de la province de Québec selon l'étllt civil et le sexe,
         34-Estimated Popullltion of the Province of Quebec by Conjugal Condition and
                                      Sex, 1941-1953
                                                                       En \.IOUVl~~C
                                          l \';1 iUllLoircs  ;Y[uri6.  et djv()ro~:s
            ANNJ::J':S      'TuLnl
                                            Sin~lc        M.rricd     Widnwod and
            YJ,,;A1l.S                                                 di\'orced
                         M.      F.      M.      1".    M.     F.     M.     F.
         UNI, ..............  1.(\72,082  1. M8. 000  1.027,220  [l1l1.8IH  598.870  590.1131  'lfi.lllJ2  86.012
         10'12....     1,702.200  1,687.800  1,035.100  087,[l00  610.500  (Ill ,~OO  .17.GOO  88.400
         1\143....  ...... ..,70U  1.721.300  1,1146.5()(}  11117.000  1141.100  ti33,100  48.100  Q 1. ~O(J
         1044.. . . , .. ....  1. 757,900  1,742. JOU  1. 052,000  1. OO\. noo  (1.';6.600  647',100  ·18,·\00  U:J.'100
        1U·i;i.....    1. 786.300  1.77:\.700  1,003,900  ),012.!100  673,300  664 .100  4\1. JOO  Ofi.400
         In·m ...      L8Z0,200  \'8U8.800  1.080,000  L.02·1, noo  GOO.100  683,000  '-,U.IOO  100,000
         IIH7..        1.861.l00  1.818,000  \'007.6(1)  l.n;·18.'IOlJ  712.800  708.200  50.700  102,;]00
         19,18..       \'809,000  1.880,000  1, 121.200  l ,01l0 ,800  726,40U  723. J()O  ;;1,400  lOu,IOll
         19'1ll. ...   1.\)<14,000  1.038.00n  1.144,onO  1.083.600  748.200  746.900  ,H,800  108,;;00
         l050.         1.987';,00  \,9 1,500  1.11l7.8UU  1. Ilh!, ~OO  7117.5oo  7ü7,000  u2,:.:!OO  Il1,:100
         Hllil.  ., ..........  2,022,127  2,();13.IiM  1, lliO. 341  \.122.:121  802,26(\  801.374  5U,tJaO,  l()\).8ll0
         1l)5~..       2.087.400  2.080.000  1,202.000  1.142.800  833.800  820.000  rd .1;00  113,000
         J9.i3.       2.134,80U  2,134.200  1.224,700  1.162.100  ll68,100  llM,OOO  52,000  117.200
         35-Population estimative de la province de Québec, selon J'état civil, les groupes
                             d'âge et le sexe, 1951, 1952 et 1953
        35-Estimated Population of the Province of Qucbec, by Conjugal Condition,
                          Age Groups and Self, 1951, 1952 and 1953
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103