Page 523 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 523


            Le I)()rt d Cb.iooutirni e t situé sur h1 tivière  The hal'bour of Chicoutimi  LB situuted on
          Saguenay.  Cette !iv'i"'nl se jette dtLllS la  tha Sagll(:lLllLY RivOI' about 75 miles rrOln its
          SI1l11t-Laurent it 120 mi.llos en aval de Québeo.  rnouth.  The Saglle11l1y flows inta tho St.
          Les  installatiol1~ dont le "Con il" diapo'o  La\vrence Riv r Il-t a point 120 mil.,8 below
          daus ce po]'~ comprennent: 2,500 pi da de  Qu bec.  Tb facilitios operated by the Boo,rd
          quais auxquels pelJvent /tccostor los n::n;res  iuclude: 2,500 lin(;),'J,r feeL of wharf o.llowiIJg
          tim:nt 26 pi ds d'tlau; un antrtlpôt en b tou  sh.ips of 2G foot dra,{'t, a conol'oLe fjreproor shed
          ;~ l'épreuva du Ceu, de 4DO pi(lds sur 60 pie<.ls;  400 foot by GO foot, Il- t'rltme IL d 150 reAt, by
          IJ[) hll.nllar n bois dfl 150 pieds SUl' '10 pieds et  40 foet, and about 8,WO feet or standltl'd gaug.
          environ 8,,')00 pi~)ds de voies ferrées nonuales  milway trucks connootiug wil,h the Canadia.n
          relio S ftU réseau du Canarlian-1'\ational.  National Hailway .
          2l--Statistlques des ports nationaux de la province de Québec.  Tonnage déchargé
          des cargos et chargé à leur bord et nombre de passagers débarqués et embarqué..
          23 -Statistics of National HarbOUr! of the Province of Quebec.  Cargo Tonnage
          Unloaded from and Loadod to Vessolll and Number of Passongerll Landed and
                                    Embarked by VoaseIs.
                        Toonll4l8 doa carll:oo-( Il-Cargo Lonongo  PB8s"gere-(2)-PMsen ore
             YEATI8     Arrl va.go  DépnTI~   Dé~rqué.  1 EJn~QU68  Total
                        Inwsrd    Outward              Lnndcd   Embnrkod
                                      ---'-----                       --'-----
            lfl40-44..•.....  166,696  2,015  168,611    3.419     3,334     6,763
          1946...... ......  52,112  1,093     54,106    n,WB      u,102    10,200
          1040... ...... ...  62,431  41'1     62.01:!   0,117     6,118    12,236
          1947............  182,0'16  2,3 6   1~4,432    ,';,715   5,779     Il.654
          lQ48..... , ...•..  22'1,108  1,762  225,870   6,126     6,601    12,62(\
          1040............  151,037  3.l)5~   165,500    7,129     7,129     14,268
          1060......•.....  194,808  6,52(;   20l,334    4.0511    4,058     8,117
          10,,1 ............  260.110  7.155  267.266    4,599     4,nsO     9,24.9
          lO.'l2............  277,350  3.31\0  280.700   3,700     3,790     7,680
                              PORT DE QUf;BEC-H.ARBOUR OF QUEBEC
          MoX·-Avo.                                           1
            w,1044 .. , .....  990,163  460,'121  1,450,884  24,500  23,389  47,880
          1045 .. , .......•.  1,1&1,848  714,011  1,890.459  49,01\  48,849  D8,760
          1046 ..       1,158,8 1  381,875   1.540,751l  .,[i,] ri6  3.1,200  78,406
          1017............  1,532,159  322,859  l, 55,018  :1 ,071  J:J,Ol;3  71,134
          194-8.......•....  1,623,888  226,482  1,850,370  u0.059  311 ,570  108.529
          1019..........•.  1,609,165  360,186  1,875,351  nJ,OOl  3f1,2!lrs  86,956
          10:.0.. ..........  1,831.822  129,468  2,261,280  '14,777  29,:2016  74,023
          19G1 ............  1,1148,000  811a,0'il  2.812,1l50  07,122  34,nn  101,8(11
          ]l)f,2... , ......•.  1,887,106  1,133,007  3.020,172  iilJ)lol  37,87\  99 ,388
                         PORT DE TROIS.R1Vllm.E:8-HARDOUR OF 'rHREE RIVERB
          Moy. Avu.
            1040-41.. , ....•  1,217,868  467,13\1  1,686,007
          1940      .   1,611,708  881.134  2,402,842
          1946,     .   1,427,222  475,302   1.002,52,[
          1947      ..  2,032,335  676,704  2,OOS,12\l
          1948  ,  '"   2,200,88"  358,126  2.568,010
          1049....•....•..  l. 027 ,970  :3111.033  2,277,012
          1U50  ,   .  2,200,472   561), 7·1~  2,716.2H
          11151      .  2,G36,993  557,021  3,104,014
          1962  , .    2,406,077   872,:l29  :.\,338,406
                           PORT DE MONTIlliAL-HARBOUR OF" MONTREAL
          M~~4"t44~·.......  3,0:'>-1,103  3,735,5134  7,689,727  50,000  53,634  113 434
          1945............  3,239,815  5, 701l, 702  9,000,517  81,8-17  70,056  1~2,802
          1946.............  :J,'IO.'i,OIR  .1\,694 ,U 2  o.con, 100  7 .235  74,530  11l2,765
          1947....... , .. , .  4,32:1,4116  U,'181,407  10,807,873  6,553  78,:\71  163,92'1
          1048............  6.508,3S0  1\,120,734  11,638,120  95,415  IH,877  187,292
          1049............  7,042,268  (1,827,878  13,870,146  95,329  90,680  185,909
          1950......•.....  8,579,034  6,736,40U  J5,315.5~i3  73,866  73,[,60  l4.7 ,426
          10&1 ......... , ..  6,797,082  8,llIl,l1li8  ]o1,UI7,040  68,015  62,238  130,2[,3
          1952. ..... -.....  6,IH2,228  0,143,377  Ifl, 085, G05  80,875  67,2'11  118,116
            I) TOillIes do 2,uUO livT<ll!.      (1) Tons of 2,000 pound•.
           12) A l'exolusion dos forces &Tmoo.  t dca pri60Doier.  (2) Exclusive of armod forocs and pri.ononl of wnr.
          de guerre.
            'Qurce: CaMcit des POtt.b NoUnJlGu.T, 0 laW8.  Sourco: National Harbo"r. Board, Ottawa.
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