Page 527 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 527

TELENlUt....E8                          ,j07

            !lu :H déoembre  L~iL, 10 c~.pit:11 actiuns  00 Decémh r :3Ist, la,iL, the cl1pit!L1 stock of
           des oompagnies de téléphone opérant du.n  the telephone oompaoi s opel'a~ing in Lho Prov-
           la Province s'é à $205,870,8:30 et leur  ince amounted to : 205,870,8:30 a.ud thoir runded
           dette consolidée il $201,:380,9(j(),  Dura.nt  ùeht to $201,3 O,9Ga.  During th year 1051,
           l'all1\'~'() 1Çt.'ll, le revenu d'oxpLoiw.tion attoi-  the operating reveuue reaohed .'lGfi,G73,032
          gna.iL ,'1'1 fi(j,G7:3.0:~2 ct les dépenses d'e:\:ploitu.-  and  the  operating expon es  SIL!'l,567,724.
           tion, $LL9,5G7,72~. Les obiffr s ci-d sallS com~  'l'ho figul'es given aboya inolude the total
           prenut\ut le moot~tnC total du oapit/tl, d~a  amount or the, the operating rovenue
           rev(luUs et des dépens s d'exploitation de  u,ud expeo80s or 'l']le Bell 'l'elephone Company
          Tho B' 1 Telephone Company or Cu.DlLfia qui  or C1LI1Ma, which cl1JTiea on busÎness in the
          opèro aussi dans d'autres provinces du Cannela..  other Canll,dia.n provinces as weI!.  Salaries
          Les salaires et gages payés dans la. Provinn"  and wages paid by the telophone companioB
          se chiffl"ftient fi, $..1·1,785,74ü.  in the ProvÎnce amounted to $:H,785,746.
             28-Etat financier des principaux services de tèléphone de la Province, J95J.
            28-Financial Statem nt of the Principal Telephone Systems in the Province, J95J_
                                                            Coût den
                                                           propriétée  Solaires
                                            Dette   Cllpital  ct de l'illLt-  &t  Revenu
             NOM DES COMPAGNIES     Action.  conAoliùée  total  tallation  gage.  brut
                    -                -        -       -       -       -       -
              NAME OF COMPANlES     Stock   F'tLnùed  'l'ot.1  CMt or  Sn.lruies  Crose
                                             Debt   CapitAl  »roperty  anrl  Revcouo
                                                             and     Wages
                                      s       s       s
          The Bell Tel pliooe Co. of Can..dn ...  11)0.415.'1..10 100,Oafo,7(j3 3112.451,213.<;82,048,7'17  :12.188.0ûO!15(J,0;0,52.3
          Bonaventur  &. Ganpé Tel. Co.. Ltd ..  142.800  100.000  332,800  4al.380  103.274  207.607
          Cie do Tf1. Ch"dovoix-SlLguenay ,  .  Ma.3oJO  75,000  633.340  7<18.160  &1.974  214,558
          Bnntern Tow".hipe Tel.  n. (1)  .  a  ,302 .. , ........  88a,3li~'  l,2fi7.3ii~  228,23ii  0170.071
          Gulf .af St. Lawrence T?lcl'h~nc Co  .  35.000  320.000  355,000  7:i2,~82  161,874  23!l,r,74
  l' GatIneau ro.  o.. ,  .  186.470  210,500  405,070  708,336  03 ,590  260, .1'11
          Cio do Tél6phan, de ](nmoumnka .. , .  80,050  .. .. .. ..  880. ijW  1,309,72.5  121 ,(143  ~M,OOI
          La Tuquo 'l'elophonr. Co  .  :lr,o,500     :i50,500  529.:J37  58,175  159,152
          MaueonviJl  Utilitiee, Limitecl .. , ..  -la, 800  J21),03S  17a,8-38  1l0.·lB3  24,646  4R.730
          PontilLe Hura) T 1. Co  .   37.190  2,000   -39,100  72.728  17,236  :H ,624
          Corp. de l' 1. et" . Pouvoir d,  uébec-
            Quehoo 'l'cl phone & Power  orp  .  2,213,710  2,140,000  4.353.710  5,(I'IS,UOS  549  1.458.02.<;
                                                                     554 .Ino
          SlLgllenlLr &: Quebe Tel. Co  .  2,530,11i4  1,35J.OOO  3.801,10<1  Il,112, 1,;4,  593.  1  I.I07,!l52
          Cie de '161. rurnl Sou\lLngo•.. ,  .  74.. 600  22,100  OO,OUO  111.(150  20.509  44.780
            (Il Comprond les ol'!Ôrnti"". do la Cr.•nndilLn ToIe-  (1) l ,,1'1 "do"  "'pernli,,n.  of  CnnlLdian  'l'~lephono
           phone CompuJl)'.                    COILipall,v.
                29-Revenus et dépenses d'exploitation de8 principaux services, J951.
                29-0perating Revenue and Expenses of the Principal Systems, J 95J.
                                   D6pon •  RcV0LlU  novenu  "Revenu  Charges  Revenu
                                   d'cxr,I"i-  net d'ex-  "cldi-  'Ot'pol,!\tiC  l'HIT le  corporatif
             NOM DE.  CO~1PAGNmS    tat 011  plailation  lioJln~1  b"nt  revenu  net
                     -                       -       -       -        -       -
              NAME OF COMPANlES    Oper..ting  Net  Addition.  OroM  Deductions  N.t
                                   Erpe"s••  Oporllting  ta  Carpomt.e  (rum  'orporat-e
                                           Uevcuu li  1[HlO010  Iooornc  Income  ln ome
                                      S      $    1   s                       S
          The B Il Telephono Co. or CanadlL ... 115 ,248,224 '13.822,200  1,710.530 "';,532.83'1 2fl, 329 .fi21)  lU, 203 ,208
          BnnlLventur' '" Gll.3p(\ 1'01. Co.. Ltd .  1S" ,-lOI)  23.228  0', •• , .....  2:;.~i8  10,402  0.730
          Cie do 1'(\1.  'hftrlovoix-S~"enlLY"",  134,90n  70,5(;(1 ...........  70,MO  -\5,685  .3.3.814
          I!.:r terrI ~1'own lIip8 Tel. ...0. (l) ......  372,3:14  98,037 ...........  !l8.037  (11,400  37,177
                                     21!l ,820  1!),754  l.lJ87  21.7011  lil.483  2.25S
          g~~~i~n;,~aO;~~O~\;~lIO~.. Co.' : :  ]oI8.lJ92  Ill,51!1  1.021  '12,570  (I:~. 710  48,851
          Cie 1e 1'61~phono de l{al1lo\lrn.ka ....  ~ 14 ~ 153  130.&lS ' .... , .. , ..  139.&18  82.nD:!  57.M5
          lA 1 uqll~ II'1CphOlle  o.............  100.509  'W.59n ...........  '1\1,503  21,274  28.310
          Mansonville Utiliti.... Lilllit"c1. ......  '1:),OO!)  3.810  015
          Pontiac numl Tel. Co...............  .14,090  525  '"'''' '2Û6  731  1.0 Il  -280
          Corp. de 1'61. ot de Pouvoir de ~\ébee-
           Quobee Telephone & lower  orp...  088.5013  460,482  46,302  5Hi,784  .lIn ,880  195,004
          Balfuollav &. Quebee Tel. Co..........  893,049  304,013  27,820  331.842  23.3.743  98,090
          Cie de '1'(\1. rurul Soulang••..........  40.807  3,973 ....... ....  3,073  2.flaC)  1,34.1
           (1) Comprend les opératIon. do Ill, CanRd,an Tel..  (1) IIIcl11d08  operations  of  CIl,,,urlinn  Tplephonu
          phone Company.                       Comp[lIIY.
   522   523   524   525   526   527   528   529   530   531   532