Page 522 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 522

502                 'l'RA NSPORTS-T RA NSPORTA T ION

       pie<~,~ cubes, Ull enl,ropôt il pl)issou d'utin capa,-  roet, 0.1,111  Il. fish flou  with a. Cl1pa(lity of
       oité d 'LlU milLJUn de livr ,un  gril flottante  1,000.000 POlllllls, a Il atillg cran  of 7.) tous
       d'une capacité de 75 tonnes ot trois grues 1000-  calk'I.Cit.yaml 3 locomotivo cran  wiLh capacity
       mobile.~ d'uue capacité de 38 tonnes.  up to:3 tOllil.
         Le port do 'l'rois-Rivier ,situé [tu confluent  The harb ur of Till'oo Rivers, "itllittNI at the
       du li1, 1, de 10. rivi-ra Snlnt-i\'[au rice  conclu 'nc() of th St. LaWl'üDC and St. ~1::tllrice
       ~ environ 81 milles  n aval de Montr6a1, ost  rivors about  1 milos belo\\' Montreal, is open
       ouvert ~ 10. navigation 7 ~ mois par annoo.  1,0 navigation fnr a.bout 7J4 tnunUls in the
       L'aménl1f;);t\IDent du port SOus gEl tion du" on-  Y0ar. The facilitieH o(lI.rated bv the Board
       86il" comprend 3 quais principaux permettant  illolude tl:u'l',6 l)lJ1in whll;rves having sorne 7,650
       aux no.virAs d'accoster sur une longueur de  linea}' (('{JI, (,( bl!l'thinlr \\oith a minimUJn warer
       7,650 pieds al dUllil 30 pittdK d'eau t~U m.inimum  cl pth of :lQ fEx,t a,longside anù rune trn.nait
       et {I eut.rHp(lt~ dll transit ayunt une HIlpm1kie  sheds \ itJl a t~l~al flnor area ut' a1Jotlt 192,000
       de 192,000 pieds carrés.             square foot.
         n-Statistiques des porU nationaux de la province de Québec.  Nombre et
                  tonnage net enregfetré des navires (l) arrivêa et partia.
         22-Statistlca of National Harboun of the Province of Quebec.  Number and
            Net Rell'iatered Tonnall'e of Vusela (1) whlch Arrived and Departed.
                              AnRIV Aoss--ABRr v ALI!    D6PAIl'l'll-Dr.p.",roYl83
            YEARB        Navir""        Tonn4/l8      Novir..        Tocnage
                         V...ela                      Vessela
       Moy.-Ave. 1040-44  .  203         108,374        203          108,372
       11l4~         .      07           Oe,271          90           M,19~
       1940 .....••.•...•....  133       RI.aM           132          81,360
       1947  .              142          122.571         141         122.566
       1048          .      181          1501 ,4R:J     1RI          1154,433
       104~          .      1118         131.023         108         131.023
       10&0........•.......  207         120,870        207          126.870
       19u1. ...•......• , .•..  227     150.&30        227          156 ,,539
       1052          .      Hl&          1.:;3,002      104          153.1177
                           PORT DE QUÉDEc--UARBOUR OF QUEBEC
       Moy,-Ave. 1940-« .. ,  3,798    2.176.030       3.806        2,105,126
       104~ .. " ..•..•...•.•.  3.8-10  2,816,104      3.8-11       2, R2:i, 429
       1016         .     3,872        2,470,1.';4     3.aR4        21n.621
       1947. .  .    .    4. Hl!       2,002.654       4.170        2 r !lOU ,R84
       1048......•.........  4. :I:lO  3.702,612       4, :.\ll     3,(j~);I,(HO
       1940 ........•........  4 ,~O:J  4,178,li88     4,197        ·1. 17i!, ,127
       19"0......•..........  4 .&L~   4.484 ,880      4,lil        ·1 ,~81, 120
       tg~~::::::::::::~ ::::  4 ,1~iS4  4.71'1.577    4,507        4,712,97!1
                                       5.253 .305
                          4 ,f)~17
                                                                    '-" ~70. :j,10
       M y.-Ave. 1040-1-\, ..  2, lOI  1,S<13.77J      2, Uô        1,&14.829
       1015 .. ,  ,  .    1,973        2.243.566       1,073        2,243,/i60
       1IH6          .    2,C73        L,796.200       2.073        1,7ù6,200
       1947       ,  .    2,217        1,713,516       2.217        1,713,516
       10~.8.......•.........  2,2'\3  2,258,35        2,2,13       2, 258,~58
       19411         .    2,200        2.241,825       2.192        2,241,371
       Inr.o        .     2,434        2.400.r>39      2.oJJ.I      2,-105,500
       1951.        .     2,778        2,240.812       2,774        2,240,513
       1952        .      2,706        1,&18,710       2,718        1,&Hl,49:\
                         PORT DE MONTRtAL-HARBOUR OF MONTREAL
       M"l'.-A'e. 1940-44 ...  3,43Q   3,S'       3,443        3.929,510
       1946 .............•• , .  3,296  4,688,142      3.21'4       4.621.510
       i016      .        3,193        5,2:l1J.076     3.208        .~,260.474
       1947          .    3,433        1i,9'18,637     3,'\34       5.9H.018
       LV~8 ..••••.•..•.•..•.  3,667   6,/;27.056      3, 61        6,63,~,831
       11l4f'•................  4,480  7.637,al!       4,4113       7.662,&18
       IO~O.......•.........  4,796    8,263,614       4.803        8.261,34.5
       19&1.      .       4,423        7,708,844       4,422        7. 70'J, 539
       1952..  .    .     4,852        8,702,009       ,\ ,B-j(j    8,701,963
        Cl) A l' xclua,nn de. navires de /!uc.rrc,  (1) Exc1l1si,·., of ouv"l v_la.
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