Page 376 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 376

358                           AGRICULTURE

           48-0rgani811tion des établissements laitiers de la Province de Québec.
                48-0rganization of Dairy Plants in the Province of Quebec.
                          Nombra de-Number of
                                                            Saillira. a~  Pay6 pour lait
         ANNl!:EB  B urr.ri.. et                              galte.   L crôme
           -       fromageriea  Autr   Fournisl!Ioura  Capi~lil          (2)
         YEARB                 usin                         Balarl.. and  Paid for milk
                   Butter and           Pa~ron.              WalleR   Uood orClHa
                  Ch.CIlC Faotorloa  Othcr planto
                                                     li        •         li
      1038....•.......  l, Br.  138       80,603  10,311, .•71  4,590,671  20,165,209
      1930............  J,I'U;  1:12      88,108  20,030,693  4,742,171  27,760,998
      IIHO...........•  J,120   l:l!l     89.743  21,mZ,llJO  5.100,755  30,349,792
      IIHI. ...........  l,OfIO  148      91,147  22,:lOS,üI5  I.i, 028, 07!)  42,120,475
      IIH2............  I,0.5lï  lu2      O:!,494  :!3 .8·1~. 235  6,784.17!i  61, 3L7, 219
      IIH8., ..........  1,024  150       !I:I,633  24,M2,70L  1,380,622  64,271,0ll9
      IIH4 ............  1,010  18U       93,740  ..............  8. G!l? ,575  57,993,637
      HH5 ............  084     1011      92,020  ..............  9,17:!.241  lil ,908,650
      IIH6........•...  040     173     (1) 08,457  ..............  9,1'107,371  Of1,ZS9,MIl
      J047........•...  862     203       08.186            11,518,063  00.032, 80fi
      1048.............  796    212       99.564. ............. ,  12, G99, 168  112,236,103
      1049 ............  750    204       100,183           13,016,70L  103,319,879
      11150............  723    211       97,433            13,717,836  9B, 754 ,679
       1\)51. ...........  503  212       9(;,40(1          Ill, 103 .481  115,03!l.683
        (1) Inclu""t POLIr la promièro foia 1•• fournill80ura doe  (1) For the firet Ume, petroos dairy plno.ta of Mont-
      laiteries des villco do ~-Iontr611.1 ot Québec. nnd Quobee eities nre Încluded.
        (2) Reçus de. patrons et d'Ilutrca fll.briquoe.  (2) R<lceivod Irom patron. tlud from o~ber f..etorie•.
       49--Nombre d'établissements laitiers selon le mode d'organisation, pro\lince de
                                   Québee • 1931-51.
       4~Number of Dairy Eunbli8bments according to ownership, Province of Quebec,
                        Partiouliere    Coopératives (Ine. ou non)  Compagnies
                      IndividUl,lIyowned  Co-operntivcs (Inc. or not)  COnl~t\niQ:}
           -         BOl1.TT9ries-       Bellrreriee·         l3ellrroric....
          YEARS      fronu,geries  Autroe  from..gories  Autre.  from"aeriOll  Autre.
                                 (1)                  (1)                 (1)
                     Butter and  Other   Butter and  Other   Butter ,,"d  Other
                   Cheeso fadodos      Cbooae faewrics      Choell6 fo<:wrie.
                       No.       No.       No.        No.       No.       No.
       1931. ...      1.040                 IR<I                 94
       1932...        1.00L    . . . . ... ...  LUO  ..........  !H     ..........
       1933..         ) ,222                63                   ·10
       1934..         1,130                 7li                  [iO
       1935..          967                  182    ..........    gr)
       1936.  o  ••••••••  •  !l33          243                  37
       19:17..          1111                275    ..........    29
       1038.....       844                  302                  :13    ..........
       19:19.....      810                  33<\.                34
       1040.....       7u9                  :lUO                 33     ..........
      19·11 ............  103               372                  4.     . .........
      1942............  0-18                4.04                 33     ..........
       10·13............  585               423    ..........    42
       1944 ............  550               443                  ·12    . .... , ....
      HH5•...........  616                  458                  38     . .........
      1ll40............  471                460                  '13
       1047........    4.:11                424                  39     ........ -.
      1948.....        30B        '\i:i" .  4.07       5         52        sr)
       1940......•.....  36&      92        389        li        fi3       <\.0
       1950........••..  318      LO'I      38L        6         53        '18
      1951. ..         336        103       350        lU        64        '12
        (1) Comprlilld le. c ndoJlll6rics. usin  de pasteuri8a-  (l) lucludes  llOnrl JI  ric.,  po wurizntion.  plants
      tian,  ste  d'éorém..g  ot de réception, 01.  On no  skimminJt and l'Ccei'ling 8tôlioos. etc.  Joformo.tion tun-
      campi PM le ruodo l!'orgtlnis..tion do o<:s 6tabll...c.  e ming owueTllhil1 Wl\8 not oompilerl prior to 1948.  It
      m6nta avant 1048.  On 86 limlt.ait aux beurreries, rro·  wus conRn d ta bulter and ebe c r..etoriea l.LuJ P''DJlIC'
      nlaltories, ot l"it.criOll fsbriquunt.  ang dairics.
        Los  k'loblissements laitier appartiennent  Dairy establisrun uts al' owned by iudi vi-
      soit i\ des particuli " • soit il. de associations  dua.ts, co-operati va ll.  0 iatiOll  (incorpora.t-
      0001> ratives (incorporées ou non). soit à  od or not) 01' joint took companios.  Fifty
      d s compagnies à. fonds socia.l ou société' pa.l'
       actions.  Il y a quelqu  cinquante au , il  yeal'  ago it was almost an uuh !lol'ct oC
       n'était pas que tion de coopéra.ti  8 ou de  thiug fol' a butter or choeso factory to bo
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