Page 372 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 372

 44-Produetion des abattou-s et salaisons de la province de Québec.  ~
 44-0utput of Abattoirs and Packing Houses in the Province of Quebec.
 PRODUIT3-PRODUCTS  1  1946  1947  1  1948  1  1949  1  19SO  1  1951
  1940-44  1     1
          (m POOYl>s)
 Bœuf fnriIl...........••.....Beel, Ires!>.  . . .. .. • . . . . ..  . ......  09,963.922  81,581.634 100.527.569  83,027.315 119,334,328 126.380.747 128,256,373 106,742,020
 Bœuf mariné................ Bee!, cure<!, . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .....  861,3-11  1.374,451  2,412,660  2,376,397  2,417,745  1,791, 195  1. 159,(j,jG  1,047,603
 Veau......... , .. " ' ........ VeaI ........  17.766. fIfIq  21,586.027  2B .04 1. 6..'l2  20,74'7.215  28,710,432  28.537,248  32,556,107  23.360,762
 Porc frais................... Pork, fr""b. . . :: :: : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : :IS,775,931  49,302.347  43,282,925  43.839,103  67,129 ,012  71,570,264  91,914,295 100,583 ,466
 Porc eal~................... Pork, salled. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .........  3,624,455  7,123.985  Il. 3:t4, 453  17,613.944  19,089.058  14,OO5.95G  13,6«,665  7,970.547
 Jambons,épaulCl', b~on,l!anC8.HamJl,shoulùeno,bacon, sides ............  37,4411,746  66 ,2O!l , 157  38,339,379  40,901,623  51,174,091  47.637,091  59.019,702  44,254,691
 MOllton et agneau ........... Mutton and I.o.mb ......... " .........  7.011,5:;0  7.621.6:18  Il.'1'6.155  8.387,803  10,418,073  9.145.1H  8.616,:HO  7.394,935
 SslaOOn n.a.é............... Cure<! meals, n.o.p.. ' .................  3,730,&52  6.682,139  4.137,969  9.643,361.  9,234,349  6.461,784  4,569,909  7,026,108
 Viandes cuite. et en con.-.e,,·e. Canne<! and cooked meals ..............  5,:1.,2,631;  8,&14.001  32.577.579  26,276,560  11,787,728  10.055,803  9.398,997  6,017,991
 Sauc:iaaœ lralches ct fumé...... Sausageg, lrc..h and eured...............  8.342,761  12,IH,932  13.991,014  9,022,727  19,707,194  22.071 ,512  23,573,254  25,202,265
 Saindoux.. '. .. . . . . .. . ...... l,Md ........... ' ...........•.........  6,097.677  Il. 055.:''lJO  5.1196.797  8.022.810  12,119,761  13.145,496  14,868.596  18.202 836
 Grai!lllCll culiDnircs........... ShortenÎng............................  14 .2;;0,806  6,259.919  Il,692,4SO  15,608,763  16.886.682  (1  ~)
 Suif...... , ................. TaUo\'<' ............... , ... ' ..........  6.317,171  9,918,336  Il,06S.448  12.980,174  lô.Y72,224  19.781.814  18,93 6,911  13,1 2,120  ~
 Oléo, stéarine et autTe! huiles. 0100. stearine, other oils. . . . . . . . .  . ...  3, ISO, 106  3,469,980  4,1l~'9,302  4.732,860  7,460,099  7,562,586  10,6\13,271  8,524,316  ~
 Peaux (nombre de) .......... Bides nnd skin. (number ol) ............  474,746  530.180  712.758  613.196  725,399  690,446  669.685  469,484  ~
 Volailles.. , ., ........... , " .Poulo'}'. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. ... . ..........  2.191.756  4, W5,383  4.233,417  4,812,523  5.978,33J  5,961,r,59  8,462,2'18  8,436,476  '""<
 VALEUR-VALUE                                                  t-<
 S  $       $        $        $       $        3        $      c:::
 Bœuf frai....... , .......... Bee!, freab ............................  6.383,671  12,859,690  20,861.537  19,199.674  36,694.274  42,376.962  53,077,392  57,138,056  ~
 Bœuf mo.rinê................ Bee!, cure<!................... .....  80.621  214,098  4\13.797  526,322  2.657,433  447.280  407.610  422.802
 Vsau....................... VeaI ............. , ............  ....  1,757.218  3,538.643  6,018.596  4,876,761  8.801.706  9,697.711  13.36:1,407  12,868.J86
 Poro frais................... Pork, f"""b .................  5,093,I;OS  8,423.083  9,721. 730  11.796,733  21,804,763  2-1 ,95-\.070  30,395,743  40,542,068
 Porc salé ................... Pork, aa1ted ................. :':::: :: :  447,9i1~  1.2\13,951  2. ô:,5, t'olt;  4,566,988  5,923,016  4, ]]8.472  3,611,363  1,799.528
 Jambons. épaules. bacon, flancoBams, shoulders, bacon, Bides............  7.115,372  14,827,193  11.263,016  13,789,689  22.497.S83  22,459,934  26,616,761  26,793,006
 Mouton ct ~eau........... ),lutton and la.mb. ... .. ...  . ........  983,512  1.545,863  2.767,tHl  2,146.064  3.497,018  3,608,363  3,913.986  4.109.372
 Viand"" fraI  es, u.a.é ......• J'resb mcats, n.o.p.... . . . . . . .. '. . ....  29,939  238.840  4o.t,l82  1, 118,382  2,025,229  2,567,836  3.348,247  4,164,614
 8aJ.&i.son, n.a.~...............Curcd. ment5, n.Q.p ........ _. .  . ....  512.803  1,109,776  979.:109  2,375,139  3,421,628  2.553,789  1,762,600  2,903,437
 Viandes cuites et en coneervc.. Canne<! nnd eooked meals. . . .. . .......  1,17:1,016  2,145,772  7,579.726  7. M9 ,891  5,548,947  5.915.232  5,930,957  3.678,102
 Sauciaeca frlllches ct fumées... S'lUaagee. lre8h anù cllfCd. . . .. .  ....  1,092,518  2.405.453  3.6011.040  2,6.19.664  6.771.770  8.0;;0,219  9,044.511  12,054.808
 Saindo=................... Lard .........................  6lS1. 07,)  1.3-18.262  991.786  l,773,3!l1l  3.105,842  2.320.266  2,638,310  3,954,434
          1,46-1, 7R1
 ~~..~~:::::::::::~~:i.~ ..-.-::::::::::::::. :::::::::  2) 1,418,516  913,473  1,024,210  2.636.473  4.249,978  4.271.835  1,699.049  1.730,959
 Peaux..................... ,HidcsllDd skins ..................  1,0M.aGO  1.581,786  2,361,744  2,729.087  4.040.133  1.518,3-10  2,272,814  4,173.081
 Tous ButTU produits......... Ali other products................. : : :  1,692.176  2.666.506  3.147.696  4,285,936  3.712.586  8,499,082  13,012,922  11,088.846
 Volailles.................... Poultry ..............................  4I1S.355  1,181.089  1.475.896  1,792,571  2.568.192  2.580,40-1  3,562,776  4,S08,453
 VA.Ll<UB TOTALE--TOT AL V.\LtllII ............... ...........  30,047,209  51,139,1&0  7&,149,913  85,m,318  139,9&1,257 147,470,540  174,651.538  191.,92.9,&52
 (1) Incllla danll "tolla autres produiu,"  (1) Inoludcd with "AU other producu,...
 (2) Moyenne de QUlLtrc an.s.  (2) Four-year Bverllge.
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