Page 369 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 369

352                          AGRICULTURE
               D-ABATTOIRS ET                       D-ABATTOIRS AND
                   SALAISONS                         PACKING HOUSES
        Les ehi.f1res ci-dessous proviennent des rap-  Tho lih'1lres giveu boJow are takon rrom the
       ports industri4:Is 4:t. indiquent le volume de  industrial reports, and abow the amount or
       l'abatage daus 1E1~ ahattoirs et ~ll.ltLi80ns, non  slaughtcriug in packing hoüses and abattoirs
       compris IOR potits bouchers.  !':U 1951, cos  not iucillding' sUla.\! butcbel'H.  Tu 1951, these
       établisR4:ments étaiont cOUlmo suit;  nRI;,blishm",nl.s were clistributed as fo1.lows;
       Provinces maritim(l~, Il; Québrc, 37; Out.mio,  Mal'itim4: Proviuces, 11; Quebee, 37; Ontario,
       fil; Manitoha, 1'1; Hnsko.tohml·:.m, 9; AlbC'rt,a,  61; MlI-nitoba, 14; Saskatchewan,9; Alberta,
       12; Cololll bi4:-Hri k~llJljqll<l, li; le total pou r  12; Bril.i~h Columbia, Il; th4: 1,ntal for Canada
       le Ca.nada étant de 165.             being 155.
          42-Animault abattus dan. les abattoirs et anlaisons, par provinces, 1951
                             et province de Québec, 1942-51.
          42-Animala Siaughtered in Abattoirs nnd Pncking Houses, by Provinces,
                         1951 and Province of Quebec, 1942-51.

                             BM". h cornoo  et 1l11000UX  Porce  YOl<UX
             PROYINCBS         _.-        -          -         -        Tolal
                               CaLU.   Bhoop and lamb  Roi"   Calvo.
                         POIDS NET (liN LTvRu)-NET WEIORT (IN POUND8)
       Provo Marlt.iUlo6 .. Mar. Provinces.  0.\)03,102  1,297,832  27,641,410  1,7G3,8li7  40,G05,300
       8u6beo.... , ............... , ...  90,118,619  6.198,787  189,735. (;21  26.071,448  312,124,375
        ntiino........................  212, ii37 ,(;67  6.570,291  289,821. 130  15,127,063  524,056,051
       MllnJtobl>......................  107,llOI,106  1.882,tlS3  77 ,460.791  12,406,853 ,  198.750,023
       8n!ikïL~"h.w"n...................  32,690.815  370,832  :l8, 253 . 702  2,176.4  73 ..\{J7 , 90'~
       AJhertn...................... , .  90,781.202  1.88.'1,509  101.019,906  8,<\26, Sa5  202,1 Il ,451
       CoJ.-Brit.........n. Columb;.....  45.024,7116  2,417,123  41,316,036  4,157,885  02.915,840
            CA:ofAOA .... ....... ....  6118,6n,447  20,&21,157  7&5,248,504  70,128,926  1,444,062,034
                         PROVINCE DE QUÉnEC-PROVINCE OF QUElBEC
       M ~y.-A,;e. 1935-30  .  55,50fl,041  li, 5:31. 257  85,Im ,834  18,l88,Ml!  164.393,677
              19-tO"H,      .  70.871 ,518  6.510,019  141,888, 118  23,733.753  243.012.408
       1942                 .  62,027,482  0,443,466  112,022.031  24.171.806  20l!. 665.776
       10'l:!       ,       .  64,503,731  5,909,193  133,549.I:n  22,627,701  227,679.762
       10H                 ..  9.'1.078.626  7.405,366  187.5-18.318  2'1.930.970  313,872,279
       1941\                .  100 ,807,OflO  10,713,768  124.714,002  31,105,642  273,341,092
       1940     ,           .  911.1'10.332  10.732.072  109. 31f1. 384  31.262,485  2-17.751,273
       1\)47         "  "   .  84,623,162  8,3114,374  134,623,831  24.401.655  251,003,012
       1048,       .          104,211,M8  8,995,261  IGO.'180,872  31,680,538  30&, :377,219
       10·19..•.....••. , ..•.... , ..•....  115,533,\)68  8,553,0\l7  161.437,239  32,·134,M3  317,958.857
       1050.". , .........•.... ,  , ..  118.772.037  7,765,IH1  182,830,801  84 ,877 ,.t33  344.246.212
       lf161. .......•.....•.. , .,  .  00,118.610  6,198.787  189.735.521  26.071,418  312,124.3n
                                           7~3,662    S         S         S
                                 • .872
       Provo•.. Mar. Provlnoe.  4 874    9,4lJ5.778  792,950  16,907.262
       2~:,~~~·.'.::::::::::::::::::::::  117.0'18,785  3.506.9411  60,211.681  HI. 243 ,012  125,1'16,960
       Manitob.L.           .  60,461,844  1,080,090  2" ,40. ,322  6,536,026  88,478,188
       an~kn.~(.l'u~'Wn.I1 .••..••....• , •••. ,  lll.U7,512  200.381  Il,124,MO  1.115,910  28.597.3'13
       Album•........................  41,795,0\l0  l.Oa\) ,621  3:l,~~~,217  4.380,754  81,151,682
       CoL-Srit....•.... B. Col'um'bla...  24,856,361  1,578,880  14,6<>6.694  1.082,426  43,004 ,361
            CAH"O           .  :J(l1l,268,985  12,125,934  250,355,280  3&,058,269  &07,808,468
                         PROVINCE DE QU~SEo-PROYINCEOF QOEIJEC
                                 ,         1
       M?y.-A.~. IOS,Ij·30 ....•.. , .. , ..  4. 8;ïH, 0;l4  821 ,O~4  10,394,426  1,601.021  17.875,374
              10·10·44 .•.....  10,710,404  1.34û,IlOll  2I,326,6G3  3.502,307  36,889,28.3
       1942.••.•...•..................  10,174,035  1,414 ,638  17 ,635,659  4,063,261  33,277,093
       1043               , ..  Il,774.530  1,576,842  22.522,1014  4.205,191  40,168,707
       11)44  _  ,          .  16" 4Iii ,967  ],567,067  31,621,4013  3,SOl,730  "3,443.1 Hl
       1945                 .  20,053,718  2.·188.464  22,420,6-17  5.8211,123  50.288,847
       1940                 .  10.503,721  2.001,023  22.143,800  6.097.460  50.306,973
       1047                , .  ln ,01l6. 359  2,146,135  20,569.252  6,152,731  S5.953 ,477
       1048               ., .  al, fJOg, 126  3,378,418  47,557,695  8,817,594  91,361,833
       1949      _          .  37,Olfl,626  3,564,0711  48,030,015  Il,848,568  98,4\)2,285
       1950        ,        .  47,767,243  3,878,235  54,298,924  12,085,772  118,030,174
       1\)51               ..  48,0IH,521  3,506.946  60,211,581  13.243,012  125,146,060
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