Page 370 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 370

ABATTOIRS                             353

           Le nombre total des ab:Lttoirs et sahtiflons  Tlwro we1'(:) 1:>5 slallghteri ng and packil.1g
         ail Cl1nl1da s'étltblit Ù 155 en 1951, soit deux:  hou ses in Canada in 1051, thu,t is, two less
         de moin s qu'en 19!jO.  Les Maritimes on
                                              t,han in J.9.:;0.  The Mu,1'itimes l'eported 3
         oomptout 3 de plus el la SIL katchewl1n un
         de plus, tl1ndis quo le Québec montre uuo  more and Saskatchewa.n one more whereas
                                              the nnmhel' in Quebec alld Ontu,rio bad
         baisse de 3 établisseYnI nts et l'Ontl1l:io dû
         l étl1bliasell1ent.  1113 Manitobl1, l'Albortl1  decr('a~,'rlby 3 and one respectively,  Mani-
         et ht Colombie Britannique comptent le  toba, Alber.ta and Briti 11 Columbio.a.coount-
         même nombre d'établissem nts en  lO.':il  ed for tbn "<l.Hl0 number or establisiuneuts in
         qu'on 19,'50, soit 14, 12 et 1.1.    19G1 as ill 1950, tba~ is, 14, L2 and 11.
           Les 37 éitabliss<'monts de la province de  In H15L, tbe 37 establish'ltlf'rlts in the
         Qu hoc ont procuré cl u travail il. 4,017 ern-  Province of Quebee Ellllployed 4,017 wOl'kers
         ploy~a li, qui ils ont payé $1l,421,a90 ou  to whoHl the slltn of $lL,421,690 wa.s paid
         sl1laires en 1951, oomparati vement 11, 40 étl1-  out in salaries and wagos COlnpured to 40
         blissomonts, 3.&Hl employés et $D,73G,877  üstablisillnont , a,8~36 etnployee~ tl,ud a Day-
         ou salaires en 1950.  T~a valeur des 11njl1ll1ux:  roll amoLLntin~ to $\l,73G,877 iu 1050,  'fLe
         11hattus dans les abattoir8 et salaisons de  Yiduo of anima\,; slaug-htel'eù in abattoirs
         hl, Pl'OVillOe se chiffro il. ::iiJ2.':i,146,%0 on  ll.ncL p:1<:kinb( honses in the Pl'Oviuee was
         1951, complU'ativemont iL $118.030,174 on  ."'125, 14G,9()U in 1fl5 L, a' ag-ainst $1l8,O~~0,174
         1950.  La  production,  qui  s'établit  ù,  in Hl.iU,  P"oduetioIl a,rnolIllLed  ~o $191,-
         $1'Jl,929,1352, repr sonte 2Ui pour 'ont cl  92D,!):'!2, and rÛJJresentecl 21.5 pOl' cout or
         la valour totalo de If\, production canadicnufJ  the  l.ol.:.d  C[~n:ulit1u  output  whioh  was
         qui est de $892,090,041.             $8D2,OnO,I)O(1.

         43-Valeur des matières employées dans les abattoirs et salaisons. par provinces,
                            1951 et province de Québec, 1940-51.
         43-Value of Materials used in Abattoirs and Packing House8. by Provinces, 1951
                              and Province of Quebec, 1940-51.

                                                     Vl\lou. d""  Val.urdes  Valour totoJe
                                Aobab do vland•• lrl\lobce nu  animaux  autr.. maLiôrot  dGB n'lll.tÎI\·re.
                                 partiellement rées  abllUus  employéet  employcl••
              PROVINCES                 -              -         -         -
                                 Or....oo Meah  Vlllut 01  Valuo 01  Totn! VAlue
                                 "reab or PllrLi.lly Curod  AnlmoJ.  Othor MeL.rlab  al Mnt.erlaYo
                                            U••d     Ueed
                                   Lb,       S                    $
         Prov, J'vlo.ritiruc., ,Mil" PraviooO<\,  (1,152,676  2,458.LU2  Iii, 007 ,202  1.118,725  Hl ,4&1 ,081)
         Québea. , , .. , , , , . , , . , , .. , , , , , , .  al, 71d, 128  25,043,217  12~" 140,000  HI,·136.061  167,020,238
         Out",;o"., .. ,."",.".",." .  43 ,500 ,6811  18,613,514  225,522,672  51} ,902 .039  304,088.225
         Manitab" ..... ,', ' , .. ' .. ' , .. ".  lt ,583,023  4,67-1,580  88,478,188  7,091, 006  100.744,380
         S...kILLobolYlln"., .. , .. ' ......  4, OS9 ,'lf)4  1.-188,873  28,507,343  2.356,0'10  32,442,862
         Alberta." ........ ,' ,  4, ~08.257  2,0·13,ù3u  81.151.682  7 .070 ,5.'i·~  IlO,200, 175
         Col.·8I'it.... , , , .. B. C~i~,;;bj~:::  la, S04 .502  5,657,759  43,00,1,301  4. ,152,108  52.811.828
               C.K.,H. ... , ...........  1A5,5~2.826  60,779,990  607,808,"'8  98.778,339  767,366,791
                           PROVINCE DE QUJ1:BEC-PROV[NCl1 OF QUEDEC

                                   Lb.                  ;s        $         $
         Moy,-Avc. 1035-30, ,." •. ,.".,  38,555.225  4.z'13 ,137 Il  17,675,374  ,1 ,J:l7, G~3  26,210,444
         1940.. , .. " .......•.. ,""', .. ,  61,371,627  0, u31, 213  21;,000,775  3,060,110  35,601,008
         1041.,., ... , •. , .. ,.'.' ., ..• ,."  r.I.582,OIl0  7,[032,285  31.:itm,223  4,063,686  43,152,104
         1IH2.,." .. , •.. , .. ,',." .. ,',. ,  1,10'7,076  0,180,315  3.1 ,277 ,Mla  4, al! ,266  41,360,[74
         11143"." .. ", .. , , " , " ., '.' , "  4U,~51i,0!i3  8,000,25:.1  40,168.707  4.22;',525  62 ,\JO'I .41Y1
         1044,.", .. , .. , .. "., •. , .. ,." ,  016.122,06:1  9.n009.Oll  53,443.116  4,0'IU,6110  07,092,817
         1045.,." .. ,.,',." ..•. ,.".,' '  4B,OuO,UM  g, lJ23 ,~54  50, !!.88, 1YI7  4. ,U\l:J,04lJ  05,206,046
          1940"."  ,. "'"   , , , ,  ·.a,073,685  0.30'1,62n  60,390,073  7,10;',123  60. BU6. 722
         1947"", .. ,.""".,."  ". ,  ;m,O'W,4.20  8.2111,229  55,1l53,477  8.903,040  7.1,:.137,752
          1948,."".,.,."  ", ,   r.I,2~1 ,303  )".71'1,032  IlI,a61,833  14.4HIi,5G7  121,5111 ,432
          1940"."., •...... ,  , ..• , ... ,  41;,510,177  15",46,001  98. ,4!12,285l'  11,74.7,390  126,80;,,760
         lOjO",.,. , ,.' .. " , ,., , ..• " .. ,  40 ,303, OU  17.377,634  118,030,174  14,2.10,117  146,637,926
          1061" " .. ' .... ' , . , , .. , . , , ' ... ,  61, 71B, 12/\  :~:•• 04a,217  126,146,009  10.430,001  167.626,238
   365   366   367   368   369   370   371   372   373   374   375