Page 268 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 268
9-8ase de l'impôt dans les corporations municipales de la Province.
9-B.sis of TaxRtion in Municipal Corporations of the Province.
li;va!u8lioo des bicna-foods
A_ment of Real Ealate Autres
Nomhre de valeurs
ANN~ES IOunicipalit6. Imposable. imposables
- - mais exempté. Nnn (1)
YEARS Number 01 Impo!l<\bles temporairemWlL Imposable. Other
tnuDicipnHLies - - - Taxable
Taxable Taxahle but Non- Values
T mporurily tax"ble
s $ S S
10:m...........•..... 1.4Q4 2,146,101.683 00,837, (HO (I:lS, 230 .70(1 53,268,251
1037......... , ....... 1.·I1.J 2,129,1\04,112 lOO,402,r.:l0 tH7 .076 .aOl 50,200,946
19:18........•....•..• 1,484 2,l'I4.048,879 93 .283 .6<l4 (\52.157.323 51.831.272
lo:m................ 1,493 100,251.7Q.1 664.234.351 5:!, 556,262
10IU........•....... 1,109 2.100,931,242 88,688.9'12 675.382.283 53,71)6,090
104l.. ......... , .... , L602 2,222,825.:111 87.687,7;1(\ (199,,17[,673 55,318,319
19t:!...... , ......... 1,500 2.262.977,061 81.572.10:1 711,230.801 06,626.262
101:1. .............. 1. 611 2.306.425,101 GO ,694. 215 768.7·\0 . ij(H r)
11111. ............ ... 1. [>13 2,3'12.876,610 Oa.lIi1.008 780.427,SOI
l\H5........ , ... .. .. l, [,17 2,43(j, 210. 88<1 .13.932. [,63 790.251.433 ~l
1948............ .. 1,552 2,870,lJ33.000 6<1,650,000 IH4.926.oo0 3)
19.,0......... ... .. 1.683 3,250.1)13,000 74.731,000 9M,491,OOO ~3)
1951. ................ 1.597 3.667.165.000 78,1)77.000 1.020.187,000 3)
6 S S S
J93B................. 26 1,~32.0H.258 50.613,770 ~81.{l29. 758 47,000.462
19~7..... , ........... 213 1,415,145.322 53,739.878 488,779.!l45 14,005.679
10:18......... , ....... 26 1.418.890,062 48.252.061 11J0.610.4OO H,O~0.644
JIJ31)................. 26 1,417.800.408 57.381.107 497,llJ9.625 4(\.013.435
1040..........•...... 26 1.1:f!l.0fl1 ,020 '10 .723 •879 5Q;i .1)82.078 1Ü.351l.774
1941. ............... , 20 1.44IJ.ZIl ,8,12 18,71Z.721i 620.282 .9M 17,77Z.291
1942............ , .... 25 1.'lfl6,Z76.M7 ~6, 140.681 :;211.724.110 48.328.603
1943................. 26 1.487,077.017 42.001.625 5(;7. 776 .~M (al
1914................. 26 1.501,608.884 38.495,060 673 .181.702 (:i
1945.........•.•...•. 26 1.1\67 ,3lJ2. 707 23.60.5,928 577.226.365 fI)
1\148................. 30 1.801.866.110tl 39.028,000 606.2:11 .000 3)
10.'>0................. 30 2. 00\4 .896,000 53.377.000 61H.910.000 (3)
11J51 ...... .... ,...... 32 2.259,062.000 5 .624.000 6(J1;j.Olll.000 (S)
S $ $ S
111.'\6 . 102 204.281,218 33.RH,:l1!} 58.383,652 4,988,123
1937 . 100 207.1102.1142 38,191.1:12 60.7RO.I[>1 4.1J38.118
1938......•........•• 107 214.5D9.861 31l.3M.70G 6O.732.fiR7 5.065,484
1939 , •.. 108 223.426.564 34.023.0a" 63JI49.25~ 6.716,179
1940........•.... " .. 108 230. 848.0<i1 :l2.bIl4, 117 61.fi57,115 0.020,989
19'11.., , , •. 100 242.111.2111 30.11Z2.1l6 61).883.77& 0.049,239
J()oI2 , , . 112 25[•• 247.186 2B.8nr,.Rll2 7-I.a:il,273 6.026.853
1943 . HZ 2[18.682.646 i9.8IH./Y\n 86,M3.(;1i6 (3)
.19-1-\ .. 112 2711.672.000 1(;, 9611. Oü3 sa. U27. f13:l (3)
.1945." ..•..•.......• 113 298,&,0,650 14,068.316 87.041.828 (:1)
'IlloI8...............• 124 401,nr,7,OOO 21.2:IB,00Q 05,179.000 (~)
111[>0...•.•. , . 128 488.2411.000 20,032.000 127.781.000
1Il51 ••.•.•..•........ 130 640.110.000 10.a66.oo0 112.086.000 ~~l
$ $ S $
1936...... , •. , ....... 1.336 500.770.107 6,378.1161 97.917. Z96 1.212.666
1937................. 1,341 506.5M,848 8.471.r,20 08.107.262 1,347,140
1938..•..... ,., ... ,' . 1.361 510.:;52.966 8,666.8118 101.084 .S81 1,345,144
1939................. 1.359 516,872.1176 7.950.471 103.485.473 1,407,648
1940................. 1.365 521.019.101 o .3110, 9~6 104,842,190 1,415.327
1041 ....... " ........ 1,867 531,472.108 8, 1[.~,â95 109.804,943 1,526,789
1042....... , .....•... 1.368 641,464,2211 8,025.160 00.173.388 1,671,806
1943................. 1.373 550. QM .628 7.707.001 114.110.483 1.70.5,868
100\4..•..• , ..•• , ••••. 1.375 661.595.717 7,61l0.066 121,218.376 1.717.581
1945..•..•.•.•....••• 1.378 580.067.527 5,308,319 12.5 .lJ83. 240 1.638,794
1048........ , ........ 1,398 667.412.000 4,395,000 143.516.000
lOGO••.. , ••. , ....••.. 1,425 717,771.000 1.322.000 !G3 ,800 ,000 ~ii
19"1, ................ 1,436 868.993.000 . 087.000 178,621,000
(1) ImpnlH!es on vorlu d•• Brt. 698 et euiv8"4 du (l) Taxod under Art. 608 and follo'Ii'Î01l of the Muni-
Code muaicipal daJlll 1011 lXIQnioipaliWl. roral_ et obap. clpt.! Code il) ,:ural muoioi'plllil.ioa and Ullep. 23.3. Art.
233. art. 623 et .uivants d.. S. R. Q. (1941). daJlll 1. 623 and fOUU....1fili 01 the 1,/. R. B.• 1941. 10 mtw. And
eit60 el ville•. \owna.
(2) Chiffre. compUés pour 1•• muoJclpalU,.... rural.. (2) Figure. oompUed for rorl<! municipall~"" only.
(a)\ oon di.ponlble. (3) Data 00. anilable,