Page 265 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 265

                               't-Somnuire du budget du dé de la province de Québec, pour l'année finiaaant le 31 mars 1954.     ~
                             8---Summary of the Eatima.ted Expenditure of the Province of Quebec for the Yeu Endiog 31st March, 1954.


                  .- ..                                                   OTdina.ires---Ot1lin                  De            ~
                  " .3 0.
                  .g,.                                                                                           Capital               <::
                  ~ 6
                  ", -                  SERVICE                                                                                        <::
                  ~ -5
                  Z o  0 ci                                                  AutoriAéee                         Autorisé""             t:;j
                    Z                                              A voter   par .tatut              A voter    par 8tatut
                                                                                          Total                              ToLo1     ~
                                                                 To he Voted  1  Statu·tory         To be Vote<!  Statutory            t--
                                                                    s           :s          $          s           s          $
                     1  Affaires municipales  ,Municipal AfTairs  .  460,000  3,320.000   3.780.000                           IbO .000 ~
                    II  Agriculture        Agriculture        ..  13,4.10.000  3,845,000  17.2·55,000  150:000"
                   III  Bien~tre social et jeunesse  Social Wc!fare and of Youtb ..  18.003.000  8.555.000  26,558.000  3,015.000  38&,000  3.400.000  '1l
                    IV  Cb858e             Game               .    2.2-88.000  ....... '65:0ôô"  2.288.000  240.000           240,000  <:::
                    V   Colonisation ..'   Colooi.zation      .   10.674,000             10,739,000  1,800,000               1.800.000  i::l
                    VI  Coœeil Exécutif.   Executive CounciJ  .    4.557,500  1.638.000   6,195,500                                    t--
                   VII  Finances           Finance   '        .    3,386.800  1.486.200   4,S73.000
                  VIII  Industrie et Commene  Trade and Commerce. . . . .. ..  1.620.000  .. ··Z(3i2:0ÔÔ..  1,620.000                  --
                   IX   Instruction publique. . . . . .. " Educ.,t.ïon  .  7.289.IlOO    31,601 .IlOO              25.000      25,000
                    X   Ugislanon          Legislation       .      440.300     500,000    940.300
                    Xl  Mines     "        Mines             .     1,405.500    25,000    1,430.500  3.000,000              '3;0ôô;0ôô"  ""
                   XII  Pêcheries          risberies          .    2.356.000    55.000    2,411.000    300,000                300,000  ~
                  XIIl  Procureur Ilénéral •............ Att.orne Oonerai.  .  6.870.000  2.014.000  8,884.000
                  XIV   Re&lOurCe8 IlydrnuliQues  Hydrnulic ResOurCElS  .  2,116.000  175,000  2.291,000 ... "Z:Oôô;Oôô'     2,000.000  <::
                   XV   Santé              Health            .    35.002.000  9.401,300  45.003,300    20,000                  20,000  (")
                  XVI   Secrétaire de la Province  Provincial Secretar;y  .  3,436.800  512,500  3.949.100  7bO.000           7bO.000  t:;j
                  XVII  Terres et Forete•............. Lands and Forests  .  5,113.000  ................  5,113,000                    o
                 XVIII  Trav..iI.  "       l.abour       .         2.230.000  ...... 'Ô5ô;Wô"  2.230.000  ...S:Oôô:OOO"
                  XIX   Tra\'8Ul: publies  Public Worka  .         \J, 150,000            9.700,600               220,000   8.220.000
                   XX   Voirie             Ronds  "   " ..        24.725.000  2,000.000  26.725.000             29.000,000  29.000.000
                               TOT L                     .        155,1l3,&OO  58,454,600  213,588,200  19,275,000  29,630,000  48,905,000
                 Source: BudOIt d.. dé1"'nu~ do la )m)VÎnc. do Q1dbec. pour l'année fioissant le 31 mars 1954.  Source: Estimaja of th. Ezpendilura of th. Pro";"". of Que.bec, for the year eodiog
                                                                             Mareb 31, 1954.
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