Page 185 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 185

VUE D'ENSEMBLE-GENERAL OUTWO[(                      173

            L   tabkMI 1 mon tre le clévelopp meut  'l'ablo 1 . hO\\'8 the cdLlcational d..:vclop-
           seulair dans la provine  cl  Qu bec d puis  Incllt in the l'rovineo of Qllebec sincA 1877.
           J877.  On 'ompLELit, en UJG2, 10,41'1 écol s,  In lOG:'!, there woro JO,47·l: schools, 41,735
           41,7::15 proPes eurs et 90::1,410 él va' iuscrits.  toacilors and !Jœ,419 pupils enrollcd.

                  I-Développement de l'lnltruction dan. la province de Québec.
                      I-Development of Education in the Province of Quebec.

                                   Nombre d_Number 01            Préaenoe moyenna
               AN Nl!:ES                           l!:léves      Avemlle Attend..noe
                 -           P.oole.  Institutour,  iMcrits
               YBARS          -          -           -         Nombro    Pouroentll.lle
                            Soboola    Teaohera     l'upil.     -           (1)
                                                   Enrolle<!   Number    PeroODtll.lle
           1877-78., ... , ........  '1,701  6,178  237,090  ..... . . . . . . . . . .................
           18 7-88..........  6,322      8,172      250.131  ...      .....
           1897-98........... : : :  5,863  10.103  314,727   "z,16;.iBO·  ."'i'n:ij"
           1007-08..... " .......  0,5-10  13,139   372.6\19   285,418      70.79
           1917·18..............  7,.151  IB,403   493,033     389,770      70.06
          1018-10..............  7.580   18,504     516,004    38 ,017      75. li
          1910·20..............  7.706   19, lIB    533,381    101,043      75.10
          1020-2L. .............  7,733  10,701    548,251     424,392      77.41
          1921-22..............  7,~05   20,414     570,430    446.603      70.22
          1922-23..............  7,944   21,008     577,404    4'17,350     7 .40
          1023·24..............  8.014   21.682     583,005    454,317      70.53
          1024·25..           8,086      22.282    593.414     463.523      79.00
          1925-26.... : :::::::::  8,110  22.808   ;J97 ,364   460.170      80.20
          1020-27..  .... ......  8,125  23.300    605.491     476.102      80.39
          1927-28............. ,  8,145  23,743    ail. 783    484,7'10     BO.1l1
          1028-20..............  8.200   2<1,l68   OU.OOI      192,7011     80.70
          1920-30..... .. ......  8,279  24.783    634.757     502,618      81.45
          1930-31. .... ........  8,<14  25.1\l3   U53.351     632,7<17     82.88
          1931-32.............  8,002    26,021    072.801     653,155      83.40
          1932-33.............  8,576    26,821    677.250     501.227      8,1.06
          1033-34......... .... ,  8,815  27.115   684. 1179   677,00S      85.53
          1934-31\..... , ........  8,008  27. Il10  691.U4'1  572,<173     84.17
          1035-36..............  9,112   27.000    700.2[,0    575,1:.14    83.30
          1036-37..............  0,332   28.567    710.000     579,752      83.58
          1037-38.......... , ...  9.490  29,245   718.084     590.101      B4.07
          1938-39......... " ...  9.700  aO.136    731,0 0     590,003      B4.63
          1930··10..............  9.813  30.600    71 .138     504,723      85.70
          1940-41. .............  9.855  30,971    120,850     582,275      84 .l~
          1941-42..............  0,851  31.405     722.900     573.967      84.02
          1942-43.......... ".  Il,976  31.808     719.73,)    671.198      83.94
          1043-41.. ............  10.OM  32.670    724,613
          1944-45..............  10,073  33.050    711l,4<14    r
          1945-46..............  10.015  :14.240   728.765       2)
          1940-47..............  10.053  :16.907   735.964       2)          !~~ 2)
          1947·48..............  10,063  H6.a56    753,172      (2)          2)
          10'18-40 .. . . ... .. . . . . .  10.214  37,212  788.610  (2)
          1940-50.  ..........  10.320  38.207     833,000                   r) 2)
          1960-51, .............  10.<118  o\O,l41  857,186     (2l          2)
          1951·52. .. ,. . . . . . ...  10.174-  ,1I.735  903,419  l~        2)
            (1) J:'6dU"tiOll laite dea illSoriptiollS aux univ"1'8it.é9 et  (1) ]rrenp?ctiv6 01 cllJ'olulent in uni,·eraitie. u"d
          8.UX éooles Qui ne fourl1ilMlont 00.-8 de préeence moye.nne.  Bchool. wluoh do n!J1 ("miel> llverage nlt<>ndonce.
            (2) Pll. de rapport.                 (2) No report.
            A la suito cl 'un a.rrûté·<ln-<Jonseil en (1a,to  By ordOI'-in-couucil clated Februl'ry 19,
          du 19 féVTi l' 1953, 1 s Stl\LÎstiques de l'En-
                                               19'-3, the Statistics 01' Education which hael
           ignEll1lent. qui relevaient du Bureau des
          Statistiqu s do Qll~bec depuis wn ,t:lblisse-  corne under the Quebec Bureau of 8tatistios
          ment en 1912, ont 6té centr111is6cs au Dépur-  sinee its inc ptiou in 19L, wero contralized
          toment de J' [llstruction Publique.  in the Department of Education.
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