Page 186 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 186

174                    INSTRUCTION-EDUCATION
                          2-Résumé des statistiques scolaires.
                          2-Summary of EducBtional StBtistics.
                                11:00lCll com-  11:001.. IUPÔ- Collèl{ea
                          6J6men- p16montnirC6  rjourea et  01na81-  Autr..  ÉOOICll  Univer..
             ANNltEB       talrCl  ei intermM. E1igh Sohoo1&  Que.!  6001...  normalclJ  8it&l
               -                                         -     -     (1)  Total
             YBARS       IElc~ent-  Complement-  Buperior  Clas.ionl  Oiher  Normal  Univor..
                           Dry  nry nnd lnlor-  ""d  Collcll" Sohoolo  Sohools  eiLies
                          Sobool. mod. Scbools E1illh Sohool.
                          NOMBRE D'.r:OOLES -  NUMilElt OF SCHOOLB
       1931-32........ ..........  7,383  636  212  29    307   31     4   8,602
       1932-33........... , ........  7,103  701  238  29  2'9  32         8,576
       1033-:14, .......•. .........  7,3401  827  271  29  30S  :12   "   8,815
       193·1-3.5..... ...... ...... ...  7,'185  844  27,)  29  a25  :l2  ·1  8,998
       1035-36, . ......... ...... ., .  7,522  000  27Çl  29  336  33  4  9,U2
       1936-37.  ................  7,7-16  850  306  29   362   35     4   9,U2
       J937-38... , . ...... , ..... ...  7. 54  851  322  30  a86  43  4  9,.490
       19a8-39........ , , . .........  7,907  915  368  31  ·133  lil  4  9,709
       1939-40.........•..... .. ...  7,004  930  3'ln  (2) '17  410  63   9,813
       IlN0-41. ...................  8,976  967  366  47  426   6Ù     " 4  9,855
       19·11-42....................  7.897  1,032  357  48  Hl  72     4   9,851
       1942-43, ... , ............•..  7.915  3     48    500   75     4   9,976
       19·13-44, .... ...............  7.910  L&~~  395  50  5n-!      4  10,056
       1914-45... ..... , .. .........  7,781  1, 101  43~  51  628  ~~  4  10,073
       1945-46.... ............. . ..  7,699  J,15  4li-1  52  574  82  4  10,015
       1946-47 ..... ...............  7,760  1,laO  4ll!l  55  543  84  4  10,053
       J{)47-48... , ................  7.751  1.149  4. 2  60  521  86  4  10,05 1
      1948-40......... ...... .. . .  7.U!!  1.166  486  66  66(\  87  5  10,214
       1049-60...... ........ ......  7,738  l , 11\0  bl9  59  7411  00  5  10,320
       1950-51. . , . .............. ..  7,092  1.287  52!i  72  744  9:1  n  10,418
      1951-62.... ... ...... ......  7,680  1.311  631  73  781  113   6  10,474
       1931-32.. ........... ....... 376,288  160,190  76,386  10,899  39.569  2,613  6,86'1  672,861
       1032-33.................... 349,607  188,210  83.700  10,734  35.44J  2,8-19  6,703  671,250
       lv33-34 .......... , ....... , . 348,3501  189.4aO  91,290  10,752  35,102  2.724  7,021  684,679
       19,14-35........ , ....... , ..• 344,167  201. 386  89,273  JO.601  36,343  2.5 1  7. 2\)3  691,644
       1936-36.................... 336,186  212.145  91,121  10,564  '10.103  2,602  8,538  700,259
       19aO-37...........•... , ... , a41,172  203,407  09,5ll0  10,785  43.608  3,106  .8n  710,606
       IIl:17-3 .................... 3:10,1l01  202,002  10'1,886  Il,134  <17.J92  3,4.83  9.886  718,084
       Ill3S-an.... " .. '" ......... :326.662  210.355  117,720  11.105  5~.1 0  3.052  10.612  731,686
       1931l-40... ... .......... , ... 320,631  212,32  112.876  12,642  47,US1  3,0 '2  10,628  719,138
       IV40-41 ............•....... 313. :300  216.451  110,541  12.976  54 ,657  ;1, f>l)S  10.517  720,850
       1941-42.................... aOO,794  21 ,726  10 ,062  1:1,402  66,779  a,54  Il,505  722,906
       1942-,13, ... ....... ........ , 293,070  213,751  113,285  1",~10  00,513  3,975  Il.911  719,735
       194:l-014................... , 285,lll1  210.893  112,875  IS,M  71,679  4,·J71  12,4 2  724,513
       19-14-45... ................ 270,482  201, 997  J28,063  16,012  72,520  5,02~  12.9 2  719,444
       H){J546... .. ............. 266,856  208.313  13 .521  16,643  76,405  fo,.~OI  19,456  728,755
       1040-47 .. _.. ............... 26 .680  207,501  136 .~29  16,356  77,563  5.74  23,69,1  735,964
       1047-48.. , ................. 273,819  211,661  142,85  16,063  77.1303  11,080  24,622  753,172
      11>4  9....... " ........... .... , ... (3) 645.889 .... ........  16.8 J  \13.7201  6,088  26,033  788,615
       lillO-50....................  676.924 ............  17,288 106,786  G, l3(;  25,9(12  833,096
       1950-f>l ... , ...... _.  3) 697, 12 ............ 17,800 108,781  0,170  26,533  857,186
       1051.52............. :::::: :  t 3) 734,102 ............  18.432 117,740  0,431  26.714  903,419
       1031-32..............• , ....  12,837  5,!l75  3,435  J ,085  2,066  42~  1,100  26,921
       1032-3.1       , .•..  11 ,859  6.74.7  8,790  1.110  1, 792  456  1,067  26,821
       1933-34.  .  _.....• ,.  lI.866  6,742  4,101  1,147  1,727  468  1,061  27,U5
       1934-35          .  11,8U    7,066   4,168  1,127  l.77,  477  1,090  27,610
       1935-36          .  11,792   7,497   4.278  1,120  l, 20  486  1.006  27,999
       1936-37. , . ,  , .•.......  12,147  7.251  4.644  1,148  l ,8~2  511  1,031  28,567
       19a7-38          . 12,300    7,183   4,889  1,152  2,066  552  1,0g'l  29,245
       1038-39   ,      .  12,076   7,384   5,51l  1,126  2.273  018  1,148  30,116
       1939-40          , , 12.225  7,625   5,809  1,386  2,084  674  1,207  30,600
       19'10-41.  , ............•..  12,047  7,835  5.427  1,385  2.300  729  1.248  30,971
       11141-42          .  Il,915  8,163   5.530  l,441  2,599  749  l.108  31,495
       1942-43,          . 11,880   8.131   5,762  1,489  2,4f~68  777  1,302  11,808
       1943-44  , ..........•. , ..  11 •(l·17  8.272  5,850  1,551  2 7  77'1  1.-188  32,676
       19H45             .  li ,603  8,101  6,580  1,433  3:413  !HI  1, 616  33,650
       1045-46.............•..... ,  11 ,304  8,336  6,853  1,410  :3,483  887  1.883  34,246
       1946-47          ..  Il,599  8,309   7.131  1,568  ~.RO·I  942  2.554  35,907
       1947-48. .....•.............  JI ,821  8.392  7.370  1.524  3,7,10  952  2,551  16.366
      1948-19            . ........m 28,134       1,5 2  3,912  983  2,601  37,212
       1949-50      , ....•.•      28.853         1,631  4.100  1,000  2,704  18,297
       1050-51.   ,    _ .     (3)  30,567        1,648  " ,304  1.010  2,612  40,141
       1951-52.. , _  ,  .     (3)  31,785        1,680  4,538  J .0:l4  2.698  41,735
        (1) Les ota.ti.tique. d 8 ôcoles nOiJiéo. aux universités  (1) Stati8tic9 nI .ohaola lIffilinted tn uoÎvcrsitie8 lire
      Bont compri_ sous ).. rubrique "autres éco1llJl".  locludcd under ihe beacUnll "Othor ochooI8".
        (2) y compris coll Il s clnssiqu08 pOur jcunœ flUes ci  (2) Iuclud,ing cl1l88ic..1 c<llleges for "ir18 lInd reHiPou8
       ioatituts religiOllx pour jeunes ~e['J8.  institutions for young men.
        (3) Non roparti. par degrés d'écoles.  (3) Not clll88l.fied Qcoording te grooc 01 8choo\.
        Bou l'CC: Siolill'iqU,61 do l'EnI6':I!"c11Ic"I. Québec.  Bourco: Educational Sta/i'/iCI, Quellec.
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