Page 188 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 188

176                     lNSTRUCT JON-EDUCAT TON

                     OIAIRt,~,                           SCHOOLS
        De 1923-24 il. 1930-31, le~ stu.tisLiquo~ des  From 1023-24 to Hl30-31, Catholio comple-
      6coles primaires coruplémentllires olLthoJiques  mentMY primary school statietics wcre given
      6tLÛent données en regard de oelles des High
                                           opposite those of Protestant High Schoole but
      8chools protestants.  :E:110s sont maintenant
      classée en r gl1rd cl  stnti tiqu s dos écoles  th y are DOW shown ill the SlLme t:1.hlo as tbo 0
      Intermédiaires protestantes par suite de la oréa-  of Protestant intermedio.te schools through the
      tion, en 1929, d'écoles primllires supérieures  oreation, in 1929, of Co.tholic Buperior primary
      clltholiquee.                        sohools,
              4-Statilltiques des écoles complémentaires et lntermédiaires.
                4-StatÎstÎcs or Complementary and Jntermedlate Schools.
                           Nombre d08           l1:1è9'  imwdla  PrœoQoe moyoooe
                              -                     -                 -
                           N"mber of            P"llils Enrolle<!  Average Attendanoa
            -               (Mtit,,-  lMtit,,-                           Pour-
          YEARS      Il:ooloo  teUl1l  trio  Cl'rQoll8  Fillee   Nombra  oentlllle
                      -       -      -      -       -     Total   -       -
                     Soboole  MaLo  Fcmnla  Boys   Girl.         N"mber  Por-
                            T Bober.  Teaouer                           oont"llS
      19M-36.. .......  71)9  2,477  4,3401  10'\,3 8  00,880  lû5,277  170.728  87.'13
      1l13S-3a............  833  2,637  '1,613  110.669  95.512  200,181  179,379  87.00
      1936-37..... , ......  774  2,671  4,335  107,31}J  00,265  107,618  171,128  86.00
      1937-38............  772  2,045  '1,275  100.5r.2  80,6:10  196,191  171,077  87.20
      1938-39............  832  2,578  4,518  110,511  93,009  203,520  170,568  86.76
      1939-40............  860  2,0~~  4,663  113,645  01,051  205,696  181,77-1  .41
      1040-41. ...........  883  2,65  4, 12  111,200  00,387  207,587  17 ,806  80.11
      1941-42............  950  2,799  6.028  Il:3,020  07,166  211,0R6  182,331  80.3!!
      1042-43... .........  967  2,812  5,008  111,192  fl5,35  200,550  177,917  SO.1'/.
      1943-44............  983  2,686  5,137  100,610  94,8118  204,50
      19H-45..... , .. , ...  1,028  2,870  ,j,1l63  107,057  ,834  196,891  1)
      1945-46............  1,08.5  2,867  6,205  109,681  92,610  202,2!l1  ~!!  t 1)
      1946-47..... , ... , ..  1,071  2,872  5,164  108,5Q<I  92,768  201,272  (1)
      1947-48.......... "  1,084  2,870  5,250  109,494  94,877  204,371  (l  (1)
      1034-35............  1.')  36   209   3,114   2,996  6,100   4.942  80.99
      1036-36............  7(1  36     211  3,089   2, 75  5,9(14  4.853  81.46
      1936-37..... ,., ....  76  40    208  2,995   2.794  5,78!l  1,705  81.27
      1937-38....... , ....  79  45    218  3,250   3,061  6,311   5,046  79 96
      1938-30............  83   M     23·j  3,367   Ug~    0,835   6,534  80.97
      1930-40.. , .........  79  53   226   3,363          6,732   5,502  81. 73
      J040-41. ...........  84  7l    264   3,96'1  3.910  7,804   6,318  80.3'1
      1941-42............  ,~2  61     26.5  3.UOI  3,738  7,630   6,0111  70.00
      1942-43............  70   46     265  :3,717  3,'184  7,201  6,669  78.46
      1943-44............  75   26    241   3.293   3,092  0,3 "  m
      1944-45............  73   27     244  3,083   3,023  6,106           gl
      t945-40............  73   20     235  3,091   2.931  6.022  (1)      (l
      1940-47...........  68    37     236  3,205   a,117  6,322  (l~
      1947-48......... .. ,  6Il  38  234   3,746   3,M4   7,290  (l       H
      1934-35. ..........  844  2,IH3  4,653  107,502  93,884  201.386  175,(\70  87.23
      193s-a6... , . , ... , ..  909  2,673  4,1\24  lIa.758  98,387  212,145  1  .237  80.84
      1930-37........... '  850  2,711  4,643  1\0,358  93,049  203,407  175,833  86.44
      1937-38...........  851  2,090  4,4\13  100,802  92,700  202,602  176,123  86.97
      J938-39............  OUI  2.032  4,752  11:).878  90,477  210,355  182.102  86.57
      193fkO..........•.  939  2, no  4,889  117,008  95,320  212,328  187,276  !!Il. 20
      1040-41. ......... "  967  2,729  6,100  116,154  100,297  215,·151  185,12'1  85.90
      1941-42.. , ...• , ...•  1,032  2,860  5,293  117,821  100,90'1  218,726  188,412  86.14
      1942-43...........•  1,046  2,858  5,213  114,009  98,842  213,751  18m586  85.88
      10·13-44............  1,058  2,894  5, a7R  112,903  97,900  210,893
      1944-45... ........  1,101  2.H97  5.207  110,110  91,357  2'01,997  m
      10·15-46... .........  1,158  2,896  5,4-10  112,772  95,541  208,313  (1)
      1\146-47.. ..........  l,lil9  2,000  5,'100  111,709  95,885  207,594  (1)
      1947-48.. .........  LI·Hl  2,008  5,41H  113,210  08,421  211,601  1)  lB
        (1) Pas d6 rapport.                  (1) No roport.
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