Page 156 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 156

144                          IMMIGRATiON

              82-0ccupation de8 immigrants arrivés au Canada, 1951 et 1952.
                82-0ccupation of Immigrants into Canada, 1951 and 1952.

                                                  1951              1052
                                           Via poru.         VI~ llorto  D~.
                    OCCUPATION              Dc:(:an.i-  Ê~:'  OCéBDi·  Jr:l.l>I.o-
                                            Que.  UnJe  Tot~J  Que!  Onl.  Total
                                             -     -           -     -
                                             Via  jirom        Via  From
                                            Ocean  United     Ooeon  United
                                            Por~s  S~n~OlI    Par""  Btato.
                                                 ------ ---------
       Agric\lltouno-Farminp;.••..................•.•.....•..  25,630  251  25.890  IG,7M  237  16.011
       Tru,nilleure non·epéoiaUeés ot eomi.spéciaUaé.-Unekilled
        and eomi-akillod............................... _....  30.561  456  31,007  19,1'14  ·1'12  10.686
       Travailleurs spéoinl~_Skillodworkon.................  32.98B  694  3:1.682  21,372  6G2  22.034
       Coml1lorcanta-Trnding.• , ........•..............•.... 1)10,6021) 1,562 1) 12,254 1)15,0001) 2,206 1) 17.356
       8ervantes-Fem.l0 dome.tics................ , ..•.•....  G.477  54  6.1i31  7.-19'1  62  7.556
       Au~rea-Olbors.......................................  4.570  832  li. 402  1.aM  111  1,526
         To~al dcs Imvl,il1oura-Totlll worke........ _•••.....  UO,917  3,169 U4,786  81,189  3,840  15,028
                                           --------- ---------
       É1lOUSCB il charg&-Dependent wivolS....... _..•.........  32,010  1,980  34,938  28,637  2.374  31,01l
       Enfanh à ebara&-Dependont ohiJdron..................  42,703  1,874  44,6(l7  40.63r.  2,3(\.1  42,090
       Autr -Otho1'8..•.................................... ........  . ..... ........  .1,731  728  (;'150
          Total, pcreonnes A obnrgo--Total depcndenl•.••.••••.  15,7"2  3,863  78,605  74,003  5,466  79,469
       Boxo:              Sex:
        HoaunOll (adulte.)... _....  Aclult Moles............  !l3,13S  2,685  01l.818  02,707  3,376  66,083
        Femmes (..duite.)....... , .  Adult Fcmole•..........  110,118  3.121  53 ,23~  49,!l16  3.527  (,3,443
        EùJants cie meion de 18 ous.  Chi1dl'en under 18 years..  13,408  1,926  45.334  42,569  2.103  44.972
               Graod Tol.l>1...........•.........•.......  18&,659  7,732 194,391- 155,192  9,306 164,498
        (1) Comprend COI.LHnis et hommos Llo profesaion.  (1) locludee Clorical nnd Prof_ioDai.
            83-Classification des immigrant8 au Canada, seJon le port d'arrivée.
         83-Claasification of Immigranta into Canada, according to Port of ArrivaI.
                    PORTS           ----------          1019  1950  1951   19112
                                     1035-39  1940-4.4  104r>-40
                                           ------ --------- ---
       Ollnder                , .•.•....                      1,461  6,624  O,RRZ
       SI·Joan-St. Jobn's (T.-N.-Nntl.)  , ..                   63U   8[..:3  1:14.G
       Qu6bec                      .  .. '4',iJ:i:ï  244  'iO;20(;' .2-i:O~li  20, aRr,  61,0:18  411,2M~
       BtrJean-8l. John.....................•....  118  121  40L  4tl'1  l,a41  o,on  Il,121)
       Halifax                     .   1,148  1, 271  36.604  4.j.715  30.787  93.758  71.2.f5
       Bydney-Nord-North            .   364  l,II 9  2.013  300  4     1     0
       Bydney                       .    8    143  1.100  366   14.2  192   161
       Montr6al                     .   05    46   /l03   677   641  1,194  1.830
       Don·ol-AlIroport-Airport.........•....•...  3.97lJ  4,200  001  9.Q27  7.048
       Mnlt.on-A6roporL--Airport.....•........•...  1.016  178  2U2  1  358  1,178
       Vo.noouver......•. ,  , .......•.  :.!<lll  .... i:iï  398  600  [)l0  1,264  2.000
       Victo-ria...•••.................•...........  45  32  7U  120  73  78  103
       N"w york.•...................•...........  1,00  11:-.  7.863  7,018  0.71lJ  1 10.453  m
       Bostoo         ,             .   1;~   I~    90  1  100  2,678  142  12.578
       t~rlt;~~~~FrQ;n· Ü.·S: ·.·.::::·.::::·.··:  5A41  5,547  2,062  3,943  7,7lJ9  4.105  Q,:106
                                     --- ------ --- ------ ---
             'l'OTAt ...•..•.••.••.••••...• , . • . • .  13,306  9,906  15,146  95,217  73,912 194,391  164,498
        (1) Compris daos "sutras" on I1J52.  (1) Inoluded witb "oth"-"," in 1052,
        Source; S8'r'1Xu d'imm·ioral1'on, Ott.l\wo..  Souroe: Imm,gral'io" Brunch, OttaWIi.
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