Page 114 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 114
47-Population active, âgée de 14 ans et plus, par industries, sexe et provinces,
47-Gainrully Occupied, 14 Years or Age and over, by Industries, Sex and Provinces,
POcha ct
nbntnlle Mines et 11'1''''u lao- Élcct,riciM,
du belS carrii:res tures KllZ et oau Construction
pnOV1NCEB Agriout~llre - - - - -
Fiahing, Mining nnd Manufao- Elcctricity Builuing nnel
f1untinl;l nad QUimyioll turinp; Oaa, Construction
Trapplllg, and Water
Tcrre-Neu\'e,., Ncwfoundlnnd , 3,408 28,928 3,608 13,009 a07 7,242
TI Ilu-P.-Ê,.,. p, E. 1.. ..... , . 12,727 1,910 7 2,821 203 1,858
Nouv.-Éeo85e, . Nova Sco~in ... 22,787 15,51>8 IS.465 32,465 2,390 IB,217
N.-Bn.1D8wick. ........... , ... 26,403 20,305 l, 178 20,2&4 1,567 1l,\l77
Qu~bec.......... ... .. . . . . . . . lBO,7\0 '1!J,670 ](1,fI75 344,142 11,720 101,241
Ontùrio........ " ............ 100,779 2'1,2\l2 30,113 489,448 27,670 12'1,884
Mu.nito}JfJ......•........... ',. 70,100 3.045 3,781 31l,103 3,220 10,812
S08kntobcwnn.... , , . , ...... , . 141,687 2,077 1,677 16,507 1,678 11,321
Alberto......... _...... , ..... , 11l,471l 2,624 1<\,l)84 30,m2 3,158 2,j,180
Colol bie-Brit.. i:lrit. C"h"f,bi,1.. 25,842 29,163 11,142 91,150 4,247 30,148
CANAOA....... , .. '... 791,931 177,662 101,520 1,085,9U 56,472 344,889
Terre-Neuve... Nowloundh\nd . 117 117 63 1.615 36 41l
llu-du-P,-~" .. P, E, 1.. ..... ,. 200 7 688 13 17
Nouv.-l!: _o.. N,,,,a Scotie. , , . 5<11 124 ..... "i05' 4,4M 1711 176
N.-Brunswick. . , , , ... , ....... <l3l 181 10 '1,018 8l; 118
Québec........ , ........... , . 8,073 022 324 10B,Qal 897 1,'102
Ontario... " .......•....•.... 10,703 ()O7 MO 12,; ,010 3.028 2,GIO
Manitoba.... , .......... , .. ,' 3,5BO 57 160 Il. 785 218 28~
SI\sko.tolwwfLD.......•..•..... 6,011 3G 72 2,168 147 245
Alb rta.. ,., .. "., ........... (\4 739 '1,723 208 473
Colombi -B,·it.. Brit. Coluulbin, U1~ 584 300 11.550 632 573
C.U<ADA .• ", •.••.... 35,099 2,749 2,328 274,751 5,342 &,007
T rall8ports
ct conHnu.. l''innnce, Ncm
niclltions Commerce asauranco déclarées
PROVINCES (1) - - 8en'ieo - Tot,,1
1 raOSr)ortn- Tmd, Io'inance. Not
tion and Corn- Ioeunmce Stuted (2)
T ml·Neuve, .. NGwfoundlo.nd . 9,471 0,86\) 3&4 11,727 1,237 80,460
I1e-du-P.-É.... P. E, I.. .. , . , .. 1,8M 2,850 219 :;,310 389 28,156
NOl1v.-:r:;co ., Nova Scoti" , , . 16,515 20,9,18 2,047 30,017 3,078 178,087
N ...BTlluswick.. , ...... , ...... 15,267 15,15\) 1,;'07 1-\ ,830 2.4011 13<l.(Hi3
8~~~:i~"",·,·.::::::::::::::::: 10 ,057 J27,981l 23,006 149.384 23,0,.8 1,130,IiH
l ,430 ,()(III
211 ,904
J'I'lanitohn .... ,., ............ , ~G, 734 31, 225 4,682 31,682 1.907 232.206
l18katcb wan......•.... , .... 22.031 24,096 2,800 25,200 1,388 251,077 rta .... ". " .. ,', ........ 2'1,505 33,158 4,448 38,089 1,823 291,260
Colombi&-Drit.. Erit. olulObin. 3,1,810 47,327 8,066 09,147 5,342 346.374
'ANADA •••• , •••..••. 353,945 498,125 80,027 576,805 54,545 4,121,832
Torrc-N ·U Va•• , Ncwroundli.nd . 547 4,382 240 Il.836 124 17,080
I1e-du-P.-É... ,P. E. L........ 109 1,082 192 3,432 70 fi,ORO
Nouv,-ÉcollSo. ,N(>vn8cotill ... 1,06-1 0,121 1,512 24,276 565 42,719
N.-Brun8wiok................ 1,44lJ 7,047 1,170 18,007 564 84,085
3uébcc............. " ....... 13,303 45,0 1 15,914 142,455 <1,58'1 :141,04Q
ntorio... , .......•.......... 18,31l4 82,3113 28,7311 J07,225 4,'100 444,(175
Manit..ubu............•.. , ..... 2,857 ItI,337 1,250 ~8,121 530 56,205
QlloSk(Lf.chcwnn........•....... 1,067 \),359 1,901 28,7"0 386 61,03-
AloortE•.. , .... , ....... , ... ,. , 2,439 1:3 ,IlIS 3,509 32,800 LlO 52,1l20
olombic-Urit.. Brit. Columbia. 5,083 23.258 0.520 45,009 1,IH 97,078
CA.:\ADA ......•.•••.. 48,742 2U,643 63,968 ~00.660 13,012 1,164,321
(1) Y campr;. cmployés Il l'eDtrepoaRgü ot CIIlLUn.go- (1) r"cludos ....acoboullO and Iltarage mployoo•.
(2) Service actif non compris. (2) Not including Active Scrvico.