Page 105 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 105
Une personne peut p08séd.,r quoIque connais- A person may have sorne knowledge of an
sance d'une langue officielle comme, par exem- OfliHia! language, for U18tu.nce he InAy he able
ple, l'éorire ou la comprendre et, cependant, to underatand &nd even write it without,
lltre incapable de la parler. Dnnslca tableaux however, hein~ able ta speak it, In the tahles
de la présente ooction, la popul!\tion est claSlli- of Uùa scotiun, the population is cl.o.ssifled (\0-
fiée selon la langue officielle parlée et selon la. co,rding to tbe official language spoken and the
langue maternelle. Par languo maternelle on mothor tongue. The expression "mother ton·
entend la première 18,ngue qu'un individu a gue" as used ]1ere signifies the first language
apprise durant son enfance et qu'il comprend loomed in childhood, if it is still underatood
enoore. by tho individual.
38-Langue officielle parlée et langue maternelle de la population du Canada,
par provinces, 1951.
38-0fficlal Lsnguage Spoken and Mother Tongue of the Population of Canada,
by Provinces, 1951.
Langue parlée Langne mal rnolle
- -
Pepulolien Lanl(ln'P:o Spokell Mothor Ton~uo
PROVINCES (1) Anglai8 et
An~lais Fmn~ai9 Fnlnçaift Anglais Frnnç.~Ù1
Population - - - - -
EngliBh Freoeh En~li.h Eoglisb French
Hnl! rooeh
Terre-Neuvo... Ncwfoundlnod. 361.·116 356.377 153 3,000 367,328 2.321
I1o-~U-P.-Ê....1'. E, 1.. ....... 98,420 88,743 914 8.745 8l1,2-11 8.477
N ,- 'C08S0 ..... N. Scolia. , . , .. &12,58,1 605,2&7 7.462 3l1,524 588.GI0 38.1l45
N,-Brunswick .............. 515.697 318.fiOO 100.712 IJ6,095 325.112 185.110
8u~bce, ................... 4,OM,1I81 ']62, 13 2,534,242 1.038.130 558.256 3,347,030
ntu,rio............•....... .' 4.597,042 4,115,584 78.974 359,9(15 3.705.442 341.502
Manitoba............... , .... 77(1,Ml 685.91·' 7,8(1g 58,441 467.892 54. HW
S""kllLchown.n ........... ..... 831. 728 7(17.2-18 4.656 40.7S\) 515,8n 36, 15
Alborlo ... , ... , .......... 939,501 868,61lô 5,922 40.785 648.413 :34 ,I9n
Colombio-Brit.. B. C .... ... . . . , 1,165,210 1.112.937 727 30,433 063.020 H),360
yukon ................... ,' . 0,006 8.337 10 lil9 0,618 308
Torr. du N.-O.. N. W. 'l'....... )[\'004 6,929 171 1.031 3.804 581
CANADA .••••.•.•.•.• 14,009,429 9,187.395 2,741,112 1,127,447 8,280,809 4,068,850
Terr N u vc. ,. Nowfollndlo.nd . 185,143 182.270 82 2.312 182,768 1,353
lJo-do-1'.-E.... P. E. I. .... , ... 5U,218 45.315 1f7b '1,407 4;',&12 '1,273
N.-fo:eol!lle .. , .. N. Seoti........ 324,055 300.631 3.4 4 20,67l 296.05\) 11I,8M
N.·Brunswiek....... 2,10.211 159.433 47.750 51.861 163.053 93,310
Q,.lébco....... ........... 2.022.127 218,275 1,179.89ô 61'1.041 273.323 1.667.881
Ont,ari 2,314.170 2,OGO.436 37.731 194,<i70 1,858.G29 170,901
M"nitob~·.·.: ., .... : .... 3 4, 18 3':;0,320 3,810 30.225 2H.830 27,H9
B'\6kntchcwnn ....... 434,U6S 403.041 2,1..12 21,710 2135.678 19,216
Albort,n.................. 492,11)2 456,liao 2.977 22,226 333.092 18,092
Cololl1biC-Brit.. Do C....... 1i0O,001 568.224 378 21,705 481.789 10.193
yukon., .................... 1i,467 4,998 3 314 3.934 227
'1' 'rr. du N.-O.. N, W. 'r....... 9.053 4.330 70 648 2.512 374
C ....iADA ...... , , •. ,., 7,088,813 4,753,820 1.278,816 884,849 4,141,788 2,039,451
Torre-Neuve, .. Nowfoundl,md. 17G,27:J 174,098 71 1.678 J71,IIOO ~)ljH
I1e-iu-p.-Ê.... P. E. 1.: ....... 48,2U 43,428 439 4.338 43 ,7~9 4,2().l
N.- 00S8 ..... N. Seol,II\... , .. 317.629 294.626 3.978 18.8,<;3 201,951 Jg.O~1
N .-BruD wi,·k................ 256,486 150,127 62.1l62 44.2014 162.359 9UlliQ
2,033,liM 244.538 1,35'1,347 424,080 284 .0,33 1.()79.I·L0
8~~~ri~·"."....~::::::::::::~ ~:: 2,283,372 2,055,149 41, 243 165.20& 1.890.813 Ift4,HOI
Manitobn............. , .... , . 381.723 335,594 4.0li9 28,21() 233.053 2U,nU
Bl\skfLwlicw".n................ 397,IGU 30'1,207 2 ,51}! 19.070 250.195 17, "~n
Alberta., ....... , ...... , ..... 447,300 412,1&7 2,040 18,559 315.321 1G.111·1
Colombie·Jilril.. B. C........ , .. M8,249 544,713 349 17.728 482.131 8.813
yukon., .................... 3.030 3,339 7 145 2.084 81
Torr. du N,-O.. N, W. '1'....... 6,951 2.599 02 383 1.292 207
C"".N"O"... ,.~ •.. ~.,. 6,820,556 4,631,515 1,462,996 742,598 4,139,021 2,029,397
(1) Y oompns los poTftlloncs qUI ne pari ot nll'Angla\8 (1) IoeludLOg POl'fl()l\B .pellkiop: Delther I::Jlghllh nor
ni le !.mnnait! et Oell08 dont 'hl I..uguo ",,,tcroello OIlt uno Frenoh aod tboeo ",ith 0. !orcilP' JilOgUllltQ Il. mether
la~~"Jore(e·.t.-;.nng~~~~J.._. ton~uc.
'" N.~.",." r"".n.'''',,"1 du Canada, Vol. I, BuurDe; N,nlh C.".u.t 0/ Conada, Vol. J, bulletio 1-17.
bulletin J-17,