Page 106 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 106

94                           POPULATION

      39-Lang'ue officielle et langue maternelle de la population des cités et villes de
                              la Province, par sexe, 1951.
      39-0fficial Language and Mother Tongue of the Population of the PrO\,ince, by
                         Clties and Towns,  and by Sex.  1951
                                           l"nguO Ilurlée       Lanb'ue maternelle
                                               -                    -
                                          Language Spokcn       MOI.hcr Ton~u"
         CIT~S ET VILLE
               (1)        TJOpIIJU.tioD              Anglaia et
        C1TlES AND TOWNS     (2)    Anglais  Fmnçals  Fmnçais  Anghds  Fran.çais
                                      -       -        -        -        -
                                    English  Frenob  English und  English  Fren h
      Ar'ida.....  0"0' ..... ... M.  5,702  335  3,H7  1.038    C187   4,8M
                       F.   li,37ü    35U     3 ,~43   1.067     (lO3   1,672
      Cnp-de-Iù-Madoleine.. .....M,  0,220  70  (].Rfi3  2,285   100    9,005
                       F.   0,447      18     8,120    1,2'16    181    ~.2M
      Chil:oullo:\i..... ......... ..1\1.  11.215  20  D,-HW  1,702  103  11.073
                       f'.  12,001     31    11,172     7%       70     II.S!IO
      D'·llmmondvUle. .......... 1\1.  C1,882  214  4,4U,  2,2:3:1  447  O,4U4
                       F.   7,150  1   2r.8   li,472   1,720     4.00   6.043
      Granby............. _.... .M.  10,œ1  351  {l,HH  4,111    860    9.6U3
                       F.   1'1,31\2   nH3    7,uSD    2,835     018   10 ,38:3
      Cmnd'Mè.re........ __ .. _. .11'1.  6.381)  Sii  3.!i!11  1. f)06  2Gl  fi IO~l.j
                       F.   5.703      105    417~8     839      2:1G   5,4f>U
      Hull. ......... ........... M.  21"103  1,350  8,021  12.013  2,0.1!)  1(.1.22,';
                       li'  22,080   1,387   11 ,2·85  9,308   2,004   1O,901i
      JacQues-Corlier. ........ ... M.  Il ,.i02  31:1  n.H7  4,314  fi77  10, f.04
                       F.   11 ,048    3HB    8.:~ml   2.240     58-1  JO,307
      Jo\ie~Le. .. .. .. ....... ..... M.  7,693  37  5,.100  ~. 2;)'~  127  7,.jOIi
                       F.   8,311      ~fl    7.0118   1,226     121    8,~n
      Jonquitlrc,s....... ..... .... M.  10.IH6  ::la  0,204  1,719  77  10,&10
                       F.   10.672     30    10.0&6     58·1     110   10,5(101
      Lnchinc.. ............ .... M.  13,8S4  4.3!JG  2,077  6.470  6,:192  7,632
                       F.   13,880   4,368    4.~18    4.0:30  5,175    8.0aO
      Laos,}I,,·... .•............. 1\'1.  &,868  1,628  ) ,431  2.775  I.S!l\  3 ,4~12
                       F.    5,775   1,706    2.U-jG   1.070   1,8-10   3.~9a
      U\·i,... .. ... . ............ M.  6,231  lO  4.348  1,872  47    (l,175
                       F.   6.931      10     5.838    1,083     53     6,874
      L{)n~~ueùi'. ....... . ..•..... :\1.  &.456  568  2,003  2.701.  048  4,439
                       ('.  5.647      628    3.022    1 ,0%     \)21   4,666
      Mn~og....... .. .......... M.  6,118  352  3,338  2.427    724    5,360
                       F.   6.305      467    4,239    1,508     759    5,&30
      Monln',,!. ..... ........... M.  4M ,279  94,50,\  152.624  242,217  10G.Oll!)  334.0126
                       F.  027,2011  110,71.3  231,226  170,796  117.055  362,478
      Montrénl-Nl.............. M.  7.036  877  3.300  2.835   J.1701   &.633
                       F.   7,045    1,025    4,2&8    1.736   1.nS     &,600
      Mont-Royn) ... ........... M.  5,406  2,864  285  2.245  3.00-l   1,193
                       F.   5,046    3.6'10    205     1.808   <1.320   1,395
      Outremont. .... ........... M.  13,406  01 ,65(}  1,286  7.359  4,6'17  4,~20
                       F.   IIl.M1   6.078    3.14G    7, lOG  5,484    7,183
      Québeo..... ....... ... .... M.  76,003  1.003  46,20-\  28,828  3,626  71,092
                       F.   87,1153  1,451   65,4ôO   21.028   4,380   83.314
      Rimouski. .. .. .. ... ... ... M.  r>,ôOo  4  4.275  1.221  4&    5,452
                       F.   G,O(Jfi    13     5.254     7U8      GO     0,01l2
      Rouyn. ...... ... ....... ,M.  7.060  71)G  3,602  3,~r>.~  095   6,0I3f>
                       F.   G.067      Gl:\B  4.255    2.M2      1158   6.019
      St-lIy,,,,iol.ùe. ............ .M.  9.072  53  6.030  2,380  122  8.916
                       F.   11.10·1    ~2     0.053    2,UG8     115   11,027
      St-Jelln.... ............ ... M.  10,081  7113  4.859  4.401  1,071  8.000
                       F.   9,224     301     6,207    2.7l5     653    8.613
      St·JérÔme. .........••..•. 11'1.  8,553  39  5,905  2,f.10  1:\0  8.,105
                       l'.  9,132      52     7,386    1.6\13    1:l()  8,1181
      St-Lnt rent. '" . .......... M.  9,814  3,733  2.221l  3.0UI  4.94&  1,598
                       TI.  ]0.:);)2  4.203   3,202    3,0;18  6.110    5,150
      St,·Mieùd....... ....... ... M.  f), 4U l  -.IG2  3,015  1 1 05('  ,,08  4,536
                       l~ .  [,,048   '\:18   3,H!l    1.OnU     487    '\.20'1
      S"lltbc.rry-dl'- V,,1I~yGcld....i;1..  Il,03r,  277  6,803,3  6;;3  10,332
                            11 ,370    349    8.f>82   2,·lt15   021   10.726
      Sbo.winig"n F"lIs.......... M .  1:1,176  :JO\!  B.071  4,195  0&9  12.,400
                       F.   la.727     324   10.006    2,435     000   13,081
      Sberbrooke..... .... ...... M.  201.230  l,fJ!J:1  11.347  10,081  3.45:1  20,;;36
                       F.   20,31:1  2 ..lfi2  15.535  8,30;",  3.0\11  22,011(
      SiUer)'.............. ......M.  4.71i3  ~()O  1,691  ~ .17(;  950  3.7W
                       F.   Il. 61~3   4.02   2,823    2,:II!H   909    4,f,71
      Sorel .......... ........ , .. M.  7,'177  64  6,382  2.031  153  7.21l9
                       F.   7,41'1     56     6,a32    l,OII(]   1:10   7.3012
      Thetford Mines ........... M.  7.0148  88  5.378  1.IlS2   287    7,H7
                       F.   7.0017     l~lO   6.240    1,2M      2H2    7,341
      Trois-Ri\·ièrca.......• _.... M.  2~,31H  3:i1  14.772  7,2UU  0\l4  21,282
                       li" .  2, ,680  0137  18.315    4,1118    \)8\)  22,018
      Verdun....... ............M.  37,48:1  15,010  0.257  15.572  18.0110  17,489
                       F.   .10,OlHl  18,lKI  Il ,567  12.091  20.2U9  18.322
      Viel.< cl"vIllo... ............ M.  6.320  lU  5,084.  l.2~2  ail  6,251
                       F.   6.804      10     6,1001    lion     36     6.755
      WeBtmouot...... " ....... M.  10.6-17  6,11'17  3ar)  01.. 020  8,142  I.M3
                       11.  J.l.675  8,507    1.1b5    4,881   10.620   3.200
        (1) De 10.000 (U'CClI et plus.       (Il Of 10,000 population and over.
       (2) y comprie les peTlloonos QU> M Il!!'rl"nt. nll'antl1oi8  (2  Including persone srJonlciog neitùcr nor
      ni le fronçais ct celles duu~ la longue ,O',tt.rn Ile est une  Irclleh and tbose with .. lor.lgn longuage M  rootber
      lon~ue MrnnJ!6re..                   t,on&\lc.
       Soure : ".••môme r«e."·"'871/ du Ca""da_ Volume 1.  Soureel Nilllh C~"'ru8 01 Canada, Volume l, Bulletio
      bulletin 1-17.                       1-17.
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111