Page 100 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 100

88                            POPULATION

                  7-tTAT CIVIL                    7-----<ONJUCAL CONDITION
        Les différents terrrlûs usit6s SOU!! cette rubri-  TJle variouB teltnJ! used under this heading
      que désignent l'ljtll;t matrimonial de la popula-  refer ta the matrimonial statUB of the popula..-
      tion à la date du recenselneut.  Dans la pro-  tion a.t the time oi the census.  On the first
      viDce de Québec, au 1er juin 19.51. les céliba-  of June, 1951, of the peraons residing in tbe
      taire!! étaient au nombre de 2,291,662 ou  Province of Quebec, 2,291,662 or 56.4% were
      56.4 % dos personne!'> recensées; il convient de  aingle. It mUBt he tn.ken into B.(Jcount. how-
      remarquer cependnnt que la population de  aver, that the populo.tion under 15 years of
      moins de 15 e,ns s'~levait il. 1,366,108, soit  lige was 1,366,108, the,t is 33.6% of the total
      33.6% de la pop~lation totale et 59.6% deB  population and 50.6% oi the unmarried popu-
      personnes non mariées.  Ce groupe se compo-  lation. This group comprised 095,854 boya
      sait de 695.864 ga~onB et t>70,244 filles.  and 670,244 girls.

               33--ttat civil d. la population du Canada, par province., 1951.
           33--ConJu~.1 Condition 01 the Population of Canada, by Province., 1951.
                                            Cf:li~~lLirm~  M,uif:.  En veuvngel  Divorcé.
                PRovINCES            ToIni
                                              Bingle  Mnrrlcd  Wido,,·.d  Dlveon:cd
                                           1                1
                          POPULATION TOTALE-TOTAL POPUl,ATION
      TerrI?Neu....v•......•... Nc\~f[}undi..nd .....•..  861,416  ~07 ,622  13S. ' 12Z  In.303  (ln
      I1(.-dll-~-jO,.. ,  ,  P..E, I ......•.......  08,429  li·~,(184  311.647  5.213  85
      NOllv.•jO,lICl60e  Novn Sco~;n...•......  1142,584  330.3Gl  268.628  :1:\.208  1,121
      N.-Onms\\"ick               .  515,697  283,365  209.053  22.358     921
      8~~~:i~·.::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::  4, On5 .681  2.291,662  2,231l.617  241,043  12.43.1
      Manitobn                    .  770,541  37li ,671  362.880  35.842  2.131l
      B ka·lcbewùll    ,          .  B;i1 .728  42~,429  313.305  33,465  1,029
      Alberln      ,   ,          .  939,501  469.912  430,200  311.121   3.268
      Colombie-Brit  Bri.t.i.b C"llImbi  .  l, IG5.210  608.MS  686,773  62.131l  7.630
      yukon    .                       9.096    4,933   3.8-H      254      M
      Torr. du 1'1.-0.:·.·.::::N.:W..1o-,.;.:::: :::::.  16.004  1l,8liO  5.970  646  38
             CANADA"              .  14,009,U9  7,072,505  6,261,578  643,3411  31,998
      ?;~~d~·-~"~~.~·":.'.':·.":~,oÈ:T~~l.•.'~~ ::::::  lM.14:!  110.083  60.148  4.97·\  ·12
      Nouv.-Êco8se•........ Nom Scotia  .  324.965  181.18(\  133.009  \1.:IM  -176
      N.-Bruuswiok                .  259.211  148.192  10'1. 047  fJ.;)H3  :\79
      Québec   ,                 .  2.022.127  1.169.341  802,256  4!"OO:!  l,O~K
      Onh\rio                     .  2.81-1, 170  1.120.0\10  1.124.437  fi:~ ri.71  4.7Wi
      Manitoba                    .  304.818  201. 0-30  181.617  10.44:;  820
      Baskntohowo.n               .  434.5<\8  2-35.589  187.457  10.811   711
      Alberta.. .  . .               402.192  262.450  216,781  Il.428    1,533
      Colombie-Brit  British Columbia  .  696,061  278.758  297.452  17 .•102  a.249
      yukon            ,        , ..   5,457   3.197    2,000      1III     42
      Terr. du 1'1.-0  N.-W.l'ul'r  .  9,053   5..505   a.15Q     268       al
             CANADA             , ..  7,08.,913  3,747,409  3,141.754  186,595  13,U5
                        POPULATION FI!;'MININE-J,'J1;I\-lALE POPUI"ATION
      Tcrro-NO\~e.......... 1"'·,\\ffllllldland........ 1  176.273  06.630  On.~H  10.329  31
      n'Hiu-p.- , ........ , .. P. h:. 1. .......... , ..  '18.211  24 ,898  IV,i;n.~  3.615  43
      Nll\iV.-Eco811c......... l'Iovo.  317.620  158.175  134. [Jll)  2il.8U4  651
      N.-Brunswick....... .....................  266.486  135.17:3  lUfi .00(;  ),;.7(j5  IH2
      8u~bcc............            2,033.554  1.122.321  801.:174  IOS,104  1.665
       nturio............ .................  2,283 .372  983.452  1.11[;.180  177.072  7.668
      Mnniloba...........  ............  381.723  17:1.735  181.272  25.307  1.310
      SuBkutchcwlln......  ..................  307,100  187,840  185.848  22.651  !lIB
      Alberla..........              447.:100  207.462  21:3,410  24.693  1.735
      Colombie-Brit....  :.' .' .. B~it.i~l; Col~·mil·il·'.' : : : .'  668.240  2211.010  289.321  H .6~17  4,38l
      yukon ..........  :::: :N.:\V:t~·";'.':::::: :::  3;630  1.7:.16  1. H6  135  23
      TerI'. du N.-O ...               6,951   3.7li5   2.811     378       7
             CANADA.......................  6,920,556  3,320,096  3,U9,824  456,753  18,883
       Source: Nc.."'bmc rcc.'18 menl du Canada, Yolum. J,  Sollr '., /yi"n. CC""".• 0/ Canada, Vo\U[rte l, bulln-
      bulletin 1-12.                       tin .-12.
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105