Page 102 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 102
En 1951, 91.9% de la populo.tion du Cnnuda In 1951, 91.9% oF (;ana.<!a's population had
est née en tlll'ri1,oil'O bl'ilarutique, soit 85.:3% be<Jll born in British t,.,rritory, thllt is, 85.3%
au Canudo. mGmf' 01. G.6'1;, dn.nfi une autre in Canada itselr and G.6% in other British
partie du Commonwealth britannique. Les
CUlIlIDonwealth countries. Fig\lro~ for tbe
ohiffres de la province de Qu6hoo indiquent PI'O"inl'(l of Quebec sbow 94.3';0 of tbe
que 94.3% des punmllnes recensée!; sont de persons oounted in the CenSus 'l'ore nlLl,ive
ntl.isSlLnce canudklUlfl, que 2.0% sont nées
da.nA une aul,re po.rtie du tenitoire brito.unique born. 2.0% bad been born in other pl1rts of
et ,•.7% eu pays étrangers, l'lornparativcment the British Commonwealth and 5.7% wero
il, !):~.2%, 2.7% et 3.9% en J!Ml. Fon 1951, forf'im born, compare<! 1.0 !I:l.2%, 2.7% and
Ill. population ml'IlIG de Ill. J'rovin(!(l est née 3.9% in 1941. In 1951, thll proportion of
canudienne dana une proportion de 98.4%, Call1ulia.n bern in the rural population of the
et [a poplliation urbaine dl1na une proportion Provinoe was 98.1%, and in the urban popu-
de !)2.2~. lation il. was 92.2%.
35-L1eu de nal••ance de la population do la province de Qu'bec, 1951.
35-Blrthplaee of the Population of th. Province of QUllbllC, 1951.
Soxe--Sex Ponulntlon
BIRTUPLACE Hommes Femmes Ruralo L'rhaina
Mnle Fcmole Rural Urbnn
ChNAO.\.. ••..••.•••••••• CANADA ... '0 ••••• l ,9(}(J ,608 ,oro. 000 1.337.680 e.4 9,078 .~,8!O,758
Terreneuvo..... . . . . . . . . Ncwfoundltmd.... ... .. . 2.202 2.00 4 7 4,773 6.260
n du- Pri~c tdnunrd... Prineo Ed w,,,<l181and.. . . 1 ,366 1,470 33S 2 '19~ 2, 36
ouvcllc·F.cossc......... Nova ,cotin....... ..... 5.803 7,300 1.20S 11;814 13.1l2
Nouvcnu-Bnlllawick.... . Now Brunswick........ . 12,308 H,997 5.3H 21,931 27.305
QIl6hcc I,R30.22O 1.835.468 1,~14.031 2,351,657 3,665.688
Oulnrin... . . .. .. 4 ,026 47,827 13,?~~ 76,804 92.8113
MlLnitoba , 3,401 3,702 6.470 7.103
katohewan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.750 2,702 7:10 4.722 5.452
Alhcrln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,7tll 1,633 352 2. !lOg 3.3M
C lomhit'UrilnnoiQuc... Brltisll Colum!>ill. . . . . . . t,680 1.758 334. 3.104 3.438
Yukon. . . .. ..•. . ..
Territoires du N.-Ollf',L. . N.:We"t Tc~,.itu~i·.e:: : : . 134 130 5-l 216 270
ILES KT POl!llES8101/8 BRI- BRlTJen IBLEe MiO P08-
TAI/NlQOES..•••..•.... 8>:.8BIOSS . S5 ,683 40.W7 6,767 69.973 75,740
~nglet.erre , . Eoglnnd . 24,109 26,946 ~ .29,1 '111,R5t 51,14n
J.:..co880•.•......••..•... collnnd ,. 9.000 10,848 1.100 Œ,748 19,84.8
Irlnnde , lrcland . 2.165 2,359 315 '1,200 4,524
Autrtl8 . Other . 109 54 58 lM 223
AUTIU:S rATS ou CO!\1MON. O'rrrER BmTlBn Cml>fON-
WEAI,TIl DfHT.\.~~tQll~: WEAl.TII eOON'rAUJ8 .. 1,887 1.611 166 S,I8S 3.548
El/ROPK.•....... " .•.... EonOPE . sa.2H 46,860 G. 06 96,398 102,004
N~~'~~ag~~.....::::::::::: Q·rron.ny..........•. ,_ . 2.643 4.365 40/1 Il.957 12.447
8.0 2
Polo@no. .. . . . Patand . 1l.755 n.MIl 570 20. 5t 21,42t
Ru le . RUllllia . 10.079 9.4111 353 19,142 19,405
Scandinavie. Sco.ndin(\\,ju ........•... 1,202 777 2'1:1 1.736 1.070
AutrOll . Other.............•... 22,483 18.974 4..144 38.313 42,4[>7
Asie . , . 2.308 t ,077 124 3.3!H 3.47li
!7:t.aI&-UllΕ....•.......... United Stat . 18.&<13 23.61:1 8,328 3:J.!l5 42,26
Autres Pll.,)'ft. . ..•.•..•.... Otller eounl.rios . 77·'1 6lJ6 93 1.377 1,470
TOTAI. " ...•..... 2,022,127 2,033,664 1,368,383 2,897,318 4,066,681
6ource: Neu.i~m~ rte~lI'eme,,1 d... Callada, Volume Ir, Source: Nill/h. Cen·WU8 of Canada, Volume l, bullotin
bull lin 1-13. 1-13.