Page 305 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 305

6----Valeur de 1"" production par industrie, et par provinces, en 1949.
 6----Value of Production by Industry, and by Provinces, in 1949.

                            Travail                             ~
           UGines          il façon et         (1)
 Fo~ts  Pêcheries  Chasse  Mines  électriques  réparatiollB  Douhles
 PROVINCES  Agriculture  -  -  -  -  -  ConatructioD  -  Manufactl1re3 in.scriptions  Tote!  "" t'<
 Forest.ry  Fïsheriœ  TnIppÎn/;  Mining  Electric  Custow  -
           PO'\\'er        and Repair       Duplication
 1'000  1'000  $'000  5'000  5'000  5'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000
 Terre-Neuve........... , ...  .... 25;979'  (2)  ..... ··i;657·  ...........,.  (2)  (2)  (2)  ·.... ï:sg:!  (2)  (2)  (2)  '\:j
 ~'i~~~~~~.'::::::::::::::::  50,488  43 ,ï48  54.143  427  ·· .. ·56.392·  10,979  92,657  15.747  247,592  73.402  498.771  o
 N.-Bru""..icli........... '.  59.021  ]19,838  24.442  256  7.188  7,672  70.108  9.519  231,,';06  105,896  ·123,654  \::::
 Quéhec...................  '128.105  645,719  8.181  1,664  387,833  104,271  553.233  131.456  3.788.497  756.162  5.292.797  c::
 O1ll-Srio....................  756.226  452,834  5.728  3,964  448.087  86,930  907,434  163.951  6,103,-804  621.776  8,307,183  (")
 Manitoba..................  247.663  21,092  4,800  2.545  37,214  14,988  117.515  26.015  474,682  34 .360  912.154  '-3
 6askatche",,,,, ..............  584.778  10,057  1,026  l.lXI2  67,M2  ]1,072  73,960  20.044  215.743  35.993  950,221
 Alberta....................  444,029  23,997  653  1.927  120.089  13.539  150.592  23.411  371.995  23,057  1,127.174  ~
 Colombie-Brit.............  114.141  408.631  84 .163  835  223,785  27.351  232.609  38.705  959.008  441,925  1.647,304
 Yukon ct Terr. N.O.... ..  . ............  (2)  (2)  (2)  (2)  (2)  . ........... ............  (2)  (2)  (2)  Il
 C.lNLDA. ....•••••  2.710,430  1,793,976  190,U7  15,296  1,384,301  280,312  2.220,n5  430,741  12,479,593  2,145,634  19,359,927  c:::
 $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'(\()()  $'000  $'000  $'000  o
 New10Ulldland ...... . ....  155  ..... '2;474 . ·.... ·....1  li .472  1,9U  8,196  ...... i;284'  32.919  24.324  74,882
 P. E. I. ..................  .. ·.. itÙ5·{  1.209  ............  655  3,766  4,338  2,003  28,385  '\:j
 N. SCOtia.................  32.997  26.973  32,073  427  47.125  8,381  45.257  10.685  102.294  35.028  271.186  ~
 N.·Brunswick ..............  41.667  69,763  H,879  256  6.01'1  6,255  33.281  6.459  91.187  51.399  218.423  o
 Quebee....................  290.287  371.304  4,548  1.664  183,199  104,107  260,825  89.199  1.651,630  341.314  2.615,449  b
 Ontario....................  532.738  261.098  5.728  3,964  263,605  86,256  439,776  111.248  2,708.554  298.215  4.114.752  c:::
 Manitobe..................  199.738  14.543  4,800  2.545  19.671  14.910  51,500  17,652  167,336  15.414  H7.290
 Saskatchewan ..............  476.913  7,339  1.026  1.992  33.809  8,851  34.510  13.GOI  47.357  7.187  618,211  (")
 Alberta....................  361.918  15,571  653  1,927  111.163  11.961  75.169  15.885  114,681  14.063  694,864  -
 Brit. Col.. ................  74.392  249.739  50,SOl  835  108.944  26.189  114.360  26,264.  109.665  191,988  869,201  o
 Yukon-N.W.Terr............ ............  38.710  2,334  1.679  9,155  651  . ........... .......  605  155  14 ,424  <:
 C.ufAD.!.. •.•••••.•.  2,027,3O-t  1,056,.4.04  119,316  15,296  100,217  270,ll7  1,066,"9  292,2n  5,330,566  98:1,090  9,997,067
 (1) Doublee inscriptions à déduire du total de chaque province.  (1) Duplico.tion to be deducted hom the total of cach pro_inee.
 (2) Compris dans le total maie non répartie.  (2) Included iD the totjl! but not subdivided.  .",
   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310