Page 271 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 271

F/NANCES    ' ()LAI/(E..~-SCIIOoL l''/NANCES          253

       20-Etat des revenus des corporatioru scolaires catholiques, province de Québec,
      20-St!ttement of Revenue of Catholic School Cor,porations, Pr'ovi,nce of Quebec,
                                                 Rotribution  Autre
         ANNlt!::S                                ni usuelle  rrv oua  Stlb"cntioM
         YEAR                            Ilecinl  M nlhly    Olh r     Gran
                                         ... ment   F       RCVCOlI
      lIJ,.~.46········'1'28,443.2G2 1'21,270,315  H40,004 l'  439.!l34  1i,lln.422
      IIH0-47  "..  30,001,064  22,100,021         340,340    405,14>1  7.387.835
      1017-48      36,000,405  24,750.17           352.2,10   514,012  9.033.  2
      l!1·15~10  ,.,  11 ,350,'172 l'la ,050 ,703  2(14.620  1 $  13!l,776  :s  71)1,459
      10'10·0\7    15,130,375  )3,17(1,403         264,407    Ion ,:374 l  1,411,077
      1917-48.........  15,0711,778  14,501,."27   259,039              38,210
                                    VILLE -TOWNS
      1!1<Ir,-4Il..  . .... , S :1.2111 ,M2  1 S 2,300,.177  1  17t;,7·18  S  31,OH  1$  f\~,227  000,003
       1~1·IO.oI7...  ..'  3,701,338  2,005,423  137.7:18  :13,263  71,'1:14  1 $  8.';3,480
       llH7~t8, ..... ,.  4.203,720  2,082.402  7[;.806  1  :10,,"08  RI ,06(1  [,047,818
                                          OO.Oil7   211,748  l'  ,tjf) .R19  l'
      194,."-4(1  '                                                     7·11.470
      104(}--17 . ..  ..                  00.38:3  1 $  22,127  55 .872  7,9.830
      19·17·4,tl  ..                      3li,7oo   27,370    48.901  1,015, oa
      101!;-4() ... , ..... [ ! 8,912.803  1  31·1,034  1            5 2.oI'lfl,.'i30
      J040-47.........  10,011 ,69&      260,253                      '1.3:12,1148
      1947-48........  12,732,151        270.8110                     6,na.928
      21  Etat des dépenses des corporations scolaires catholiqu 8, province de Québec,
      21  Staternent of Expenditure of Catholic School Corporations, Province of Quebec,
                                                       Servico d ln ct ltc
                                   Sa.1nirea dll            -         (mmobilisn·
                                    personnel  D pen  •  Du!>! ofllHgea  tiuns ~L
        ANN~ES                      llBCignnnL  d'entreLieA             o.utrp8
           -      Totu\(l)  Admini...  -                     Rachat d·obli.  dépenses
         YEARS              tration  Salaries of  :\'Iaintell"llce  IntérGtI  gutiorJ  -
                                    t.enohing  oxpellùiturc  -  -    Constructions
                                     .tufT            Inlereet  Redell1ption  "nd other
                                                              of bunds  oxpenditure
                                      PROVIN E
      Ill.lli-40········i ll32 ,lJ 2, 025 1' 1.228,238 1517.062'1151'1.027.1111 1$ 3'624.0110)6 2'300' 886 1 2,IIH,026
      1040·47     31.5-15,800  1,334,781  19,078.206  6.112,450  1.161,502  1.3(lO,aOl  2.630.778
      10'17-4!l  ,  34.951.715  1./i10,779  20,762,727  0.834,224  52/i,410  840,200  3,1383,206
      1946·0\0  'ISI8.285,60718                                         773,756
      1945-<\7    15,440,705                                            1135.800
      1947-,18.. "  10,100,\170                                         013,331
                                    VILLE:'  TOWNB
      1045-40 ....... 'I S 3,251, 770 1  H3.M4IS ) ,'~3"OG8IS  005'  283 S  260,33il l'  368,  81S  285,158
      1946-47..... .•..  3,752,953  160,180  1,833,701  758,4/i2  1  227.5lll  :\37.280  3fl2,563
      1947-48"    <l,D'JI ,218  177.548  2.153, li60  906,232  115,3 9  240.0U?  420,548
      1945-46...... , .'IS ,l, 906'975/S                 029    192' 873 5  115.806
                                                         , 1'
      1040~J7.........  2.147.139                      80,005  llia.973  227.219
      Hl17-48.. .. . .. ..  2.460,545                  05,071   102,-119  3'13,680
       ---- ---------------------------
                      207                                               989,301l
      1945-40  , .."l' 9, 248.  1
      11l40~17.. ,  , ..  10,205.003                                   1,214,lOa
      J!l0J7-48   12.2\12,982                                          2,00li.637
       (1) Lo lol41\ comprend nu""i \ee dépens  pour fourni·  (1) ToUll aI.u inoludll8 oxponditllro Cor sohool ruroituru
      ture.  ·t J1111t6riol scolaires U.îU5i que pour les survice.,  and oClUÎt.J1ncnt Bod uu:dlil1ry 8el' Îccs.
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