Page 270 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 270
Le tahlooLl ci-lle,,~oLl doune, pOUl' l' xercico The tuble below shows the l'evonues and
t'mancier \:<;)I1Uillé le 30 juin 1950, les r vcuus "pEmelitnrBs, tho ass ts of th capil<11 fund
et I~s dépeu.8os, ['a(\tif du fouds do capit~.l ot lLnd ct bontUl'0 clebt, as weil as tho Gssets lLnd
la cl too ùbligata,ire, l'actif ot 10 passir .Iu fond liabiJities uf t,he l'ovenue funel uf the atholic
d'achninistrl.Ltion 1ud >éla.ire des corporations llnd Protestant coq orutions of tho Province
catlwLiqu s el prot ~lantes dA la [)rovince do or Quobee, for the fiscal year onded J'ullO 30,
Q1l6b e. De plus, C() tablN1U contient un 1950. Besides, tilo tabl cantains tlJe (listribu-
répartition solon les cit6s, les villes, los villages tion acoordilig tu cities, towns, villages and
et 1<,8 lllllnicjp~tli~és rural s. l'Iwal JT\uniciI alitios.
.Les rov-nus d s corporations :;coizLir 8 cath - Tu' rovenuo of CaUwlic school corporations
liqu s atv'~ib>nont $51,000,74:3 et C(lllX dos oor- !IJ11ounted to $[;1,090,74::1 and Lllat of l'rotesLant
porat,ions protestantes, . Il,G13,.'i64 soit un coq arMions, tu , 11,61:3,564, making a total
total de ü2,fllS,4.48. 0l1';vl11u8 ~L$Ltil,814,GG1 of. (;2,\118,448. Tho ass t of th fllnd
l'actif dH fonùs d capital d corpol'l1tions uf C'atholic s 'bool corporations \V,I'O valned
scoltloir s catholiqu 8 et il, $34,7:39,435 callii des aL $JG1,814,6Cil aud f",]lOSO of the Prot 'stl.lollt
corporations proLcsutntcs. L!L d tte ohliga- (Jl!l'porations, aL $.34,730,4;)5. The d oontllr!:l
taire des cQt'pol'lttions call1Oliqnos 80 chiffre il. dcbt of the Catholic corporatiolls was
$34,3a8,823 et c lIe dos corporation H pl'OWS- $.'34,338,823 and that of .Prntest<tnL COI'pOrfl,-
tltilWs, ft $6,8G5,821. tiom, :!:-'6, flfl,821.
19 Sommilire des statistiques financières des Corporations Scolaires, Province
de Québec, 1949-50.
19-5urnmary of Finnncial Stntistics of School Corpor tians, Province of Q~lebec,
Fontis 0' dlUjni~tru.t.i(lu
F Ul'IclA rltl Cilllani ulII.lg~lrLir
Lil:.ll.l pt religion RCVI)I1US D6puJl5f'8 - -
- - - Capital III",1 Rcveo'lo fUlIu
Pl"e u.nd rolin-it.lO RùvCllue EXJJen itllrc -
Actif OLliglLti~mK Aetil Palll'if
- - - -
A.ilèt8 HUII,I. A!'\Rots Ual ilities
S 62,91~,44B $ 24.52~,067 -~
PHQVINCF. .• , . .... , 62,713,307 196,SSt096 41,204,644 22,462,1&&
(:llthûliq\.1C',s-Cat.hoIÎ(,R .... .51 .Mn. 7'1~ 51.662.147 Icll .811,061 34.3:18.82.1 20U48.042 18, s.-,;; ,O.'iO
Pl'otrRtoHllttl-Prol.c t.ants.... 11,013,[,(1.1 1l.366,301 34, 73û .'1:15 (l, 8OJ. 821 3.876,025 3.606 ,5111
Cl',·,18-Cl'W;;B............... 32,611,134 32,246,79G 107,093,438 14,069,633 10,225,689 10,81B,580
CllLholi luea-Cl\tholi,'s ..... 24.010,478 24..095.1167 3.572,18(1 lO,5n ,633 7 ,·17H. 7~8 8.113.31'1
ProtcstnJ\ Proteslnnl-ll. ,J92,2iili 7, "61,139 23.521.240 :1,400.000 2.741L031 2,71).:,,260
VJI.J..I,:R-Tow='8.. .... .. . ..... 7,109,736 8,651,723 31,261,341 14,339,259 6,098,216 4,693,009
Cnth"li'lllOR- Mloolir...... , 0,517.770 0.070'\.270 20.480,887 11,980,62 i),400,302 4,17.1.750
Prot~st,u.ntf5-PrQtet,lLutB... , 1, 19 l.lIGO 1,070.4.;3 7.7i1.'l60 2,358.577 688.8M 519,2fi\J
VH~LAOE "., ..... ,. .. ... . ... 4,552,516 4,336,U6 14,644,525 5,495,259 2,166,166 1,636,110
Cll-tholiqllf'S ~u.tholiCK .. .. 3.055,002 3,772.71l7 12.013.4:1fI 4.798,1;'9 2,033, (14::1 1,531,752
l'rot.<'tltalltll-l' l'ot""lunL8.... 597,424 ;'6:1.319 1.701,OSO 1)(17,100 1:3:1,123 10-1.358
!vr UNl Cll'/\ 1,11'''~ H.Ull ... t,I~$-
RUH/\J., r,'IUNl 'II'AI",J'I'JG , .•... 17,839,321 17,683,813 37,554,186 7,300,493 6,033,996 6,314,469
Ctlth,,11'lU -Catholio 10.007.·103 l1.l,418.423 35,809,101(\ 6.bs6,340 5. 7~5, 870 5,036,834
Pn'wstno Prot· t,,"t~::: 1.231,018 l ,2()i) ,300 1,745.6'10 311.144 ao .117 277.(\35
SOllrc'e: l:ila! !rwlnrÎM rt1l8 r.OI'1)()l'f1fioruj Ijco/.f?t·rctl, ,- our<~(': FÙla/winl slotsft1cnt of tJcllool ,"orpOl'atiorlit.
Qu(·boe. Qlu'hco.