Page 156 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 156

140               SANT/!; PUBLiQUE-PUBLIC HEALTH

            En 19130, on oomptaiL. dan~ la provinc~ de'  10 1950 there \\'01'0 144 institutions providing
          Québec, ]44 instit.utions 1"l'l'o\'(I,nL ROUR lour  ahelter for old people and orphans, in tho
          toit des vieillards ou des orphelins: 41 dans la  Provio(~(\of Quoh(lc: 44 in tho City of Montreal
          cité de Moot,l'~al, 14 clnns la cité de Québec <'t  14 in QUl'beo City and 89 elsewhcn: in the
          89 dans les nutres pal'til~s de la. Province.  Pl·ov·inm.  Sevllral of the iIJstilutious o,re, Ilot
          Plusillurs de (~l'S instiLIl ti()n~ sunt à, la fois  the snnw time, hospitals, hom<'$, orphanagoll,
          Jlùpitl\l, bospicll, orphelillI),t, l'lo.  l\t'~ ...
            En plus d~s institutions ci-<!essus nommées,  Besides the institutions referred tu above,
          il y a 34 l'OY(l),R ou agences sociales qu i ,'occu-
                                               there are :34 welJare or social agonoies which
          p('nt sp~(.iall!)llnnt dl' l'enran(~(l abandonnée,
                                               look artel' homeless clliklrf'l1, d('slit.llte fa:milie~,
          (kH fnmill('~ paUVl s, du s"rvil~(] sO('ial11, dll]ui-
          cil~ ou ùans certaines inRtitutions, et qui orgnr  provide social sorvice in tJ.le hump- or in ~'I'U~jo
          nisl;nt des sel'vi~ls de plaoornent.  institutions and place cbildren in fustéll' homes.
                  12-Stathtlque. du ho.pice. et orphelinat., province de Québec,
                    12-Statistlc. of Horne. and Orphanagee, Province of Quebec.

                          DE810NATION                                 1Q41l  19&0
                                                      11l40~14  ll14ii-49
          In.UtulioMayanL ropport..  .1T1811illU009 reporting .....  ..........  111  Hl  138
          Nombre d'lnoULut.Jone.....  . . ,. Nllmbor of lMtitutlon•..  144  H2  144
           Nombre de penonnf\....~:  N1Jrnbef ot peraons::
            Prê.Kènl·ft,tt 10 1eT ~tlnvler ...... , •...  Present on lot Jnnll..ry......  lCo,OOCo  IB,713  lS.M6  18,011
            Admllilcs dur,l\nt 'année.... , ......  AdrnlHed durlng yoar.......  Il,08.1  10,255  10.1>24  O,OgB
            80rUeo durant l'''nn~o.. , ........ ,  Rul....ed, , ..... ~ ...........  JO,031  10,208  10,a30  \1,8\12
            Préoent... 10 31 déoombre ......•..  Pr Bent on 31Bt Deoomber ...  16.21B  IB.760  18,IHO  17.820

                13-Etat financier de. hoapice. et orphelinats, province de Québec.
              13-Financial StAternent of Horne. and Orphanages, Province of Quebec.

                                                      Moyenno-A ven\ge
                          ENUMERATION                                 11140  1\1,,0
                                                      11140-44  II14ii-'19
          Re..Lt••:              Rooelpt.:              $
          En cnisse le 1er janvier....•....... On lat JU.m.Hlry .  ln7 .11<11  532,802  520.047  027.728
            PB.y6 Pf\l: pODI)Onnalrf'lA .... , . . • .  P,,~d by bnf\.rÙ(llr~ ..  1.401.380 2,139.867 2,2110,664 2,640.585
            O(ltroitll du aou"(!rntnH~'Dt... .  Governmfmt. ~l'llnl" ..... ,.  8B7.7\13  I,B.';5,215 2.185,880 2,791 ,875
            g~;E~i~nd~i~~ly~~~i~~~it.éa..  '. '.  ~~i~~~o uJo:~r}l~~~~~~~L.le~ :: ::  181.908  22\1 . 138  :100,355  :lOii.320
                                                                     013,658 1.200.806
          Autns rl~o6tt('l" . . . . . . . . . .  . Other rl}ct.tptl9 ....  l, 7U7 .82:3 2. ü01 ,782 2,087,659 2,600,708
                   TOT'L .....• ,. ..                4,981,564  1,107,481  9,205,163 10,284,022
           D6bou,.é.:            Disburatroec L6:
            S"I.irea dos médooln•....... "  .  Bal"rl•• o( ph\·.I<llona ..  33.002  63,407  77.157  {JO, 206
            Salatre. du peroonno!.  ,..  Blil~dl'II 1)( atafJ  .  8(18,541  1,417,7iil  1,760.884 2,234,803
            Rom6d.o e~G  .         )II",lloloe el.r  .  103, III  153,754  186,M3
            NourrituN            .  jo'ood       .   1,317,127 2,035.727 2,215,708 2,W7,081
            J1lanohi••ag. et h.bllloOl.nt•......  Loundry and dolldnll..  204,O8\)  338.133  305,O<H  :l03,018
                                                              ii91 .000
            '?~:~a"~e:,ta~~~ra:t"~:::::::::: :  Ha"Unll and lillbtiDll·· .  1101,911  1,37ii,ll8f. 1,550,0&1
            Au Lr•• dfbourlMl•................ 6t~~~ Jl:\'I~li::l~!~~~t~: :.  1,0"1,003 1,716.830 2,105,BI3  1,!J70,01\l
                   TOTAL ••.•..                       4,740,496  7,671,663  8,628,446  9,597,782
   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161