Page 81 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 81
Il appert a.u tableau 11 que63.32%delapo- In Table 1\0.11, it has beau sean that 63.32%
pulation de la. Province réside dans les centres of the population of the Province :resides in
urbains. La. répartition recoupée par origines urban communities. On the ather hand, the
ethniques et lieu de résidence montre, d'un cross-classification by racial origine and resi-
autre côté, que seulement 58.13% des person- dence shows that only 58.13% of those of
nes d'origine française résident dans les cités, French descent reside in cities, tÛWllS and
villes et ViUa.ges alora que, dam! le CM des 'villages, whereas in th€ case of the other races,
autres races, cette proportion eat beaucoup
plus élevée: races des lies britanniques 79.9%; the proportion is mueh grea,ter: British Isles
hébralque 99.3%; italienne 96.4%; polonaise races 79.9%; Jewish 99.3%; Italian 96.4%;
88.8%; allemande 73.3%; autres origines Polish 88.8%; German 73.3%; other foreign
étrangères 89,5%. origins 89.5%.
26--origines de 1. population des cités de la Province, en 1941.
26-origina of the Population of the Cities in the Province , in 1941
0 Origine ethnique-Racia! Origin
"3 -.!
.s ~
0 0 B fi
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CIT~S-C1TIES (l) 18: .~ -li ~.[ J:; ~ ~ ~ 0 .; ~ i 0 fi •
~ ; t:I 1 ~ ij ! e 1.g jlj ! Ij ~I@ ~I~ 3~1l
,l; ~ ~ ~ "'." lJ ~ ~ ~ ~ "* If ;;j " ..!:.l ..s .., "
236 ...... {\ ......
ee.p-de~Ia--MadeleiIle••...•••.•..•. Il,961 11,675 371 ...... 5 3 aB
Chlcoutimi. ....•.•....•••..•...•. 16,040 15,495 14 .•.... 11 107
DrummondnIJe. '" .•••.••...•.... 10,5..')5 9,426 '55 2' 10 5 7' " 1
Granb~•.......•.......•••...•.... 14,197 12,4!0 1,605 20 9 2 17 , . '" . "
Gra.od'Mère..••.••. , '" ......•.•. 8,608 7,990 510 1 10 1 3 ..... "
HulL .........•.............•••. 32,947 30,541 2,106 16 46 30 30 20 158
Joliette....•...... , ..•.. , .....•. ' 12,749 12,260 254 58 4 1 4 ...... 168
Lachine, ......•.•........•.•..... 20,051 12,261 6,036 155 398 251 40 8 902
Uvi.B....•.... Il,Y91 11.14,3 210 1 6 3 16 5 7
LongueuiL .•.. :::::::::::::::::: 7,087 5,425 1,500 23 3 21 14 ••.•.. lOI
Montréal .. , ...•.•••.•...• , ...... 903,007 598,001 182,948 51,132 23,752 7,045 3,789 16' 35,282
Outrernont.... , .••••.•.••.......• 30,751 11,713 7,SSO 10,338 147 31 88 1 558
Québe<:... , ..••.••.•...••.....••• 150.761 138,923 10,202 376 258 32 154 48 769
Rivière-du-Loup ................. 8,713 8,480 181 8 ...... • 19
St·Hyacinthe.....•....•••••..•... 17,798 17,543 169 21 18 ::: :: . 4 " 8 40
Bt-Jean-St. John.....•.••......... 13,l'I~6 12,437 983 65 63 13 17 , ....
Bt~Lambert.....•••...•••.••..... 6,417 1,959 4,200 fi 33 3 86 2 I~
8hawioigan Falla .......••....•.•. 20,325 18,939 1.,100 85 73 12 17 1 148
Sherbrooke ..•.•.....••.......•.. 35,g65 28,1H2 6,890 206 175 21 42 1 288
Sorel ..........•.••........•.•.•. 12,251 21,909 285 26 15 2 10 • ••
Thetford Minee ...•.•..•..•.....•. 12,716 12,046 53,1'< 17 5 ...... 3 .••••. 107
Trois--Rivière!l......•..•.•....••.. 12,007 a9,083 2,433 73 82 4 72 • 308
Valleyfield, Salaberry de•...•••.•.. 17,052 15,405 1,49:;J 9 30 l 73
Verdun ...••....•..••••••••.•.... 67,349 28,242 36,062 471 2.5 220 378 "'ïs 1,670
We9tmount ..•......•••...•...••. 215,047 4,038 19,207 1,625 94 33 271 3 776
TOTAL................. 1,510,987 1,077.256 288,293 6',706 25,495 7,741 5,135 'U 42,027
Cap-de-la-Madeleine...••••• , ••••. 100 91.61 1.97 ...... 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.30
Chlcoutimi. .....••••.•••••.••..•. 100 96.60 2.31 0.09 0.01 '0:26' 0.67
DrummondviHe.•..••..••••.••.... 100 89.30 9.05 'ô::H' 0.10 '0:05' 0.70 0.01 0 ..52
0.12 ......
g~:~~rM"iie·.:::::::::::::::::::: : 100 92.82 Il.30 0.18 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.41
1 08
HuU 100 92.69 6.39 0.05 0.14 0.10 0,10 o.oe 0.47
Joliette::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 100 96.16 2.00 0.46 0.03 0.01 o.oa 1.82
Lachine, .•........• , •..••.•...••. 100 61.15 30.10 0.71 1.99 1.25 0.20 ·èù.i. 4. 50
Lévis...•.••.. , .... , .••.•.••.•... 100 97.93 1, 7;05 0.01 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.0, 0.06
Longul.'uil.. , •.......•.••.•••..... 100 76.55 21.17 0.32 0.04 0.30 0.20 1.42
Montréal. .•••.•.•....••.•••.•.•. 100 66.32 20.26 5.66 2.63 0.78 0.42 'ô:ôi- 1l,91
Outremont ••........ , .••...••.••. 100 38.09 25.62 33.62 0.48 0.10 0.2B (3) 1.80
Québoo ..•....•..••......•.•••.•• 100 92.15 6.17 0.25 0.17 0.02 0.10 0.03 0.51
Rivière-du.Loup•.... "" ...••. , •. 100 97.32 2.08 0.09 ...... 0.07 0.22 0.22
St-Hyacintbe...•••••.......••.... 100 98.57 0.95 0.12 .ô:iÔ' 0.02 0.01 0.23
St..JeaD-St. John .....•....•..••... 100 91.14 7.20 0.40 0.f6 "0: io' 0.12 0.57
St-Lambert ......•.••••...•••••.. 100 30.53 6tt.45 0.08 0.51 0.05 0.50 'Ô:ôS' .\1. 79
Shawinigan FaU!.•..•••••••..•••• , 100 93.1B 5.42 0.17 0.86 0.06 0.08 0.01 0,7:1
Sherbrooke..•..•..•••••.•....•••. 100 78.80 19.16 0.57 0.49 0.06 0.12 (3) 0.80
Borel. ....•........•.•.•..•.•.••. 100 97.21 1.92 0.21 0.12 0.02 O.OS 0.02 0.43
Thetford Mine8.....•.••.•....•••• 100 94.73 4.23 0.1~ 0.04 0,02 0.84
Troi&-Rivièrm .....••...•.•.•••.•. 100 93.04 tt. 79 0.17 0.08 'Ô:OÏ 0.17 "(a)" . 0.74
VaJleyfield, SaJaberry de.••..•••.•. 100 90.34 8.75 0.05 0.17 0.05 0,21 ...... 0.43
Verdun .....•••••...•••• , .•••.... 100 41.93 53.154 0.70 0.44 0.33 0.56 0.03 2.48
Weetmount .••...•••......•••.... 100 15.50 73.74 6.24- 0.36 0.13 .... 0.01 2.0S
Tonn.& Clnit-ALL CtTllIl ..... , .1 100 71." 19••• 4.2' 1." '.51 '.02 ~2':7I
(1) 5,000 Am68 et plus. (Il HavlDlI: a populatIon of 5,000 and over.
(21 Comprend lee p'l!laonntll d'ori&ine non déIJ1.~e. {2 Ioe1udell pereoll.l witb racial ~igiI:l DO'!; Itated.
(8 Moill8 de 0.01%• (3 LeY than 0.01 %.