Page 513 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 513

495                         COMMUNICATIONS

                      TRAMWAYS                              TRAMWAYS
           Il y a ma,intenant quatre compagnies de  There are  DOW four electrical tramway
         tram~'aYs électriques organisées dans les 'villes  companies in operation in tlle citie8 of Mont-
         de Montréal, Québec, et Shawinigan Falls.  real, Quebee and Shawinigan Falls.
           En 1948. les trann'i'ays ont transporté  In 1948, the tramways carried 450,563,355
         450,563,355 yoyageurs.  Plus de 88 pour cent  passengers. J\.Iore than 88 pel' cent of those
         de c€s VOyageur8 ont été transportés pal' la  passengers 9i'ere carried by the lvfontreal
         compa~ie de Tramways de J\.Iontréal. Le  Tramways Company. The total capital of
         capital total des corporations était d'environ  these  corporations  amounted  to  neaJ'ly
         $54,628,231 à la fin de l'année 1948.  $54,628,231 al tJ:te end of 1948,

             tG-Voyageurs et marchandises transportés par les tramways, en 1948.
                  l~Pa8Bengere and Freight Carried by Tramway., in 1948.

                                                   Milles    VoyllogeUrll  traneport(iell de
                                                  parcourus  transponœ   (6U tOUUe6)
                  COMPAGNIES-COMPANIES              -           (1)        -
                                                   Miles     PaM!enllers  Freight Carried
                                                  Covered     CarTioo.   (ill «J1l1I)
         Montreal TramWll}'s Company•.•••••..•.•.•••••••••.• , •.  51,335.7ô3  398,271 ,,j35  1,714
         MOlltreal aud Sout),eru Couutie8., ... , .•.••••• , .•••••• , ..  1,3.',4,857  5,017,279  .'10,861
         Quebee Rp,ilway. L. H. &: P. CompllDy..•••...•.•..•....•.  5,817,90û  47,274,541  '"
         Sbawiuigan Falls Tenoinw.........•....................
                TOT.AL.•• , ...................................  51,508,520  .50,563,355  52.575
           (1) Comprend les \'oyageur~ t.raW'port~~ eu p,utobUll  (1) Ineluding plissene;ers earriE'd (ln motor bu~t'5 and
         ou tro]]eybu~ opérés par le~ eompall:uies de t.TamwayB.  traekless trolley cars operated by electrie railwaya.

                 17-Capital des compai"nies de tramways dans la Province, en 1948.
                  l7-Capital of Tramway Com.panie! in the Province, in 1948.

                                                   Aetious   Obligp,tiona  Cp,pital total
                                                   Stoeks     Bonde     Total Capital
         Montreal Tramways Company.....................  S  7.000,000  ,$ 40.147,400  S 47,147,400
         Montreal and Southern COunties...... . . .•. . .. . .. ... .... .  ,jOO,OOO  6.680,831  7,180,831
         Quebee Railway L. H. & P. Company....................             .     .
         Efbawinigan FiloUs Termina.l ..............•.......•••. , ••. __--=c c-c-'OOcccO_I__'_'c'c'c'c"c'c'c'c'-'-'I--cc-3cOO_,OOO__
                TOT.AL.•• , .... " . .• . . .. .... .... . . .. . . ...• •..  7,8t\O,Oao  4&,828,231  54,&28.231

               18--Revenu de! compagnies de tramways dans la Province, en 1948.
                 l8-Revenue of Tram.way Com.panies in the Province, in 1948.

                                                  Revl'nus  1  Dépenses  Revenus uets
                                                   bruts    d·u.:p1oir.ation  d'opéra.tinn
                  COl\IPAGKIEB---COMPANIES          -           -          -
                                                   Gross     Operating  Net Operll.ting
                                                  Revenue!!   Ellpenses  Re\'enuefl
         Montrep,l Tramways Compp,ny......... , ................  $ ~4.3-;l2,804  S 23,357,445  1.035.359
          Moutrealand Southern Countie!! .........................  .0;,72.602  851, 238  • -278,546
          Quebee Railw:fi' L. H. & P. Company ....................  2.839.324  2.908,238  -68.914
         Bbawinigan F ls Terminal .•...... , ...•...•........•....  184.896  184.449  447
                 TO'I'ÙL........•... , ...•...•.......... , .. ....  27,989,71&  27,301,370  &88,34&
                                                Source: S/Il./Ù/iC8 of Electric Raj~wallB, Ottp,wa.
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