Page 401 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 401

384                              MINES

             5-MArtRIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION             5-BUlLDlNG MATERIALS
          lI-Production de matériaux de construction, par principales substances.
                                   province de Québec.
               Il-Production of Building Materials, by Leading Substances,
                                    Province of Quebec.
                                  Pierre  Produite d'argile
                         Sable et  calcaire de                   Chaux da
         ANNli:ES  Ciment  gravier  construction  Clay product.'l  Granit  oonstruction  GrAs
         YEARS   Cernent  Sand and  Building  Bri_que~  1  Autres  Granite  Building  SaDdstonl!
                          gra\'e]  limestone       (1)             lime
                                          Bricks  Otller

                  "000    "000    1'000   1'000   1'000   "000     "000    $'000
        """-Av··1  .5,471  2,347   2,027   1,179    230    1,021    184      101
        1045 ..••...  5,985  2,280  2,110  1,807    723     887      235     224
        UM6 ..•••.  7,911  3,313   2,&10   2,643    807    1,409     424     399
        1947....   9,3.51  4,877   4,161   3,253   1,003   2,132    530      436
        1948....  12,306   9,536   4,689   3,740   1,383   2,219     623     538
        1949....  13,723   7,326   4.433   ',183   1,396   2,578    619     521
                 11 ba.rils  M tonnes  M tonnes  M briques  M tonnes  M tonnee  :h'! tonnes
                 M bands  M ton!;  M tons  M bricks       M tons    tous  M ton!
        Moy.-Ave.                                                 "
          1935--39..  2,436  8,562  1,39'  44.624 ..........  266    14      85
          ID40-44 .  3,199  10.805  2,429  6.'; ,803        525      18      81
        1945.......  3,812  8,912  1.966  82,319             77      24      212
        1946.......  5,046  12,374  2,564  113,695          lOg      43      380
        1947 .......  5,453  16,537  3,za9  122,003         214      50      394
        1948.......  6,511  28,102  3,803  129.646          165      52      375
        1949..... , .  6,901  19.180  3,570  141, 556       578      52     36'
          (lLTuiles, pot.eries, ~onduites, eto  (1) Til~, pottery, pipe.s, etc.
                    12-Production de ciment au Canada, par provinces,
                      l2-Cement Production of Canada, by Province•.
                          I~~~          1943  1 1944  1945  1  1946  119<7  1 1948  1949-
                          ll:~0::9 1::44 ~l~ S'ooo ~I~ $'00-;~
        Québep.....       .  3,33Z  5,471  4,900  4,736  5.9>l~  7,9,1;1  fI,351  12,~07113,935
        OntatlO           .  2,51,  3,428  2,873  2,730  3,80.:.  6'0~61  6,220  6,142  8,985
        lI.:Ianitobe..    .  732  1,428  1,603  1,69g  2,028  2,811  3,OOfl  3.895  3,364
        <5~~~~~":::: B.e..  '[  561  1,134  1,176  1,370  1,246  1,635  1,492  2,589  3,569
              CAmA.......... 7,:: ~::~ ~:~: -kffi-~~I~-lr~-~
        Québec............•... ,  43.6  43.7  42.2  1 40.S  42.0  39.3  142.6 1 44.1  42.4
        Ontario             32.8  27.4  24.8  23.5  26.7  30.0  28.3  24.2  27.3
        Mllonltoba...................  9.5  11.6  13.0  14.6  14.2  14.0  13.7  14.0  10.2
        Alberta....................  7.3  9.1  10.1  1I.8  8.7  8.1  1  6.8  9.3  10.9
        C.B.       B.C.......  6.8  8.2  9.9   9.3   8.3   8.6  8.0   8.S   9.2
              CA.NADA., •••••••••• 100.00 11iiG.01OG.01Oo~1-~I-iOD.D-1Oii:01OD.01Oil.O
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