Page 396 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 396


                    5--ProductiQn Tninérale de la province de Québec, en 1949.
                     S-Mineral Production of the Province of Quebec, in 1949.
                                           Em-    Sall1.ire~
                                           l:loyés  et gages  Quantit6  Valeur-Value
                    SUBSTANCES (1)          (2)    (2)  1   -
                                           Em- ,  Salaries  Quant.ity
                                          ployet1  ,nd Wages        1049     1948
                 :MtTA.LL1QUE!J.-M i:1",I.LLI CS  N,.  •             S        •
          Or. oneea•.. , •........••  Gold,of;, ..  5,20a  13 ,016,127  1  960,408 l):J4.574.688 1)26,987,485
          Cuivre, lb. '"  '  , .  Coppf'r, lb..  a,7n  9,953,858 135,644,936  27.002,363  21.819,473
          Zinc, lb  "    .  Zinc, lb.....  1,010  2.374,178 125,3Z1,2\J8  16.001,312  13,339,095
          Argen~, onces•...•......  Silver, O~.           3,249,526  2.412,773  1,.82,790
          Plomb, lb ..•...  Lcad, lb.,   .               11.598.163  1,832,510  1,717,741
          Selenium, lb   .  Selenium, lb  '                 \J9,709  204,403  238,974
          Chrome, tonnes  ,  .  Chrome, tona  .  9  "3;090'   361    7,148   33,568
          Fer titll.n~, tonnes......•  THo.nifenJU5 îron, to08  34  39, S96  540  2.goZ  21.0\<1
          Molybdénite, lb ••...•.•.  Molybd8nite, lb .....  1  1,447  ...  ... .......  137.143
          Bielnutb, lb   .  Bismutb., lb.•........  ...  ... .  ....  .. ...  26,406
          Fer..•.....•...•...•...  Iron  .        .2.52; iZ5' ...  .. ... . ......  ....
          Mo.nganèl;e.•...•.....•.  :Manl1'ane~e  '  .  '" ..  ... .... ...... ...  ..... ....  88
          Entrepreneunl en forage  Diflmond drilling con-
            au diamant..... , .....•  tractors ..•......  4&4  1,041'>,048  ..  .. ...... ... ..... .. ....
          Travaux  statutair~ LSU:r  Msesl>mE'nt ""ork  on
            daim.,••....••.. , •...  claim~  .  374  70S,16S .....  ..... .... ........ ...
                 TOT"L •••••••..••• , •••••.•.•••••••.  10,971  27,191,937 ..... .. . .. ,  82,728,089  66,103,854
              N O:S-lIltTALLIQ"CBB-NON- lI:E:T'!'LM':s
                  MIXÉB"OX IKD'lYSTBIBLB
                   !NDUSTRIAL MIKIŒAL8
          Amiante, tonnes  .  Asbœtos, tODg.••••••.  10,618,437  574,90;.;  39.746,072  4Z,231 ,4';;)
          ChaUll industrielle, tonnes  Industrialline, tons ...  700,008  274,568  Z,532,742  3,005.052
          Dolomie  ILl.agnésitiCjue,  l\'lagne~iti~  dolomite,
            brutite ct nl>  bruc}te and ma.gne-  920.506 ......
                             sium        .  392                    1,536,200  1,724,489
          ClLlcaire industriel, tonn~  Industrial  limestone
                            tons     ,  .                  529,000  1,187,601  1,135,!l04
          Tombe, tonnes ..... ,..•.  l'eat, tons  .  ... '~74  3i4;884'  21,16S  ~·45 ,636  434,12.:'
          Feldspath, tonnes.. '" ..  Fl'ldspar, tons  .  126  175,403  31,848  388, <J34  464,'.12(1
          Quartz et sable industriel,  Quartz and industrial
            tonnes  , ..•.. , ..  Band, tncs  .  120  "232,'.155  165,792  380.477  767,118
          Pyrite, tonnes  ,  .  Pyrite, tons  .  ...       18[;,072  a·tB.BOO  263,330
          Ochre et oJ<ide de fel",  Ochre and Iron oxide,
            tonnes      , , .  tons  ,  . .  53    70.9o.'i  10.873  184.586  193,619
          Stéatite, tuLe, tonue~  .  Soapafone, tule, tons. '1  44  57.200  13, :l22  160,rJ36  145,361
          Eau minérale, gal. .....•  Mineral water, glil....  ]7  19.!123  304,2W  145.831  log ,789
          Mica, lb.,  .. '  Micli, lb  " . . .  65  46,272  1 .~73 ,:-194  71,217  173,744
          Marnc, tonnet!,  , ..  MarI, tons... . ..  :l'....'':' 2  22<,)  27,923  28,005  13,494
          An;enic, lb  .   Arsenir, lb... . . .  ...                 17,535  27,246
          l'hO@phate  .    l'hoophate.. " .   •    }'<20'2 . : 3~7gll  291  ..... ...
          l'~troLe.,  ,. " .. , , •.  l'etroleum. "  :  53  70, \)05  ...  ...
                 TOTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••  6,516  13,20~,359  .....  47.173,'69  50,749,672
                                                        1                1
                .MATtRJAUX Dili CONS'r.xUCTION
                   BUILDING :MATEBIAT.a
          Ciment, barils  , .  Cement, br!.  .  611  1,720.16.3  6. gOl,192  13,722,635  12,300,243
          Sable et gTliyie:r, tonnes..  Band and grllVofl, tons  a 353  2,066,618  19,179,692  7. ~2i:J ,456  9,53.'>,944
          Pierre calcaire de coIl.'!-  Building  limestone,
            tructian, tonnes... , •.  tone  , , •.  1.310  2,258,018  3.570,038  4,433,412  4,688,8:35
          Produits d'argile:  ClaY produch:
           Briques, M    .  Bricks, 1-:1  .      2,267,527  f  141,556  4,182,762  3,740,165
           AutTE'S produits......•  Other products  .    \         1.396,364  1_::l82,60U
          Granit, tonnes.. , .....•.  Granite, tons  .  1,352,7]]  '57S:Ô98 .  2.5i8,169  2,218.520
          Chaux de construetion,
           tonnes        .  Building lime, tons ., .  ...   5::! .364  ôlS.894  623,269
          Grès, tonnes  ,  .  8andptoDc, tons  .  .i2fi  125:427  363,476  520,607  538,304
          Briqlletl ailico-calcalre, hL  Sand-lime bricks, 11{.  ~O  1  81,120  14.10.:;  30.'3.25(;  249.656
          I\-brbre, tonn~. ,  '  ~Iarble, tons  .  74  IOO,97t',  11 ,888  182,117  145, \J57
          Ardoiel' et scbiste, tonnes  Slate and shale, tom;..  3  :315  1,143  1,849  2,000
                 TOTAL .•••••       .......  7_,_41_1_- ~'_"_72_.8_71_I'_~._._,,_.._._._. __'_5'_26_6_.54_5_'1_ '_5,_4_"'_5_19_
                     GB~ND TOTAL.    . . . . . .  24.900  50,571,171  1 165,168,601  1.5:z,28S,045
            (1) Cla8séeli d'après l'importance de la valeur de la  (1) ClasI;i6ed accardinp; ta the impoi'tune,e of the
          productiou.                          value of pron\lcrùJn.
            (2) V:detlI' en fond» cauooil'l's.  Ln valeur en fonds  (2) Value in Cauawan rund~.  Th!' value at mc &taud-
          d'or est de ;j;l\I,g:J3,:~9.'jen 19·Hi N, dc :!F15.939,45"2 cn 19-18.  ard rate i~ $19,853,395 for 1949 and $1.').939,452 for 1948.
   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401