Page 395 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 395

378                             MINES

                  4-Production minérale de la province de Québac en 1948.
                   4-Mineral Production of the Province of Quebec in 1948

                                         F.m_   Sslo.ires      1
                                         ployés  gages  Quantité    Yaleul~Yalue
                  SUBSTA~CES (1)          (2)  " (2)      -
                                         Em-    Salaries  QUll.Dtity  1
        --                              ployee!!  .nd WaJ?8a  -   )\148    1947
                                                  •                         •
               MiT lLLLIQUES-:METALLICiI  No.                      ,
        Or, onces..••..• , .....•.  Gold. oil.•.. .........  5,128  12,141,539  771,071 3)26,987,48.') 3)21,566,685
        Cuivre, lb..............  Copper, lb.. .........  3.022  7,540,338  97,626,279  21,819,473  17.356,259
        Zinl" ......•......•...  Zinc, lb ...... ......  86.  1,937,372  95.7.'iR,009  13,339,005  7,800,686
        Argpnt, onces... ........  Silyer, 0-" •••• .... , .. ' .. ..... ... ........  2,377,054  1,782,790  1,540,612
        Plomb, lb............ ..  Lead, lb......... .... .. .. .. . .. .........  9,521,844  1,711,741  1,117,601
        Sélénium, lb..... '" . .. ... ..  119,i87  238,974  339,5'1,2
        1l!Iolybdénite, lb .•...  Molybdenite, lb. ....  .~ï .····2i;90Ô·  304.763  137,143  309,048
        Chrome, tonnes ........  Chrome, toru;.•.••. , ..  12  23,052  1,715  3.'J,5ô8
        Arl3enir., lb ..•.. ...... ..  Arsenic. lb ..•. , ......  ' ...  ...... .. ...  3'J4.232  27,240  42,159
        Bh,muth, lb ............  Bî~muth, lb.....•.. , . .. ,,, . ...  13,203  26,406  30
        Fer titll.né, tonnes•......  Titaniferous iron, tons  76  45,300  4,441  21,091  36,036
        lIrl1'1DganèiW, tonnes..•...  Manganese, tons..•...  23  29,741  3  88 ..... ......
        Fer......•...... ... ....  Iron... , ...•••..•....  183  508,M9  ........... ...... ..... .. .........
        Lithium....•...........  Lithium.........•. , .  1  1,500 .. '" ... .. ..... " ..... ... .....
        EPIl~~{:~l~U;t~.~~..f.o~~~~  niflmond drilling con-  450  902,4.01  .... ... .... ............ .. ..... ....
                           tractors ............
        TravlLlU: statutaires 'u,  A811eaBment work on
          daims.•.... ..... ...  claims••...•.. .....  385  730,616 .. ... .....  '" ......... ............
               TO'T,\L ... ..... .. ...................  10,158  23,883,444 ...  66,131,100  50,159,626
            NON-~'T ....LL[QUl!:a-NoN-METJlLLlCB
                MndnAUx INDUIlTRIIlLIl
                 INDUSTRIAL MINERALe
        Amill.ut.e, tonpeg ........  Asbesto~, toM........  5,lBI1  12,401,901  71t\,7eg  42,231,475  33,005,748
        Chll.ux ir.duetrielle. tonnes  IndustrilLllime. tons, .  343  t\54,e12  338,791  3,065,052  2,353,1391
        Dolomie mll..gnésitique et  MlllnJe~itie  rlnlnmit'"
          brucîts...............  and hrueite ........  518  1,059,233  ...... ...  1,724,489  1,238,948
        Calcaire indust.rielle, ton-  Industrill.l Iimestone.
          pes....•.............  tons•............•. ........ ..........  524,682  1,135,904  1,017,047
        Quartz et Bllble indŒltriel,  Qu&rtz ILnd industria.l
          tonne:;...............  SADd, tons... .......  176  316,851  331,055  767,llR  638,521
        Feld.~pA.(.h. tonnes..•....  FclsPfl.r, ton.~•......  127  17U,287  42,800  464,926  320,964
        Tourbe, tounes.••...•.•.  Peat, ton~..........  513  383,217  24,622  434,125  :392,755
        Pyrite. toones ..........  Pyrite, tOflEl...•....• ' ... ..... ........ .. .  145,205  263,330  187,112
        Ochre et oxide de fer,  Ochre lLod irae oxide,
          tonnes...•.. .........  tons.•..•... ' .••...  63  84,559  12,00.5  193,619  257.621
        Mica,lb ......... .....  Miea, lb .•.......•...  116  93."'.';2  4,275,195  173.744  120,712
        Stéatite, tonne~.........  Boapstone, tons....•..  43  58,747  11,479  145,361  123,407
        Eau minérale, ge.l1olli! •••  Mineral wlLter, gILL ...  23  18,278  190,139  109,789  110,840
        lIrla.rne, tonnes•.... .....  Ma:rl, mus•.. .. .....  2  58.  13,050  13,494  19,291
        Pétrole.....••.....  l'etroleum ... ......  "  79,549 ........... ...... ,. .... .. .... .. ....
        l'hospha.ta.••...••. ....
                                                  1,000 ....... .... ............ ............
                         Phosphate... ........
        Grenat.. ......... .. ...  GlLmet.  . .....  2 1  6.000 ..... " ..... ............ ..... .. .....
               TOTA.L•.. ............ .......... ..'  7,225  15,834,575 .. ....... ...  50,722,426  39,792,717
              ll.·rATfItIAUX n. CONSTBUçTION
                 BUILDTh'a MATIUIIALB
        Ciment. blLriJs.........•  Cernent, br!. •........  557  1.573,466  6,517.031  J2.306,243  •  351,477
        Sable et grILvier, tonneB .  SlLod and grave!, toM.  4.4ge  2.626.638  28.102.:'177  9,535,944  1.877.339
        Pioft"c cR1cll.he de  ~o['l9-  Building  liDleBtone,
          tl'Ilction, tonnes••••. ..  ton9....•.........  1,217  2,043,222  3.803,124  4,688,855  4.,100,991
        Produits d'argile:  CIlLY products:
         Briquell, M ...........  Bricks, M ..........  1,058  1,942,345  129-.M6  3,740,165  3,253,058
         Antres produits•.••..•  Other produets...•. ..         1,382.606  1,002,965
        G'TlLnit, tonnes...••..•..  GrlLDite, tOM ••.•.• " .  '"7iï ····932;iOQ· ····i56:03i·  2.218,.'>20  2,131,~65
        CbILUX  d. COIUltruction,  Building lime, tons.... ....
          tonnes.........•.....                           52,227  623,269  529,589
        Grès, ton)'les..•.........  &ndstone, toru;.....••  102 ..' 'i3S;SSC>'  375.404  538,304  4:35,332
        Briques silico-calco.ire, M.  &nd-lime bricks, M ..  31  76.908  13,315  24g.656  263,760
        Marbre, tonDes..•......  Marble. toni>.........  49  73,079  9,123  145,957  81,001
        Ardoise et schiste. tonne<!.  81a.te Ilnd shde, tons. ....... ... .. .... ...  88'  2,000  2,580
               TOTAL. .......... ..... ......... ...  ',221  9,406,658 . ....... ...  35....31,519  26,019,657
                   GRA!'ID TOTJlL•..• ...........  25,5D4  4S,624,m ............ 152,285,045  115,042,000
         (1) Classées d'ap:ràl !'importlloIl-ce de la valeW' de la  (1) Claesified aceording m  the importlLnce of the
        produrtion.                          value ai production.
         (2) y compria les employés. de bureau e.t l'admini!-  (2) IDduding s.dminilitrati.on and office employees.
         (3) VlLleur en fonds CW18diena. La valeur en fonds  (3) Value in Canadi8D fund...  The vlLlue flot tbe
        d'or eBt de elG,939,452 pour 1948 et $12,737,7I:1H pour  stlLndard ra.te is $15,93g,452 for 1948 and $1.2,737,798
        1947.                                for 1947.
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