Page 377 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 377
Pour les fins du Relevé de la. Production, For the purposes of the Survey of Produc'.
l'industrie forestière comprend les opérations tian, the fo:rest. industly includes operations
daus la forêt, l'industrie de la pulpe et du in the woods, the pulp and paper industry
papier et l'industrie du bois c'est-à-dire les and the lumber :iPdu~try, truü is saw-mills.
scieries. Voilà ce qu'on entend aujourd'hui AlI are ooIllprised in the tenn fOJ'ést industry
par industrie forestii;re; mais il n'en a pas as used toda.y, but this has not always boon
toujours été ainsi. Antérieurement il.. 1934, the case. Prior ta 1934 the value of pa,per
on n'incluait pas le papier dans l'industrie Wml not included although that of pulp '\\"38.
forestière; on 00 bornait à la. pulpe. Pour cette Therefore, anyone .....rishing to determine the
raison, le chercheur qui veut connaître la "'"alue of forestry production during the past
valeur de la production forestière depuis vingt.
ou vingt-cinq ans se heurte à de grandes diffi- twenty or tweuty-five years is facoo wîth a
cultés. Le tableau ci-deS80U~ fournit des don- difficuIt problem. The table helow gives
nées comparables, pour la prOvince de Qu~bec, comparnble data. for the Province of Quebec
à partir de 1920. beginning with ]920.
La valeur brute de la production forestière The gross value of fOrE'stD'" production in
de la Province, qui avait baissé à, $97,858,&53, the Province, which had dropped to $97,8.58,8.53
en 1933 s'est élevée à $681,652,513 ail 1948. in 1933, refWhed $681,652,513 in 1948.
~Valeur brute de la production de l'industrie forestière, province de Québec,
~Cro•• Value of Production of the Forest Industry, Province of Quebec, 1920-1948.
Opérations [Ildustrie de la pulpe
Annéea VALEUR TOTAL:E dans la forU et du papier Industrie du bois
- - - - -
Yeam TOTAL VALUS Operations Pul.[) a.n.d paper Lurnber indu.'ltry
in the forest induetry
• • $ $
1920................. 236,917,014 12,753,V64 114,301,111 48,921,993
1921. .... , .......... , 161,416,102 62,246,954 68,935,462 30,294,286
1922...........•..... 156.523.909 .'i6 ,981, 829 13,404,009 26,138.011
1923.... , ............ 173,019,155 55,065,810 81,372,038 27,181,307
1924................. 178,179,134 68,597,165 83,092.642 26,489,327
192.5..... ....... .. ... 181,490,043 64,182,905 93,911,109 22,802,029
1926........... , ..... 197,337,345 64,976,437 107,166,651 25,194,257
192;... " ...... , .. , .. 209, 744,B66 65,707,873 114,405,475 29,631,518
1928................. 222,387,951 67,991,437 127,223,217 27,173,297
HI29.......•..... , ... 223,625,611 65,537,957 129,745,028 28,342,626
1930................. 217,084,525 73.493,851 109,241.510 34,349,164
1931. ................ 145,840,6OJ 45,344,956 85, 162,45.'J 15,333,194
1932................. 107,514,536 34,250,349 63,317,497 9,946,&:10
1933....... , .•.. , .. , 97,858,853 34,813,053 56,474,428 6,571 ,3;2
1934... " ............ 119,864,046 38,312,690 74,407,960 7,143,396
1935.•. , ..•....... , .. 126,50,i,220 41,2GB,620 75,3;(}, 258 9,860,342
1936............ ..... 147,6,93,514 ,47,417,044 88,405.34; 11,871,123
]937..... " •... ......
1938." .......... .... 184,574,481 58,57i,529 I07,196,31(} 18,800,636
1939.. , ...• ... .... 116,834,286 56,140,263 103,5M,981 17,12Q,042
1940, ................ 244,543,719 ;0,275,424 151,264,649 23,003.646
1941. .......... , , •... 275,860,091 79,280,501 166,578,fi87 30,000.903
1942••. , .••.......... 299.728,675 91,702,084 161,601,563 40,420,028
1943.............• , .. 317,2ül,989 104,692,371 166,928,003 45,641,615
1944.......... , ...... 360,954,343 123,936,131 186,918,517 50,099,695
1945...... .......... 395,014,638 139,733,279 199,112,142 56,109,217
1946.".", ...•...... 500,909,018 168,758,131 265,989.953 66,160,934
1947................. 620,888,790 , 200.870,414 346,119,699 73,898,677
1948. , ....••......... 681,652,513 218,347,191 393,347,430 69,957,892