Page 85 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 85

li:T.4T CIVI~CONJUGAL CONDITION                    69

                   7-t.TAT CIVIL                    7-CONJUGAL CONDITION
         Les ditl'hents termes usités sous cette rubri-  The various tenns used under this heading
       que dé8îgcent l'état matrimonial de la popula-  refer to. the matrimonial status of the popula-
       tion à.la da.te du recensement. Dans la province  tion at the tilue of the cemus.  On the first
       de Québee, au 1er juin 1941, les célibataires  of June, 1941, of the persans residing in the
       étaient au nombre de 2,009,052 ou 60.30% des  Province of Quebec, 2,009,052 or 60.3 % were
       personnes recensées; il ccinvient de remarquer  single.  l t must be taken into aceount, how-
       cependant que la population de moins de 15 ans  ever, that the population under 15 years of age
       s'élevait à 1,062,813, Boit 31.90% de la popu-  1,\'1LS 1,062,813, that is 31.9% of the total popu-
       lation totale et 62.90% des personne8 non  lation and 52.9%of the unmarried population.
       mariées.  Ce groupe l'le composait de 536,085  This group comprised 536,085 b03rs and 526,728
       garçons et 526,728 filles.           girls.

              3o--ttat cI'dl de la population du Canad•• par provinces, en 1941.
           3D--Conjueal Condition of the Population of Canada, by Provinces, in 1941.

                                      Mari~  En v~~••  Divorcés
             PROVINCES      C'lib~.,~ 1                         B'p","  1  Toto.l
                             Sinl[le  Mo.rried  Widowed  Divorced  8epo.rated  (1)
                           1                1                 1
                          POPULATION TOTALE -  TOTAL POPULATION
       I1e-du-P .-lt .... P. E. I. ..... ..  54,576  36,098  4,950  3Sil    G5,O.7
       Nouv.-ltro~~e .. Nov. Scotio..  321,980  220,645  30,903  "  3,885  677,G62
       N.-Brunswick................  213.,4G2  169,368  20,735  '"  2,393  457,401
       8~:a~~·......::::::::::::::::::  2,009,052  1,1,3.102  2u2,941  5,156  32,144  3,331,882
       Mo.nitobo....................  386,397  306.262  30,893  1,127  5,0313  729.744-
       Saskatcbewan..............  504.854  355,108  30,348  8'.   4,765   895,99a
       Albert.a.....................  429.881  330,422  28,557  1,518  5,741  796,169
       Colombie-Brl&.. Rrit. C.QlumbiA.  380.2(,9  381,959  43,214  3,265  G,091  817,861
       yukon............. ,., ..•...  2,8132  1.767  204    20      61      4,914
       Terr.du N.-O... N.-W. T........  6,725  4,654  565   •        18     12,028
               C"'~"'DA.••••••••  &,230.561  4,656.008  525,1.21  ",OU  80.137  U.5a&,&51
                           POPULATION RURALE -  RURAL POPULATION
       I1e-du-P.-t... .. P. E. I. .......  40,835  26,003  3,634 1  24  210  70,707
       Nouv.-ltcOMe .. Non Scotia...  174,845  110,005  17,345  217  1,910  310,422
       N.-Brunswick................  186,188  113,030  13,267  215  1,253  313,978
       8~~~ri~·.·::::::::::::::::::::  790,807  389,871  38.949  103  a,292  1,222,198
       Manitoba...•..•........ ....  231,490  160,295  14,250  257  1,573  407,871
       8askatchewo.n ....•...•...  353,143  227,474  17,502  307   2,294   600,843
       Alberto......................  280,044  191,387  14,780  025  2,731  489,688
       Colombie-Brit.. Brit. Columbio..  183,320  170,244  16,537  '93  3,349  874,467
       Yukon......................  1,890  1,034  132                       3,117
       Terr.du N.-D... N.-W. T ........  6,725  4,654  565  " 0     "      12,028
               C.....o.......... ,  2,994,832  2,a28,089  204,010  3,861  23.111  Il,254,211
                           POPULATION URBAI:-JE -  URBAN POPULATION
       I1e-du-P.-t.... P. E. I. .......  13,741  9.005  1,316 ,  17  170   24,840
       Nouv,-tcone.. Nova Seotio....  147,135  104,550  13,558  2'8  1,975  367,0540
       N.-Brunawiok.........••. , ...  78,304  M,338  7,468  17'   1,130   148,08
       8~~~i~':::::::::::::::::::::  1,218,245  1,049,619  135,952  4,194  14,331  2,109,684
       Me.nHobe..................•.  154,907  145,967  16,M.3  870  3,463  a:n,871
       Sal'lkatchewo.n................  151,711  127,684  12,786  492  :il,47l  2'015,146
       Alberta .....................  149,837  139.035  13.777  893  3.010  a06,686
       CoJombie-Brit.. Brit. Columbia.  196,949  211,716  213.1377  2,272  ~,742  .43,394,
       Terr. du N.~O... N.-W. T ....... .,..  .......  ..... ...... .... . .. .... ............ ............
       yukon......................  1    733       72       6       20      1,7'017
               C ...KA.D...........  3,235,736  2,627,917  321,W  10,1&9  57,002  '.212,41&
        (1) Y oompril lei peuonnœ dont l'étllot civil n'eet  (1) Including penons with c:on.îUl[al oondition  80t
       pu déclaré,                          /Itated.
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90