Page 319 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 319
l1-Valeur de. fermes au Canada, par pl'ovinceso
ll-Farm Values in Canada, by Provinces.
Outillage et
ADnées Terrain Bâtiments machinerie Bétail
PROVINCES - - - - - Total
y",~ Land \ Buildingll Implemente Live-stock
and maehinery
Ile·du-P.-E '. ,P.KI ... 1941 $ 17,754,500 $ 113.621,300 $ 5,801,400 6,517,877 1 46,695.770
1931 23,233,900 18.686,500 8,115,900 • 7,295,729 58,332,029
N.-Écosse.. .,.N.S. 1941 29,426,400 36.34-1,000 10,960,800 11 ,632,661 88,363,661
1931 38,624,000 43,890,500 10,554,100 12,808,810 105,877,410
N.·Bru:nswick..•.... ... 19-H 27,790,400 30,206,600 10,824,500 Il,973,859 SO,795,359
1931 38,380,300 38,680,500 13,252,500 13,217,318 103,530,618
Québec........ ..... ... lMl 317,942,000 225,416,500 85,203,400 HI,185,062 7::19.746,952
Ontario, ..... ......... 1931 426,213,000 257,917,800 150,358,900 203,093,661 1, 189,600,261
1931 585,837,900 487,009,300 151,928,200 172,890,362 1,397.665,762
Manitoba.•... ...... ... 1941 157,002,800 71,884,900 58,886,000 50,803,975 339,178,276
1931 200, no ,300 88,389,200 54,84i,200 44, 6a.'), 428 388,142,128
SaBkatçhmmn... "' . ... 1941 505, ~25,200 152,268,600 142,754,400 95,665,031 896,013,231
98,008,978 1,272,662,978'
Alberta .. ... .. , .... , .. . 1931 755,349,000 223,794,500 lR5,51O,500 104,065,895 711,020,196
1931 534,092,700 137,331,700 Il6,300,600 81,706,858 S()9, 431 ,85R
Col. Brit... ... B.C." .. Hl41 75,657,000 38,630.900 15,128,400 20,645,827 150,062,927
1931 98.356,900 46,224,300 12,885,.')00 17,370,475 174.,837,175
TOT,\L .••• " •. 1941 1,95],189,000 1,076,657.000 596,0",300 615,583,850 4.241,47&,150
1931 2,810,299,000 1,342,898,600 650,645,]00 543,783,109 5,347.626.009
La rerre agricole occupée est exploitée soit The occupied farm land is cuItiyatcd either
par le propriétaire soit par un locataire, Dans by the owner or by a tenant. Particularly in
les Prairies en particulier, l'érendue des terMS the Prairie Provinoos, the area of rented fanns
louées représentent une proportion consid~ constitut..e an important percentage of the
rable de la superficie occupée. occupied farm land.
L€ loyer est pa,yé en argent, en nature ou en Rent is payable in cash, in kind or in shar.-es.
partage. Lors du recensement de 1941, on a At the 1941 Census, an estimation was made
fait une estimation de l'équivalent en a.rgent du of the cash ya.lue of the rent paid in kind and
loyer payé en nature et en partage. En 1931, in sha,l"{,g. In 1931, the cash value of tJIe rent
il n'avait pas été tenu compt..e du loyer payé en paid iD shares had not bren computed. This
partage. C'est ce qui explique la différence a.ccounts for the difference between the figures
entre les chiffres de ces deux recensements. Il of these two censuses. It should allio be noted.
faut aussi remarquer que le montant du loyer that the amount of rent :reported is for the
se rapporte à1'a,nnée antérieure au recensement, year preceding the census, that is 1940 and
soit 1940 et 1930 respectivement. 19.'30 respectively.
12-Superficie des fermes occupées et loyer payé, au Canada, par provinces.
12-Farm Areas Occupied and Rent Paid, in Canada, by Provinces.
Superficie o~~upée par-A:r~a occupied by
LO~'er payé
Annéee Propriétaire G~rant Locatll.ire Autres -
PROVINCES - - - - - Rent paid
Years Owner :Manager T~nnnt 1 Ot.her
acres acres acres o.()lC~ •
ne-d\l·P.~E. .. .P. E. I... lMI 1,058,713 1 7,870 22,544 79,741 43,860
1931 1.104,750 3,008 13,596 69,348 45,810
N.-:!tcos"e. .... N.S. ... 1941 3,500,160 43,277 83,347 18~,856 115,130
1931 4.032,784 28,549 78,915 161,783 153,860
N.-Brunswîek... ' . ... 1941 3,570,271 -17,006 96,550 249,672 106, ISO
1931 3,825,087 24,794 94,301 207.414 122,220
Québec..... , ... ....... 1941 16,533,174 151, 546 542,308 835,536 1,168,600
1931 15,911,014 100,589 523,056 769,505 1,042,380
Ontario, ......... .. ... 1941 17,074,876 312,673 2,241,455 2,758,977 5,912,320
1931 18,416.406 138.335 2,070,148 2,210,009 r',690,900
:Mallitobo... ...... , '" .. 1941 9,251,725 171,412 3,424,525 4.043,6.'j9 4,433,980
1931 9,054,093 208.683 2,884,582 2,974.227 574,470
Saskatchewan.. '" '" ... 1941 23,660,313 1,245.725 13,285,130 21,769.15\l 16,874,750
Alberta... , ....... ..... 1931 29 ,848,077 1,052,279 8,242,504 17,141,336 1,009,690
1931 2O"U6,604 806,310 5,817,679 11,736,774 1,092,950
Col. Brit ......B, C, .. , 1941 2,222,553 219,628 284,072 1,307.317 830,380
1931 2,113,792 375,141 307,472 744,136 1,043,510
TOTAL, •. ..... 1941 95,023,"29 3,252,016 27,119,"32 48,OitB,AOO 39,43Ii6&O
1901 1~32,G97 2.128,"52 2O,032,SSJ 36,020,532 10,nS.790