Page 318 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 318
DE 1941 1941
On trouvel'a da,ns les pages suivanteB les Final result8 of the 1941 agricultural cemus,
reslùtats défInitifs du reoonselUent agIieole de which was c~trried out at the same time as the
1941 efl.'eetué en ll1{\1r.e tRmps que le dénom- eensus of the popula,tion, \vill be found in the
brement déeennal de la population. fol1owing pages.
lo-État des terres agricoles occupées, par provinces.
lO-Condition of occupied farm land, by provinces.
Années Ile-du-P.-E. N.-~(losse
Êtat-Condit.ion - - - N. Brunswicl, Québec Ontario
y""" P, E. L N. Scotia
M, M, M, M, M,
SUPERFICIE TOTALJj;-ToTAL AREA •. 1941 1,lG8,8GB 8,816,646 3.9&4,109 18,0&2,5&4 22.187,981
1931 1.191,202 4,802,031 4,151,596 17,304,164 22,&40,988
Dlfrichh-ImpTCl'IJed ..........•... 1041 737,4°0 81:1J,40S 1,280,4$1 9,Oôft,671 UJ,SflS.S61
10S1 765,77:1J 844,OSS 1.SS0,23ft 8,994,168 1:J.i!7ft.088
En eulture-'Cnder erops........ 1941 470,004 53ii,059 81H ,844 6,079,191 9,087.082
1931 494,692 574,729 95~, 189 6,070,793 9,359,763
Pàturage-Pasture..... .. , ..... 1941 237,062 175,236 2!l6 ,176 2,.'iHl,3,j4 3,237,865
1931 242,195 168,303 2!l2,6~7 2,600,757 2,!l43,567
En jaehère--Summer fallow . 1941 3,!l43 3.748 8,472 6,776 320,765
1931 8,723 9,229 16,292 28, Ul 344,634
Autre terre défrichée-
Other improved land ........ .. 1941 26,044 57,4B5 64,269 309,0:20 543,105
1931 17,740 43,386 52,914 224,951 3M,0.jO
En friche-Unimpro1Jed.... " .. ", 1041 4'1, J,B8 3,004·243 2,728,618 8,999,898 9,024,620
Boiaée-Woodland. ..... .. , ..... lYSl 4i6.4-'0 3,457.399 2,821,304 5,962,906 3,864,869
1931 339.076 2,502.773 2,432,570 6,035.594 4,702,459
Prairie ou pâturage Daturel-
Prairie or Datura} pasture...... .. l'Hl 0,0,60<\. 731,801 364,493 2,090,823 3,879,182
1931 35,264 744,971 2.'38,855 1,430,974 3,460,398
Maréeage-Marsh or waste land. 1941 35,084 197,197 153,173 946,164 1,:280,569
1931 51,090 209,655 149,939 843,438 1,4°5,055
Annéetl C.B.
~t.o.t....--eondition - Mauitoba Saskatehewan Mberta - Total
Years B.c.
ac, ac, M, ac, ac.
SUPERFlCIl!: Tor~LE--ToTAL AREA.. 1941 1&,891,322 59,960,927 43,277,295 4,033,570 173,563,282.
1931 15,131,&85 55,&71,460 38,577,457 3,541,5ü lG3,U4,034
DéfrichIJe--I111,'nrofed . .....••.... , . 19.p 9,820, 174 86,677.320 20, l25,:1JftO S08, 085 Yl,61'J6JJ86
1931 8,521,Y30 S,, .548,988 11,748,618 7°4,956 85,732.172
En oul~ure--Undererops ........ 1041 6,323,037 19,765,6-1.5 12,278,873 537,998 55,938,636
1931 5,842,368 22,12B,3~9 12.037,394 452,226 57.925.483
Pà•.......... lMl 455,487 783,[.101 62ô,rl78 171,614 8,502,873
1931 411,924 712.371 524 ,5'j6 llô,326 8,011,716
En jacbêre--Sununer fallow ..... lMl 2,767,335 13,803,088 6,Mô,931 75,048 23,535,106
1931 2,069,944 9,911.357 4,547,187 41.761 17,007,278
Autre terre défrichée--
O~her improved land ....••. , .. 1941 278,385 1.222,990 659,588 57,290 3,318,176
1931 194,032 76B,308 637,43ô 42,414 2,373,230
En friche--Unimproted .... .•..•... 1941 7,082,148 24,1'J88,607 2.', J(iS.Oro 3,140,485 81 ,{}fJ7 ,107
1931 6,50Y, 756 Sft,1S4,47J3 ~t ,i~8,989 1I,83IJ ,585 17,381,8811
Boisêe-WoodIana......•.••... 1041 1,529,648 2,566,115 2.727,375 1,013,732 22,2M,082
1931 2,018,520 3,508,480 3,803,680 1,212,129 26,645,281
Prairie ou pâturage naturel-
Prairie or Datura] pasture .... 11>41 4,823,51,j 19,815,940 18,745,520 1,846,358 52,378,236
1931 3,601,M4 15,755,179 15,960,335 1,347,377 42,574,997
Man'icage--Marsh or WlloE'te land. 11>41 708,985 2,001,552 1,079, IBO 280,395 7,282,899
1931 989,591 2,860,813 1,374,924 277 ,079 8,161,584