Page 324 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 324

RECENSEMENT-CENSUS                            301

         tG-Valeur du cheptel.ur le. ferm.e8 de la province de Québec, par comté., en 1941.
         tG-V.lue of Live Stock on Farrn8 of the Province of Quebec, by Countiea, in 1941.

           COMTts     ChevauJ:  Bovins  MoutoIlS  Porcs            Abeille.
         MUNICIPAUX                                       ,                Tota.l
              -.        -      -      -       -            Poules et  -
          MUNICIPAL                                        pouiet./j        (l)
          CDl:NTIES   Horses  Ca.ttle  8hel!lp  Swïne  Total  -     B,~
                                                           Hens and
                        •       •      •      •       •      •              •
       Abitibi .•.••...•.•••  889,798 1,068,427  43,588  120,218  87,101  85,266  2,252  1  2,210,771
       ~~fj;~~~~:::::::::  392,507  838,311  14,924  196,401  62,995  79,902  2,870  1,371,541
                      821,479 1,507,369
       Bagat..............  605,282  991,234  33,982  264,817  98,901  94,777  34,367  2,028,612
       ~::ili:~·i;oii::::::::  1,091,527 1,577,021  174,087  154,266  52,134  84,366  a,913  3,0e9,392
       B'IliechUllII. ... ' ..•..  657,900  931,074  41. 948  122,886  73,861  73,3OQ  5,383  1, 733 ,082
       Berthier ... " .......  497,919  774,175  45,10.2  108,082  94,004  92,685  12,378  1.531,810
       Bonaventure, •.. , ...  765,616  507,619  sa ,581  90,268  72,189  68,311  711  1,520,049
       Brôme ...•.•••.. , ..  424,693 1,106,852  12,049  114,671  64,574  43,774  2,077  1,725,151
        Chambly ...• , ......  236,493  345,265  4,065  41,733  42,163  40,517  12,161  681,955 ..... , ...  725,769 1,005,614  61,949  118,819  &4,584  81,575  5,573  2,092,401
       Cb.rlevoi!: .........  365,675  404,449  69,846  53,491  49.848  39.870  126  933.567
       Châteauguay.... , •• ,  432,899 1,069,200  6,871  113.917  90,337  87.335  17,720  1,731.006
       Chiooutimi..........  722.772  873,385  70,051  119,1&:1  83,572  72,905  6,445  1,875.575
        Comp~on.. , ........  816,525 1.702,432  58,765  124,614  64,803  62,167  1,080  2,768.488
         Two-Mount.inl, .  482,652  855,045  10,924  114.730  83,832  82,052  8,450  1, 0555,636
       Dorohœt& ...... , •.  777 ,215 1,188,9057  77,830  179,336  123,322  IH/,903  3,741  2,350,651
        Drummond...•. , .•.  647,270 1,267,103  28,090  140,3513  75,750  71 ,919  7.121  2,165,786
       Fronlenao ....... , ..  754,030 1,062,946  87,215  84,147  40,54-0  39,785  132  2,029,066
                                                            51.771 ...
        *':'1F.'::::::::::::::  631,555  459,619  43,037  142,&'17  52,808  84,566  .4:683'  1,279,492
                      833,751 1,423,526
       Huntinadon ........  437,854 1,404,506  5.629  109,190  63,876  61,377  9,240  2,030,297
       Iberville.......... , .  339,665  700,684  Il ,937  79,124  50,022  46,452  8,163  1,189,610
       Joliette ....•.......  491,246  845,576  29,659  132,060  148,949  147,479  8,070  1,655.814
        Kamourasu........  592,136  679,180  M,527  100,883  39.450  38,534  2,444  1,478,620
       Labelle.....•.......  549,851  722,900  46,730  104,434  49.960  48,619  660  1,474,594
       LaG-St-Jean-Lake  1,374,536 1,862.932  159.737  263,178  124,910  110,988  9,275  3,794,MB
         St. John..........
       :tax:airil'!•....•.••.•  348,764  382,241  7,107  79,505  67,023  M1,555  17 ,656  902,309
       L'  Bomption•..••..  465,406  687,194  Il ,676  117,828  B13,429  85,377  Il,162  1,379,731
       Lévie ......•.•.....  248.679  481,ZIl  10,690  83,354  64,300  63,735  3,4M  801,70.3
       L'bl~t ......•..... ,  504.508  454,105  41,000  63,,555  32,224  30,450  5,009  1,100.401
       Lotbiniêre..•... , .•.  736,922 1,137,163  50,099  174,621  94,790  93,510  7,179  2,200,779
       Maskinongé ......•.  381.908-  596,503  60,242  IlO,228  43,468  41,472  8,893  1,201,259
       Matane ......•..... 1,020.084  908,521  164,130  148.457  91,070  88,733  3,li8  2,335,440
       Méganl.ic... , ..... , .  988,403 1,436.771  56,380  143.513  91,456  89,377  1,476  2,718,199
       MislliIQuoi....•.. ' ..  4i8,16S 1, HiY,.')03  9.080  1I1,U36  46,200  41,511  8,382  1,813,371
       Montoalm..........  358,885  458,970  11 ,577  83,696  49.734  48.770  5,355  96,g,370
       Mont.-mlLi:ny ........  426,114  488,525  19.975  69,749  29,131  28,148  1,628  1,03.'i.122
       Montmorenoy.. ,." .  257,226  371.480  11,017  31,1e9  48,891  47,463  860  720,673
       Mont.réal ok JéeU.9, 1.  505.264  850,607  2,972  92,126  103,834  103,373  14,5<15  1,569 ..592
        Napie:rville ......•..  328,338-  369,069  5,498  66,085  44,621  40,465  4,603  818,216
        Nioolfrt..........••.  926,292 1,565.215  51,690  238,956  111,766  107,739  15,903  2,909,827
        Papineau, .•.• , ., ...  663,390 1,10I,a07  47,636  139,694  66,769  63,834  5,838  2,024,634
       Pontiaa ............  778,712  1,233,744  80.637  123,J07  7J,367  63,408  3,299  2,293,346
       Portneuf. .•...•....  686.172 1,033,379  34,329  97,.587  98,2fl3  96,897  4,804  1,954,607
       Québeo.. , ....•.....  288,H2  495,{Hl  2.206  68,763  75.051  69,148  3.407  {l3i!,023
       RioheliBu....••.....  3313,477  591.41S  13.677  108.455  45.243  43,455  7,275  1,102,561
       Riob.mond..••..•• , .  564,617 1.331.424  24,450  68,201  43,157  41,202  1,573  2,033,501
       EiIIlomkï........•..  827,503  844,750  125,541  131,864  7I,569  70,463  2,857  2,004.252
       Rouville.•..... , ....  431,636  907.261  13,572  156,039  67,298  66.005  12,764  1,58&654
       SagUenay.. ' ... " ...  105,892  104,782  12,566  16.456  11,107  10.2&:1 ..  251,017
       8befford, ...•....•. ,  674,272 1,519,119  34,473  282,489  73,994  70,567  '"4:M3'  2,618,936
       Sberbrooke ...... , ..  232,754  59'l,428  4,Q28  45,412  26,348  25,006  876  904,8Q6
       Soul&IlKe8 •.........  254,129  365, !l'59  0,331  60,565  43,536  40,244  11,715  7051,236
       8ta[L~tead ...•. , ' " .  525,007 1,235,367  22,826  113,962  47,723  45,032  1,009  1,946,336
       St-Hyacinthe ... , .•.  486,071  882,641  14,.ï68  199,286  76.368  75,G25  22,535  1,681,274
       Bt·Jean-8t. John'!...  319,511  606,171  5,187  52,OH  43,626  40,952  9.777  1,036,324
       St*MaW'Îce, ........  401,192  654,093  54,718  82,499  M,553  63,544  11 ,398  1,268,453
       TémisoamiDKUl'I .•.•.  532,398  787,872  59,435  79,370  50,690  48,654  3.7i6  1,IH3.511
       T6miscouata., ..... , 1. 167 ,016 1,229,132  164,054  184,835  82,364  78,573  4,800  2,832,461
       Terrebonne........ ,  531,492  728,922  26,415  99,193  122,647  121,166  6,456  1,515,496
       Vaudreuil ..........  277.325  517,678  9,741  76,762  52,171  49,113  12,660  946,353
       Verchères ..........  417,682  684,432  18,736  82,622  71 ,404  71,010  10,594  1,285,475
       Wolfe.....•........  600.499 I,028,alS  56,391  99,131  41,899  40,614  80'  1,826,882
       yamaakll. .... ......  573.159 1,061,841  26,640  191,524  58.880  55.812  23.187  1,935,337
          PROVINtll .••••• 37.148,955158,,640,294  2,786,890  7,603,121  4,548,518  4,332,593  450.055' 1U,185,DG2
         (Il Comprend la \'s.Ieur de~ pigeon!!, f(Lisana, etc.  (I) Incilldes mIue of pigeons. phealants, eto,
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