Page 320 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 320
13-Fermea occupées, superficie, valeur, revenus bruts et dépenses des fermes
dans la province de Québec, par comtés, 1941.
13-0ccupied Farma. Area, Value, Gross Revenues and El'tpenaes of Farm.a in the
Province of Quebec, by Counties, 1941.
COlllTjl' Déperu;es
MtrNlClPJo.UX Fermes oceup~oo Superficie Valeur ReY6IlUl! brutB (1)
- - - (1)
MUNICIPAL Oceupied fo.rmB Area Vp,lue Gross Revenues Expenses
No. Ao. • • •
Abitibi" .•......•••. 7,317 846,372 13.025,971 3,863,51:\2 1,340,250
Araenteuil ........... J ,234 214,034 8,192,441 1.530,740 1,313,2LO
Arthabask...... , •.•••. 2,896 381,025 13,863,735 2.640,389 1,172,990
~:::ë:::::::::::::: 2,199 222,264 20,922,392 3,662,610 1,050,030
Bea.uharnois•. , •••...• B59 74,773 7,483.433 1,129,29f:j 575.010
BelleehMse.••••.••••. 2,972 331,1.52 11,139.382 2,234,256 B62,820
Berthier ...••..•••.•• 2.223 213,035 12,031,710 2,032.951
Bonaventure ......• , • 4,09B 418,MO 12.530,449 2,507,303 693,860
Brôme .. , ...••...•••. 1. 585 244,987 fI,183,4.51 1,817.815 1,061,880
Chambly ...•.••.•... 707 75,302 6,391,055 1,002,532 738,570•....•• 2,981 318,512 15,693,401 2.916,500 1,327,890
Charlevoix ..•• , •.. , •. 1,841 273.226 6,988,667 1.396,502 641,300
ChMe/louguay....••.•. 1,514 147,059 12,829,606 2,272,123 1,IOS,200
Chicoutimi •. , ........ 2.108 334,538 12,528.175 2,475,994 1,191,330
Compton .........• , , 2,823 424,698 13,429,088 2,787,420 1,284,080
Deux-Montagl1ef1 .•••• 1.091 vn,226 13,004,536 2.161,881 1.405,590
Dorebester.. , ••. , .••. 3,830 429,651 14,030,651 2,730.350 1.005,430
Drununond ...••• ,., . 2,310 313,748 11,351,985 2,2.57,488 1,092,260
Front.enllc•. " .••...•. 3,629 473,626 Il ,245,166 2,276.365 690,860
Gaapé .•• , , •.•••••••. 6,089 338,489 Il ,005, 792 3.054,849 702,870
Hull........•....•... 2,832 500,9()4, 15,313,025 2,590,581 I,HI7.660
Huntil1l1dQn.. '" ...•. 1, 588 216,372 lI,6OO,597 2,037,810 1,000,710
IberYiUe .•.•.•.•.... , 1.109 113,009 8,006.810 1,467,212 772,170
Joliett.e ............. , 2.139 224,348 12,510,514 2,443.407 1,210,860
Kllomouraau.......... 2,242 223,653 10,407,620 1.574.M9 584,990
L..bel1e ........•..... 2,424 382.248 7.745,194 1.713.671 iIi ,000
L&e-Bt-iean -L.St. John 4,331 585,936 23,894,348 4,081, 727 1,747,230
Lï:airie............. 1,080 96,184 8,837,509 1,321,569 987,750
L' somp'Lion ...••••. 1,416 139,681 Il,458,631 1.698,928 1,054,280
Ltlvis.•... , •......... 1,362 134.951 7,000,403 1.332,070 M7.160
L'I!llet..•..•.•....•. , .2 348 2éj5,166 7,233,901 1,384,044 547,600
LotbiIlièr~....•. , ..•• 3;463 351,096 13,414,879 2,495,727 1,158,690
Ml\8kiuo~.,...••.•. 1,436 149.267 8,090,159 1"109,912 731,000
Mllotane..•.• , .•••.... 5.568 693,450 15,65S,940 3,322,154 1,063,260
2,9a4 397,620 14,532,099 2,646.230 1,058,210
~~~~Ilq~~::::::::::: 1,635 218,042 10,795,171 1,949,HIS 1,258,8.20
Montcalm .. , ...••... 1,619 163,996 7,916,370 1,483,721 690,110
Montmagl1y.... , •..•• 2,143 229,916 7,148,8.22 1,344,127 530.010
Montmorenoy .•...... 1.092 ]51,444 6,586,573 1,213,193 503.540
Montr~lIot & J&lus, I. .. 1,799 113,001 23,783,292 4,126,972 2,926,800
N~pjerville...•.••••• , 1,033 90,429 6,558,916 1,001,740 693,070
Ntcolllt. , ..•...•..... 3,641 387,958 16,465.327 3,087,880 1,421,510
Papineau ............ 2,371 363,347 Il ,648,034 2,049,683 828,730
Pontiac ......• _..•... 2,232 396,006 11.051,346 1, 891. 724 682,180
Portnllul".•.....•.•... 2,747 318,708 14,104.407 2,738,725 1,172.910
~uébeo....•....•.... 1,379 98.102 10,229,223 2.003,270 1,083,810
·cbelieu ....••....•• 1,163 106 ..228 7,780,861 1,172,270 523,300
Riobmond. ....•.•. , .. 2,003 250,473 10,167,901 2,161,420 1.083,090
Rimouski ••........ , , 3,695 435,587 13, 0()4. 952 2,313,660 937,300
Rouville ..••......... 1,550 138,418 1.2,850,954 2,399,469 1,383,930
SagUe!lay ............ 633 87,880 1,867,817 488.183 126,530
Shellord ... , •...•.... 2,417 363,695 13,906,035 2,892,774 1.518,000
643, g60
Sberbrooke.... '" .... 1.045 101,803 5.489,996 1,239,354 698,140
Boulangee..••••.....• 914 81,463 5,910,736 1,151,062
SbIl8tead.....•..... ' 1,685 242.877 10,148.636 1,993,790 1,077,160
St·Hyacinthe.• , .•• '" 1,566 158.022 11.451,074 1.957,571
St-Jean ••...•. , ...... 975 102,630 7,&17,524 1,361,543 693,380
St-Maurice........... 1,796 177,182 9,527,053 1,860,523
Téïngue••.•.•. 2,489 314.082 7,360,011 1,712,.107 603,950
Témi&cou..b..•••.••. , • 5,141 665,628 17,944,061 3,253,241 1,268,420
Terrebollne ...• , , .••• 2.311 294,166 12,517,096 2,499,939 1,275,930
Vaudreuil......••••.. 997 98,269 7,4.'>4,653 1,337,399
Ve:rl.'hêres. " , •......• 1,183 117,321 10,488.175 1,627.004 789,200
Wolfe ..........•..... 2,268 313,220 8.757,282 1,73.3,051 699,570
YIloDLMU ......•••.•. 2,072 199,783 12,006,837 1,029.510 798.590
TOTAL.•.. 154.... 18,062,5" 7119,146,94>2 1lI8,W,J95 61,75',280
(1) Ell 1940. (1) III 1940.