Page 266 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 266

'"  ~  ~   ~  '"  ;;;  ~  ~  C  '"  ;;;  Q  ;;:  t<  '"  ~  ~  1:1
                                             .                      ,       yes.r
                                               200,000  1,30S,500  140.000  800,000  1;450:ÔOO'  300.000  '40;000'  2i;ôoo;ooej'  Il,263.500  the
                                   Total     "                    ""'6:025;000'  for

          1950.  1950.  oa.plCai                308,500  '"  800,000  '3:025:000"  O/~. Pr"",nec

          mars  March,  De  CapiUJ  Autori.reell  par etatllt  8tatutorY  _.~  200,000................  ,....

          31  3111t                          1   ,       ,....i;t88;888''1::::::::::::::::  ····'···40:Ôoo·· I ••••••••••••••••  ::::::~~~~:l··2~,:;.~~.,  0/
          le                     voter  Voted   1.000,000 ..1  HO ,000  ";j:OOO:ÔÔÔ'T'"
          lini..ant  Endinl[     A    he  To  $                   •..       O/c.v Bz~""r.

          l'année  Year  the  ntlPENBEB-EXPENDITURES  ToUl  ,  .:.,200  1  12.226,000  17.603,000  1,001,000  7,591,900  iJ,747,000  1,536.000  10,528,400  892,600  1,065,500  1.2:i2.000  5,928.000  1,813.500  26,068,250  3,098,650  4,314.000  1.576,000  8.225.600  8.586,lM  15.775.000  128,285,360  Bmmœ..  1960.  JI,

          pour  Quebec for                                                  Edrllol:t froln  Maroh

          Québec,  of    Ordin&irelt--Onünary  Alltorilléee  IIt&tut  Statu~ry  $  71,000  4,266,000  6,764,500  60,000  268,000  721,000  ï:560:00CJ'  496,000  150.000  35.000  1,332,000  495,000  9.016,250  177,500  75,000  ····65:600..  1.015,700  26,558,550  eadi.n&

          de  Province           par                                        1950.
          province  the               Voted  355,200  7,960,000  8,\168,400  396,600  905,500  4,596,000  2,921,150  4,239,000  1,576,000  8,160,000  2,570"160  man  31

          1.  of         A  be  •  10,848.500  1,001,600  7,323,!JOO  3,026,000  1,536,000  1,197,000  1,318,600  17.052,000  11';,775,000  101,126,810
          de                          To                      . .           pnur 1"lUInée nt1ÎllllB-nL le
          dé  Ellpenditure               _  Youth  , •...... . .  .  _  ..  , , .  _  _". . , •....  ,  , ....•...•• ,.

          des                                Affairs.•• _...•. , , .. . . _ and •..• of  ~  Commerce •........  ,  GeneraL  RosoureeIJ_ ..•••  SeeretarY  ForeatB  QuiNe,
          budget  Eatimated                    Agriculture  We-[  , •.•.•..  ColonÎllstion,  and  , •... FiBheries.•.••.......••....... .  j  and  _ ';~;~~'.'.::::::::~.~.:.::::::::::::::::::::r  dt

          du  the  of         SERVICE           Social  l'rade  , , Education ktj~:~~~i~.~.::::::::~:::::::::if~::'~i.~:::::::::::::::::::  . , •... AttorneY io ••. Hydrau  , .Health  _•.Provincial  _. Lands .•.......•.. Labour Works  Public  .Treasury  .  !(I Jl"OII'inu
          IG--Sommaire  IG--Summary          munieipalee••.••....•. Municipal Agriculture, •....•....... , BOeil\! _..•..•..•..••. Garol!.. jeunefllle-  et Colonisation. _.....•.... _ .. , .. Executive-CQuncil  "  Commeroe et publique  "  _  I{én~ral  hydTlmliques .. "  Province,  la  ,  ,.,  publill8..• ,  , .  ..  '"  lUpclrta•• dt Budg.' 4..

                                             Affaires  Bien-être  Chasse .....••  COlllfflitExéeutif  Industrie  Instruction  Pêcheries  Procureur  HeB!lourees  Santé  Secrétair(O Forêts de-  et  Terret!  Travail  Travaux  ,  Trésor  Vom•....  de E:r.traU

                         {!  u  .II  1';  :  -  ..  0  o  .;  "  "  1  Il  III  IV  V  VI  VII  VUI  IX  X  XI  XII  XIII  XIV  XV  XVI  XVI]  XVIII  XIX  XX
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