Page 62 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 62

46                            POPULATION

            De 1871 à 1931 inc1UBivement J chaque recen-  From 1871 ta 1931 inclusively, a considerable
          sement décennal montrait une diminution  decrease in the percentage of the rural popu~
          considérable du pourcentage de la. population  Iation was shawn st each decennial ceDBU8.
          rurale. Le5 chiffres de 1941, au contraire.  However, the figures for 1941 indicate that
          indiquent llarrêt de ce dépeuplement des cam-  tilla trend of the rural population toward the
          pagnes B.u profit des centres urbains.  Au  urban centres has lost Illomentmn.  During the
          cours des dix dernières années, la population  ten )7B1Lrn preceding the last comus, t,he rura.l
          rurnle s'est accrue de 161,142 comparativement  population showed an increase of 161,391, oom-
          il 141,391 de 1871 il 1931.          pared to 141,391 from 1871 to 1931.
                 lO-Rép8rtiti<:!,n de la population urbaine de la province de Québec.
                  1D--DiatJ'ibution of Urban Population of the Province of Quebec.

            LOCALIrns URBAINES          Population            P Out'(lllntage.-Percentag:e
             URBAN LûCALITIES    1..,     1901     1921    1941     1931     1921

          Clté••••••••.•. Cîties•.•••••••  1./H5,568  1,329,652  955,822  45.4.9  46.26  40.48
          Vill69 ......... Tow~........  326,753  237,115  181,895  9.81  8.25  1.70
          Villages (1) ••.. Villages (1) ••••  267,363  246,889  184,'"  8.02  8.59  1.83
                 TOI'A.Io ••••••••••••  2t109.tiM  1.813,108  1,322,5G9  <U.  U.1D  51.01
            (1) La IItll.tistique provincia.le chwe les villages dans  (1) Provinoial Statiatics c\ll.'lsity vil1a@:es in the roral
          1lit partie ruralc aveo les parOialles, les cantons et lelllltutrea  lleotion with pll.riahEa. towtlllhips and otber rural munioi·,
          municipalitéB rurales.               paJitiœ.
                tl-Population rurale et urbaine du Canada, par provinces, 1871-1941.
                tl-Rural and Urban Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1871-1941.

            PROVINCES  1  1871  18S1   1"'1    1901   1911    1921    1931    1941

                               POPULATIOK RURALE -  RURAL POPUL.4.TIO~

          Ilc·du-P.·Ë .. , ...  86,149  95,693  94,823  88,304  78,758  69,522  67,653  10,701
          Non\·eIl8~1t:cosse.  355,718  377,030  373,403  330,191  306,210  :!96,799  281,192  310,422
          N.·BrUIl~wiC'k...  235,381  2~2,141  272.362  253,83,5  252,342  263,432  279,279  313,918
          Québec .... , ....  919,665  980,515  988,820  994,833 1,038,934  1,031,941  1.061,056 1,222,198
          Ontario ........  1,264,854 1,351,074 1,295,323 1,246,969 1,198,803  1,227,030 1,335,691 1,449,022
          Ma.nitoba ......  24,170  52,015  111,498  184,775  261,029  368.502  384,110  407,871
          Saskatchewan...  [l)          (1)    77,013  361,037  535,552  ô30,880  600,646
          Alberta .........  1)  lB     (l)    54,489  236 ,643  365,550  453,097  489,583
          C-olambie-Brit....  32,977  40,389  60,945  88,478  188,796  277,020  299,524  374,467
          yukon ..........  (1)  (l)           18,077  4,647    2,851   2,870  3,111
          Ten.·du.N.~O....  48,000  56,446  98,967 1  20,129  6,507  8,143  9,316  12,028
             C..l.RADA •••• 2,9&1>,914  IJ21S~30:J 1,%86,141 1.151,093 3,931.696 (2) 4.435,827 4,804,728 5,254,239
                            POPULATION URBAINE -  URBAN POPULATIO)l"
          P.E.!. ..... , •..•.  7,872  13,198  14,255  14,955  14,970  19,093  20.385  24,340
          :r..~. Sootia....... ' .  32,082  63,542  76,993  129,383  186,128  227,038  231,654  267,540
          N. Brullt'wick...  50,213  59,092  48,901  77,285  99,547  124,444  128,940  143,423
          ~ebec...... , •..  271,&'51  318,SIZ  499.715  6.'1:1,065  966,842  1,'32Z,.55t' 1,813,600 :t, UN ,684
            tario, ..... , ..  355,997  515,848  818,998  935,879 1,328,489  1,706,632 2,096,092 2,338,633
          Manitoba ..•....  1,058  10,245  41,008  70,436  200,365  261,616  315,969  321,873
          Saskatchowan., ,. .......... .......... ...... ...  14,2ôt)  131,395  218,958  290,905  29.'5,146
          Alberta ..•......  ........ ........  18,533  137,662  222,904  278,5OS  306 ,SS6
          Brit. Columbia...  .... '3;270  9,070  37,228  90,179  203,684  247,fi62  394,739  4.43,304
          yukon•.•.. ,., .. .. " ................ ..........  9,142  3,865  l,S06  l,S60  1,791
          N.·West Ten.... ......... , .......... ..........  ~:~~:~I·~:2~~:~~  ... .. ....... ..... .... .. ...... ..
             CANADA., ••  121,1411 1 ,105,501 1,531.091      4,352,122 5,572,058 6,252,416
            (1) Comprise darLti les Territoirœ du Nard~Ouest.  (1) Inc1uded iD NôrrJlwest Territories.
            (2 Marine Rcyale Canadienne compriee daWlle total  (2) ROyoJ.l Canadian Navy included in rural (;.ota!,
          de la population JunIe.
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67