Page 525 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 525

500                         COMMUNICATJONS
        pieds cubes, un entrepôt à poisson d'une capa--  foot, and a fish house v.ith a capacity of
        cité d'un million de livres, une grue flottante  1,0CI0,OOO pounds, a floating craDe of 75 tons
        d'une capacité de 75 tonnes et trois grues 1000:-  capacity and 3 locomotive cranes with capacity
        mobiles d'une capacité de 38 tonnes.  up ta 38 tons.
          Le port de Trois-Rivières, situé au confluent  The harbour of Three Rivers, situated st the
        du Saint-Laurent et de la rivière Saint-Maurice  concluenee of the St. Lawrence and St. Maurice
        à environ 81 milles en Rval de Montréa.l, est  rivers about 81 miles below .1-lontreal, is open
        ouvert à la navigation 7J{ mois par année.  to na.vigation for about 7;4 months in the
        L'aménagement du port sous gestion du "Con-  year. The fa.cilities operated by the Board
        seil" comprend 3 <tuais principaux pennett.ant  include three main wharves having sorne 7,650
        aux navires d'accoster sur une longueur de  linear foot of berthing with a minimum '''Brer
        7,650 pieds et dans 30 pieds d'eau au minimum  depth of 30 foot alongside and nine transit
        et 9 entrepôts de transit ayant uoe superficie  sheds with a total tloor ares. of about 192,0t))
        de 192,00Cl pieds carrés.             square foot.
           23-Statiatiquea des ports nationaux de la province de Québec.  Nombre et
               tonnage net enregistr' des navirea (1) arrivés et partia,·1940-1947.
          23-Statistics of National Harbours of the Province of Quebec.  Number and
         Net Registered Tonnage of Veuels (1) which Arrived and Departed, 1940-1947.

                               ARRlVAGE;r-ARHIVAL8         DtPART8-nIilPAR'1'URE8
             YBARS         NaviroB       TOIlDage       Navires        Tonnage
                           VesseÙ'l                     Vessels
        1940....••....... , ...  248     118,100          248          1I"'~
        1941 •......••........  241      127,146          241          127.16
        1942..••...•.........  180       101,854          180          101,854
        1943..••..... , .......  194     111,325          1..          111,825
        1944 .........        153         83.445          152           83.433
        1941i ......... .... .. ,.  97    66.271           ••           66,195
        1946... " ....        133         81,365          132           81.360
        1947.........         142        122,571          141          122,566
                           PORT DE QUi:BEG-HARBOUR OF QUEBEC
        1940..••.•.•...••..•.  4,064     2,831,539       4,!H9        2,829,810
        1941 ...• , ••.......••.  8,973  2,227,959       3,979        2,230,306
        1942•••.•....•••.....  3,896     1,883,084.      3,910        1,927,366
        Ul43••.•.•.......•...  .,506     1,764,944       8,530        1,816,848
        1944 ...•.••......•...  3.,6&0   2,172,620       8,561        2,171,301
        1945••...•••.•...•. , .  .,840   2,816.194       3,841        2,823,429
        1946....... ...... ....  3.872   2,470,154       3,884-       2.472,624
        1947.... .... ... " ....  4,l!H  2,902,654       4,179        2,909,884
                        PORT DE TRmFJ-RIVIEIŒS-HARnOCn OF TlIREE RlVERS
        1940•.......•........  2,fYl7    2,062,462       2,129        2,061,990
        1941. .•.........•....  2,545    2,204,960       2.568        2,210,771
        1942•...•.•..........  2,149     1,666.674       2,144        1,665.336
        1943 •...........   1,778        1,424,227       1,788        1,425,li16
        1944 ..••. , .....•.....  1,958  1,860,530       1,958        1.860,530
        1945  ,     ,  .    1,973        2,243,566       1,973        2,243.566
        1946        ,  .    2,073        ] ,796,200      2,073        1,796,200
        1947           .    2,217        1,713,510       2,217        1,713,516
                          PORT DE MONTRÉAL-HARBOUR OF MONTREAl,
        1940••••.•..••.•.....  4,682     6,085,007       4,678        6,070,145
        1941 •••..•.•.......••  4,879    5,074,320       4,387        5,089,703
        1942., ...••.•..•..•..  2,816    2,750.007       2,831        2,781,887
        1943 .................  2,624    2,575,832       2,642        2,654.458
        1944 •••.•.•.•.... , ...  2,651  2.968,527       2,678        3,051,404
        194t5 •••••••••••••••••  3,291)  4.688.742       3,21014      4,621.510
        1946 ...........•.. ...  3,193   5.239,076       3,208        s, 260. ~74
         1947.......... , . .....  3,433  5,948,537      3,434        5,944,01101
          (1) A l'eJ;olUllion deB Davires de K'lure.  (1) Esolusive 01 œnl vessels.
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