Page 450 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 450


          16-Quantité et valeur marchande des principaux poi.aona commerciaux. province
                                     de Québec. 1938-46.
          16-Quantity and Value Marketed of the Chief Commercial Fiahes. Province of
                                       Quebec. 1938-46.

            ANN~ES     Morue  Maquereau  Homilld  Hareng  &umon    Eperlo.n  Anguille
              -         -        -        -        -       -        -        -
             YEAR.8     Cod    Mllckerel  Lobeter  Herring  Sa.lmon  SmeJts  Eol,

                     quint.-cwt. quint.-cwt  quint.-cwt.  quint.-cwt. quint.---ewt. quint.---cwt. quint.---owt.
          1938•.•••.... '"  319,842  39,161  19,293  418,109  12,:'!55  10,521  18,743
          1939 ............  387,646  48,923  18,516  352,259  9,672  8,246  17,064
          1940...•......•.  412,93:3  77,618  19,232  413,214  8,961  7,83g   8,804
          1941 ...••• , ....•  439,166  7.5,445  18,488  317,0.58  14,142  10,835  10.003
          1942, .•. ,., .....  539,713  78,530  17,795  392,865  9,862  8,287  10,360
          1943. ..........  ,5,52,040  74,989  19,085  Mil ,698  10,065  9,692  14 ,076
                       49.5,798  85,l?74  24,315  329,984   9,.'508  .S ,832  6,473
          1944. ........ .. '
          19i5...... . , . .. ,  658,917  101,213  25,843  377,507  1,609  6,948  8,590
          1946. ....... ....  1M,408  00,700  25,545  345,940  5,853  6,984   7,124
                              VALEUR 1'1.ŒCHANDE-MARKETED VALUE
                                                   •        •       •        •
          Hl38............  ':"0'0  1  :8,300  1 1:3,3041  212,551  155,336  61,415  138,775
          1939............  633,330  94,472  178,363  277,405  '121,925  5.3,488  a1,797
          1940...... , ....  868,380  104,823  164, Dl  293,163  1  109,898  70,521  44,085
          1941., ..........  1,434,162  251,363  186,890  285,932  198,879  94,343  35,145
          1942......... .. ,  2,486,633  320,381  230,399  358,535  206,508  101,644  43,822
          1943 .. .... "'  3,111,301  440,617  425,453  549,474  235,614  135,148  126,646
          1944 .... ,  ."  2,815,722  572,769  524,023  458,336  201,874  80,835  58 ,439
          1945 ........  4,6113,015  796, a,ra  741,916  623,29(1  186,212  119,428  87,351
          1946... .....  " '1  4,669,532  583,213  861,405  780,862  197,000  118.671  n,3~8
           Dans le tableau ci-desaus, les chiffres Concer-  In the aboye table, figures concenring
          nantIe hareng, le saumon, l'éperlan et l'anguille  herring, sa,Imon, 8111elt8 and eels include.
          oomprennent, en plus du poisson de mer, une  in addWon ta sea fish, Blllall qllantJty of fish
          certaine quantité de poisson pêché da,ns les  callght in the inland waters of the Province,
          eaux intérieures de la Pwvince.
           Les pêcheries maritiInes sont de beaucoup  SeA flshcries are b~y far the more important
         les plus importantes.  Elire comprennent prin-  part of tne jndIlstry and mainly consist in
         cipalement les opérations de la péninsule de  the operations in the Gaspe Peninsula, Sague--
         Ga..''-'Pé, du comté de Saguenay (Côte Nord) et  na~'" county (North Shore) and the l\.iagdalen
         des TIes-de-Ja-Madeleine. Plus de la moitié  Island.,.  Cod represents more than the haU
         du poisson de mer vendu est' de la morue.  Le  of the species sold.  The maekerl:'l, lobster,
         maquereau, le homard, le hareng, le saumon,  herring, salmon. smelts and eels Mtches are
         l'éperlan et J'anguille font aussi l'objf:'t d'une  also of considerable market value.
         pêch,~ industrielle.
             17-Valeur des pêcheries maritimes et int~rieure8 de la Province, 1938-46.
                 17-Value of Sea and InLand Fisheries of the Province, 1938-46.

                          ANN1!:E5--YEARS                maritimeB  iotérieureB  Total
                                                           Se!.!.  Inl!.!.nd
                                                           S        •        S
         1938..  .     .                      ....       1,394,694  562,1)~5  1,957,279
         1939  .                                         1,507,996  502,957  2,010,9,53
         1940 ..                                         1,701, 733  300.320  2,002,0,')3
         1941.   .                                       2.548,702  293,339  2,842,041
         1942  '"    ,    .                              3,876,'<10.3  317,187  4,194,092
         1943..                                          5,060,065  572,144  5,632,809
         1944 ...                                        4,999,272  362,295  .3,361,567
         1946 ..                                         7,438,:1..10  469.  362  1,907,692
         1946                                            7,508,423  358,(1)\1  1  7,927,022
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