Page 413 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 413

388                              MINES

                  4-Production minérale de la province de Québec en 1946.
                   4-Mineral Production of the Provinee of Quebec in 1946.

                                         Em-   Salaires
                                        ployée  ,t      Quantité  Valeur lm-Value in
                 SUBSTANCES (2)          -       - ."'''  -
                                         Em-   8ahniell  Quantity
                                        ployee..  and W!l.geg     1946     U145
                                                      1                1
               ~-1iT ALLI QUE~-lI.fETALLI cs  No.  •               •        •
        Or, r>nr.p.~..  "' ..  GoJd, Oz •. _ •••.••  ,j,070  9.Û:3S,~14  591.949 I)21,974.G26 1)25,4!jO,926
        CUiVI'€, lb.. .... , .......  Copper, lb......  1,935  3,730,604  69,797,697  8,934,lO!>  12.8-%,976
        Zinc, lb........ .. ...  Zine, lb  -"'0' .....  601  1,050,437  89,650,129  7,001,675  7,206,976
        Argent, once.!... ...  Siher, 01i••  "."  ....... .. -.' ...  1,910,616  1,698.230  1,009,324
        Plomb,  . .. ....  Lead, lb...... , ...  .....  ..  7,359,708  496,71'0  Hl ,486
        ),lo1yh1('nif,f', lb...  :\ioh'bdenite, lb ... ...  111  . '2~!:l,267  736,400  295,640  411,603
        SéUnium, lb......... ... ..  ...  110,768  201,598  BOI'l,582
        Chrome, tonnes ..•... ...  Chrome, tons ...•..••.  21  17;oii6"  3,110  61,123  lW,752
        Arseni/), Lb .. .......  Arsenic, lb...... ...  ..  . .....  420,054  21,580  118,557
        Bismuth, lb ........ ...  Bismuth. lb.•........ .. ...  6,41'14  9,O1~
        Fp-r t.itané, tonnes.. ·...  Tit!!oneferlJw:1 irou, tODs  47  .3.3;90S'  1,400  7,735  '67:575'
        Fer ...          Iron  ..   .. ..  19    30,289  ..' .... .... .... '" ....  .... .. .
        Entrep~neu'r~' ~n' 'fo~~g~  Diamond  'd'riil'  con·
          !!ou diama.nt'...........
        TraYIHlll Btatutn'.l'e3 ,n,  Aeeessmel1t  .;':'~~k' on  1,556  2,797,581 ...... .... .. .. .. .... ,. .. ... , ....
          (l1aitns.. .... .........  c\bim~... .. ... ...  141  21l,7f.o7  ... ...  ......  .... .. .....
               Tm'AL. ... ... , .... .... .. ...  9,50:1  17,745,823 ... .. ....  40,602,170  48,082,817
                ?o-hNÉRAUX INDU&l'liIELS
                INDVSTR1AL MU<l!llALI;
        Amiante, tonnes ........  Asbestos, tons ...... ..  4,147  6,773,382  558,181  25,240,283  22,802,511
        Cbaux indllshiel1e, tonnes  Indu~tri:lllime,tons.  314  465,116  251,015  1,863,197  1,949,407
        Dolomie magnésitique et  ].'Iagne"i
          brueite.. _..... , ......  and Lnwite.......  391  630,253  . .... .....  1 225,593  1,2n,596
        Catcaire industriel, tonnes  Iudu~trinllimestone,
                          t,ons.... ...........  .... .........  412,944  886,5136  772,742
        Quartz et sable industriel,  Quartz .nd industrial
          l,onn~..............  sand, tons.  165  263,414  214,076  612,128  13213,079
        Tourbe, tonnes .......  P"at, tOIl~.. ...  MO  J06.l175  20,382  501.073  387,864
        Pyrite, tonnes ..... ...  Pyrite, t.ons ... ...... ...  194.292  375,327  44.3.534
        FddBpath, tonn8\l .. .....  F~ld~par. t.()ns ...•.  .i.3i ' '"  'i27:fiR9'  29.758  330,981  247,242
        Stéatite. tonnes .....  Soapstone, tODl~... _...  62  66,538  14,,914  150.004  1.53,1394
        0= ,t aride  d,  ·f~;,  Ochre Ilud iron Ol(ide,
          t.onnœ          \.VlIS .•        72    62.-1,0,,)  12,268  146,401  124,168
        Eau minérale, gaL.  Mineral v.:~~~r·,'gai: :::  19  12.-l,17  21] ,8<12  121,526  125,523
        ).1ice.. lb .. _..... ·...  II.Hea,t lb.....  109  103,425  2,397,788  108.867  121.011
        Kaolin, tonnes. ......  Koolin, ton"  .... ..... ...  821  5,775    3,771
        l\Iarne, tonnes..... ..  MarI, toILS.......       12,470 1  4.\:jf\~  ,1.085
        Phollph,...te, tonnes.  PI",,,pllatlo', tons.  2  "i;ii3 .  57  869  4,230
        Lithium.     · .-.  Lithium ..      2     1, .SOo      ...       ...
        Pétrole.     ....  Petroleum. " ....  17  29,461                      ....
               TOTAL....          ....   6,077  8,842,'70       31,573,378  29,045.4&3
              l\·IATiRt.\.UX DE CON8'CnVC'l'ION
                 BUILDING MATE:f1IAL.;l
        Cimeut, baüh..........  Cement, I>rl. ... _.. ' ..  523  1.030.411  5,046,166  7,910,548  5.985,077
        Sable et );travier, tonnes .•  Sann aud gravel. ton.i.  2,493  1,11·1,71>1  12,374,125  3,313,103  2,279,537
        Pierre d, cons·  Buildiog  lime.stone,
          truction, tonnes. ... ..  toM...  .. ...  1,145  1,328,498  2 56:i,900  2,860,099  2,110,006
        Produits d'argile;  Cla~' prod~~t,,':'
         Brique. M ........ ..  Brick, M ..... , ....  93'  1,286,118  113,695  2,642,891  1.806,738
          Autl"l's produitll... ...  Other prOOuds..  ..          807,212  723,261
        Grnnit" tonnes...•......  Granite, tI)U~.... .. ...  003  636,8S"  109,443  1,408.618  887,1l:l
        CbtLux do construetion,
          tonnes .•.....  B\llldillf!: lime. toM ... ...  .iôi'  ...  42,998  424,492  23·5,224
        Grès, tonnes...........  Balldstone, tons  124;:323'  380,318  a9g,8fjg  224.352
        Brique siHco-':alcaire M.·lime brick, M...  24  413.4L)9  12,157  190,sel  131.:360
        lIrIa.rble, tonne;!.........  1I.1arb\e t.ons..........  44  4:3,590  6,567  70,182  57,407
        Ardoise et schisto, tonnes.  Sll.ltc Il.nd .,hale, Luns ..  ...  .. ...  1,:2.52  2,244  2,427
               TOTAL..... " .... ....  .. ......  5,927  5,613.057  .. ....  ZO,038,108  14,442,702
                   GRAND TOTAL. .... .........  21,505  3.2,201,850  ... .......  '2,213,656  91,570,982
          (1) Yelf'ur ea foods clinad;ens,  1.11. valeur en fonds  (1) VRIue in CalladiRn funds.  The va.lue at the
        d'or est de $13,665,385 pour 1945 et. de $lZ,360,702 pour  ~tandard mte il; $13,56:3,385 for 1945 and 112,360,702
        1946.                                for 1946.
        r  (2) Classées d'aj:,rèl; l'im])orttillce de la ~'aleur de la  (2) Cw.fSified aecording 1.0 the importance 01 tbe
        production.                           value ai production.
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