Page 351 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 351


          21-Dépenses d'exploitation des, dans la province de Québec, 1938-47.
                Zl-Farm. Operating Expenses, 'in the Province of Quebec, 1938-47.

                         ITEM                  1938    HI39   1940   1941    1942
                                               S'ooo  l'CaO   $'000  $'000   "000
         Taxes BUt toute terre Il,sricole ........... , ...  .. ' .  5,670  5,886  S,gg!  6.014  6.2...9
         Lo:~rer net de la ferme ......... .... ....... ..... ...  69  SO  34:2  453
         Gages aux employés payés ............  li:i5s'  11,331  10,882  15,006  ]2,67.'1
         Io.térétll ~ur hypoth~qUeB. promeSBe de l'ente  dettes
           sans ganmtie sur toutes fermes ... ... '" ..... "  [),437  5,493  5,550  5,606  5,606
         Pr()"..mdo d gro.ine o.c~etées. . ...  ...  ...  12,996  13,178  16,700  }9,7"O1  29,888
         EBaence, huile et grais.'!e à tracteur....  ' ..... '  m  461  068  WO  BOO
         Dépenses pour camiona:
            (a) licencûs.......•... .. ....... .....  14S  154  175    192     167
            (b) Opére.tion................. .... ....  810  841  9"   1.046    900
                                                2,970  2,970  2,970   2.970  2,970
         Dépenses pour automobiles de ferme. .. '
         FOl"ll;eege et fenEl.lI:tJ ùe ch"vtl,uJ< ...... .. .... .... , "  1.224  1,265  1,293  1.368  1,668
         l'icelle d'!.' .. ...,... .. ..... ......... ....  'Ol  602  781  "4  940
         Enara.iB ebimiQueB ............... .. .....  ...  2,203  2,328  2,670  3,051  3,659
         Fourniturea pour fruits et légumes .. ..  " .  ....  1,359  1,381  1,407  1,427  1,48()
         Ma.tério.Ull de clôture .•............ . .... ... ...  446  472  403  674  ,';25
         R6paratiollS de ba.timents....  .....  2,5fofï  2.891  2 739  3,043  3,052
         Répa.ra.t,jonB de machines, .... .... ....  " .  57G  625 ,  64'  732  1 ,o.~7
         Pl1lntB de pépinière .. ,...............................  1,.  190  158  158  174
         Dh'eIl!, y ~.OIllpri~ de vétérina.ire, l'Mde, eel et petite
            Quincaillerie.... ........ ......... .... ...  2,174  2,232  2,422  2,869  3.368
                                                           i  56,410  650858  76,335
         TOTAL, DtI'EN~V8 D·axPLOJ'I"...'I"lO'iI ....  51,081
         Déprécio.tion des bâtiments ... ..... .. .... ....  9 ,on  9.017  9,017  9,017  9,017
         Dépl'éciation des maehineoJ.... ..... ... .....  '"  5.988  5,946  5,909  5,964  6.038
          TOTAL, D:fPRll:CU.TIQN.. ... ..... .... ....  . ...  lS,D05  14,963  14,926  14,981  15,055
          TOTAL, D:éPR:-lBEB D'&XPLOITATIO~  ET DE DipRHcu*
           TIO."1 .•••             " . . . ........  Il,086  67,332  n,331  80,139  91,390
                        ITEM                   1943   1944  1  1945  1946    1947
                                                ,'00'1  $'000  1'(1)1)  5'000  $'000
         Ta.xes on all farm Ia.nd .•. ... ...., .. ....  ....  . ...  7,280  7,670  8,200  8. 39,'j  8,.';00
         N".t farm nmt. .....  ... .... .... . ...  455  487    405    ;)4.)   220
         WAges ta paid [a.bor.....•............................  13,9ii9  13,717  Hi.(j(l4  17.217  17,201
         Interellt on mortgagf'-s, of and unsecured debt on a.Il
           o.greemenh fa.rm~..... ....  " ...  ....  5,606  5,464  5.191  4,3!'7  4, 3~7
         Feed and seed f'lrcba.lIed ... ....   38,560  54,413  40.501  48,487  65,361
        Tudor fllel, ai and g~ll.Be...... .. ...... .....  943  l,IBO  1,115  1,197  1.432
        Truck expenBCS'
          (a) Lic~n6e'3., .... , ..... ....  .. .  ... ....  B!  194  zog  ::!21  3f>f)
          (b) Operll.tiI4t ...••.....  .....  .......  900  1,056  1,136  1,200  2.a33
        Farm automobile expense .......... .....  2,970  2,970  2,870  2,970  2,700
        Bl&.eksmitbing a.nd ho~e8hQeing... ...  ... . ...  1.888  2,244  2,9.56  2.a53  2,579
        Bindel' twine. .... ........             721    S20     708    6.'59  910
        }<'ertilizer.................. ... '"  1,802   1,771  4.S90   1';.241;  .~, 814
        Fruit and ~'egeta.ble ~upplies.. .....  1,491  1,703  2,369   2,705 ,  3,023
        Fencing....................              495    754     S<l8   8,30   897
        Repaira to b\lildingli .. ... ....  . ........  3,956  4,565  5; 173  5.782  6,086
        R.epnil'S te> machiner}". .....        1,288   1,433  1.360   1.789  2,030
        Nnr""ry ~tock....................  .....  Via   200     221    221    274
        !l-liacella.ueous, ineluding vet~rina.ry expenses, rope,
           and 8mo.lI hard1o\'lll'e. ..  .. ,' ..  .. .  4,004  4,900  4,(}97  5,302  6,208
          TOT.~L OPERATINI3.... .....  .. ... ......  .,  89,689  108,559  98,642  109,235  130,369
        DOl>rceiaHon of buildiug" ...          9.01 7  9 .017  9.017  9.017  fUJl7
        Deprecialion al machiner}'.  ........ .....  6,003  .:;.853  J,~75  5,987  6.324
          TOTAL, DXPRECIATIO:-l. ....  ....    15,020  14,870 1  14""  15,004:  15,!4l
          TOTAL, OPEH.~TINQ  AND DJ:PRECIATIO~ EXP~NtlES ..  104,709  123,t29 -w,Sl:.lI- 124,239  1  145,nO
   346   347   348   349   350   351   352   353   354   355   356