Page 346 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 346

RECENSEMENT-CENSU8                            325

          -16-Valeul' du cheptel 8ur lea fermes de la province de Québec, pal' comtés, en 194-1.
           16-Value of Live Stock on Fal'ms of the Province of Quebec, by eounties, in 1941.
            C011TÊS    Cheva,u;.:  Bovine  Moutons  l'OHIB          AbejJJes  Total
                                                             poulets         (1)
           :\W:,,/ICIPAL                              Total          Beea
            COU!'fTIES  Hor~E:I>  Catile  Sh~p  Swîne
                                                            Hell.9 a.nd
                                        •   1       1         •       •      •
         Abitibi..  ,  1  889$,798 1,00:,427  43,  588  1  ]2:'21SI  87,101  85,266  808  2.210,771
         ArgenteuiL.  _. . . .  392, 507  Kl~, 311  14,92·}  59 ,6,"  62,995  58,375  2,252  1,371.541
         Arthabaska..........  821,:1,79 1,507,369  56,477  196.401  81.220  79,902  2,870  2,6ti5.835
         B&€ot ...•...•.... ,.  605,282  091.234  3a.982  2&4.817  98,901  94.777  34,367  2,028,612
         Beauce......•...... 1,091,527 1,577,021  174,Ob7  154.266  88,536  84,356  3,913  3,089.392
         Beauha.rnois .•. ,....  240,031  4.')8,721  4,865  73,712  52,134  45,744  5.217  834,733
         BeUeeh!lllse.... .. •. .  657,900  931,074  41,948  122.886  i.'-l.861  73,309  5.383  1,733,082
         Berthier.... ..... •..  497,919  774,175  45,102  108.082  94,004-  92,685  ]2.378  1,531,810
         Bonaventure..... .•.  765,616  507,610  83,581  90.~6!'i  72,189  68,311  711  1.520,049
         Brôme ... _.. .... •. •  424 ,1393 1,106,852  12,049  114,671  64,574  43.774  2.077  1,725,151
         Cha.mbly, . . • •. . . . . .  236,4[}3,  345,265  4,065  4l, 733  42,163  40,517  ]2,161  2,092,401
         Champlain..    nf>,76U  1,095,614  61,94.9  US,8HI  84,584  81,575  12.  933.567
         Charlevoix   _  365 ,675  404,449  59, S«i  53,491  49,848  3[1,870  17,720  1.731,006
         Châteauguay.....•.. 1 432,809 1069,206  6,P;;7  113,917  90,337  13.7,335  6,445  1, ",75,,'i75
         Chicoutimi... . . . . . . .  722,772  '873,385  70.051  1l9,188  53.572  72,905  I,OSO  2,768,488
         Compton...........  816,525 1,702,432  5!'i,765  124,614  64 ,8~3  62,167
         Del.lx-1'1ont,lIilne~- 1
          Two_MountaÎn.i..  482,052  8J,j ,045  10.924  1l4,730  83.832  82,052  8,450  1,655,636
         Dorche~ter.........  777 ,215 1.188,957  77,8:iO  179.336  12::1.322  119,903  3,741  2,350,651
         Drummond.........  647.270 1,267.lO3  2!'i,0!JO  140.356  75,7ôO l'  71,919  7,121  2,165,785
         Frontenac..........  754.030 1,062,946  87.215  84.147  40,540  39,7&5  132  2,029,066
         GfL8pé....     631,555  459,619  4a.037  92,273  52,80S  51,771  "4:683
         Hull...............  S.J3,751  1,423.526  7r:ï~~  ~tJ:f~b  91,093  84,566  2,573.325
         Huntinltdon. . . . . . .  (·17. &54  1,404,500  63,876  61,377  0,240  2,030,297
         Iberville.. . . .. ,....  339,665  700,684  Il ,937  79,124  50,022  46,452  8,163  1,189,610
         Joliette  _......  491,246  845,576  2\1,6.39  132,060  148,949  147,479  8,079  1,655,814
         KlIJIloUTa~:ka  , , .  592,I:i6  679,180  64.527  100,883  39,450  38,534  2,444  1,478.620
         Laoolle   , . .  549, S."1  722,909  46,730  104,434  49,960  48.619  000  1,474,594
         Lac_8t..Jean-Lake  1,374.536  1,862,932  159,737  263,178  124,910  llO,98S  9,275  3,794,648
          St. John   ' .
         Laprairie. . ..  . .. .  348,164  382,241  7,107  19,.')05  67,023  56,555  17,656  902.309
         L·N;soOlptioll". . . . .  465.406  687,194  Il ,676  111,828  86,429  85.377  11,162  1, 379,731
         Uvis .. ,.."  · ..  248,679  481.211  W,690  83,354  64.300  63,735  3,454  891,703
         L'hlet  ,      504,508454,105  41,000  63,555  32,224  30,450  5,009  1,100,401
         Lotbiniêre  , . . . . . .  736.922 1, 137,163  50.099  174,621  94.790  93,.'il0  7,170  2,200,779
         Ml108kinongê  , _. 1  381 ,908  596,503  60,242  1l0,228  43.468  41,472  8.893  1,201 ,259
         Matan.e,     '1 020,084  9œ.521  164,130  ]4.8,457  91,070  88,733  3,178  2,335,440
         M~gantiQ      '988.403 1,436,771  56,380  14".5\<1  91,456  89,377  1,476  2,718,199
         Masiaquoi ..• ,._  418.108 1,1,59,503  9,080  111.036  46,200  41.511  13.,382  1,813,311
         Montc·alm..........  358,S85  458,970  11,677  83.696  49,734  48.710  5,355  968,370
         Montmagny........  426,114  488,525  1'J,975  69.74\)  20,131  28.148  1,628  1,035,122
         Montrnorene~·.......  257,226  371,480  11,017  31,189  48,891 ,  4ï ,463  8.0  720,673
         Montréal & Jê5ua. 1.  505 264  850,607  2,972  92,126  103.834  103 .373  14,535  1.569,502
         Napierville.   328:338  369,069  5,498  66,085  44,621  40,465  4,603  818,216
         Nicolet    , . ,  926,292 1,565.215  51,690  238,956  1Il,766  107,739  15,003  2,909,827
         Papineau  , . . .  . .  663.390 l, 101 ,.'}07  47,636  139,694  66,769  63,834  5,838  2,024,634
         Pontiac    '"  778,71211,233,744  80,637  123,301  73.367  63,408  3,299  2,293.346
         Porlneuf.  ,   686,172 '1,033.379  34,329  97.587  98.213  96,897  4,804  1,954 ,607
         Quêbec       ·  28'3.442  4g.3.041  2,200  68,763  75,051  69,148  3,401  933.023
         Richelieu   "1  336477  591,118  13.6;'7  108,455  45,243  43,455  7,275  1, 102 ,;'i61
         R~ehmon~  ,. .. .  .'itH:617 1,331,424  24.450  68,201  43,157  41,202  1,573  2,03:L,j01
         Rlmouakl  , . . . . .  827 503  844 7so  125,541  131.864  7I,569  70,463  2,857  2.004.2fi2
         Rouville............  431:636  907:261  13,572  156,039  67.298  66,005  12.764  1,588,654
         Saguenay...........  103,892  104,782  12,566  16,466  Il.1fI7  10,288  .'4:543  251,017
         Shefford ... ,........  674,272 1549 H9  34,473  2S2,4~9  73,994  70,567  2,618,935
         Sherbrooke.    232,754  ' 5W:428  4,\)28  45,412  26,348  2.'5,006  ,70  fI04,8g6
         Soulange>.     254,129  :?6!i,959  6,331  60,!Ki..ï  4.3.536  40,244  11,715  751,236
         S~anstead..    525,007  1 235 367  22. H26  Il3. 962  47,723  45,032  1,009  1,946,336
         St-Hyacinthe. _  486,071  '882:B41  14.3G8  199,286  76.368  75,925  22,535  l.681,274
         St.Jean-.St. John·s...  319,511  606,171  5.187  52,047  43,626  40.952  9,777  ] ,OO6.él24
         St-!I'~aunc~.. . . .• . .  401,192  654 ,093  54.iI~  82,499  64.553  63,544  11,398  1 ,268.4~3
         Tém16Co.mlngue. .  532,398  787 872  59.4;-\5  79.370  50.690  48,654  3,746  1,5I3.5Il
         l'èmiscouata  1,167,016  1,220:1~i2  164.0i3J  184. 83,~  82 -364  78,573  4, BOO  2,832.461
         Terrebonne..  . . . .  531,492  72R,'J12  26.415  99. H)3  1.22:647  121,166  6,4·56  1,515.496
         Vaudreuil. .... ,..  277,325  517.678  il,741  76.702  52,17t  4f1 .113  12.660  046,353
         Verchères......  417,682  6·'{4,4:12  18,7361  .',2.622  71 ,404  7I ,0:0  10,[,94  1.285,475
         Wolfe............  600.499 1,028,::llS  ô6,3g1  99.IJI  41,899  40,614  604  1,826,982
         yam8J>ka...... ....  :';73,159  1,061,841  26,640  191,{,24  58,980  55.812  23,187  1,935,337
            PaOVIN'cJt ... _.37,148,955 58,640,294 l ',786,.90 1 7 ,603,121  4,312,593  450,059 UJ,185,062
           (I) Comprend la valeur des pigeons, ra~anlS, etc.  0) Indudee value of pigeons, pheuants, etc.
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