Page 348 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 348


          ..,  '"  '='               ...  f.)  '-<  "  ~  ..,  C1  ~

                 Canada    36,376,837  32..')23,742  126,094, S08  31:1,178,832  75,550,843  8O,041,S85  21,630,343  80,643.000  858,147,565  11,509.w v  ?2,211,~SO  28, 19·t .:HlO  9,059,130  31.078,590  l,022.700  7.645.370  3~.439,680  26,301LII30  462,470,000

                  1       9~2.282211,4~3,050  1,419,57026,111,416  3;;0,51822,·117,13\;1 3,316.490105,509,950  4'519'450163'308'2~~  399,32010,901,240  1  707,15031,3.'';5,520  1.254,t50I3\:1,9S9.350  5'384,54°183'815.810
                Brit.                836.089  803.911  576,850  '233'51O[  86,700  696, S.'iQ  74,060  547,210  830,300  .'lold,
                Col. -  B.C.  1,Z3P,124  6,696,770  3,229,296  2,915,280  5.254,570  33,622,142  l 1,179,490  1.228,100  18,818,3GO)  pclts  buais.
                  1          2,206,111 1 6.618,242                       and   li "hare
                 Alherta  69'~ô'1001  7,307,840  662,360  1,994.420  2,321,786  12,490,096  18,923.155  4,229,0.19  249,648  12.977,850  9,571,720  148,006,125  4,121,4301'  288,920  1,353,180 1  1~,OI4,5S0  .... ,071 ,42U  10.354,090  2,311,420  7,993,160  6,143,880  89,650  153,610  14,2~0,040  9,954,510  3,553,470  85,195,360  animala  owner.

                  ,          212,047  272,385      21<1,5201             fur-bearing  by or  kind

          ]940.  ]940.  8:t.~kl&t­  1  chcwan  6,228,660  6,629,.'mO  2,(}49,661  7,685,879  5,3~1.380  2,634,9BU  412,684 8,406,210116.976.300  8,763,630  16',098,U5  Il,028,S70I  1,636,340  21,51 J, 130  4,169, MO  Il,862,160  2,627,660  10 ,395,310  8,372,710  102,770  822,090  15,S74,71>0  2,8U,920  1 40,495,9801100,926,450  eattle),  autolll

          provinces,  Provinces.  Mnnitona.  1  g*6,098128,:?~Û.101108,3~1,700!  5,377,570  836,754  1  442.774  1,537. IH,Q  2,815,7471  6,074,358  \i.042,61U  l, lm.; ,8211  ij2r..704  4,364,180  3,298.870  16:'1.290  .856,000  1 ,487 .~OO  2,352, ....90  1 3,I0t,990  1,298.350  4,5·1,1.460  44,180  380,480 28,685,010 1 7,0.71'21,°113,495.210

          par  by  Ontario  nEVENUER  '"  OS9,030  10  13,036,598  Hi'ÜQ3,npl  .'>2.068,S70  HI,038.214  .33,914,490  31,826,256  5,903,617  ol-,3!H.510  21, 371,460 118,635,3951" 238,450,5981-72,748,827)  1,412,080  3,711,840  14.358,8g0  9,102, 7lfl  7,914.13U  1,70\:1,600  5,081, 72U 5,20~,,9~0112,1w.>,790 :],1';-14,900  .nO,320  2,6110,45ü  6
          Canada,  Canada,  1  FARM  fUH!:/  4,595,558  5,193,849  5,068.896  36.610. ]80  ti,3::l4,622  9,100,OQl  11,742.53:1  3,464,967  11,761,160 :.!6,69fJ, 190_ 25.3:.!'.),020  18.066,430  1  EXPENSER  21,45:?270I1!l,SI7,OfJO  2,845.580  2,OM,630  5, ]9,'1,:00  5,471 '0901  2.462,240  731,040  1,633,~30  143,S.~Q  1,537,540  ?,5S9.960  ~,16

          au  in  Qnébec  1  1.                                  1·      (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (1\,)
          fermes  Expenaea  N.~.  ntnaWIC"  FRH.MEs-GROSS  $oa,HI6!  842,000  1,662,890  485,200  3,498,750  996,786  1,136,723  938,575  944-,386  2,1)88,890  5,222.490  1),688,410  24,011,296  FERME8--FAHM  2,299,160  1.215,000  362,580  ~,'i6, 190  ;>88,600  419,260  70,950  248,010  1,020,430  17,510  306,MO  2,17~,7IO  100,100  SS8,990  10,3

          des  and  Il N.oE"~·1  -  Scotia  8611  395,465  504,647  2,311.956  4, ]25, !lOS  1,151,677  ],561,645  638,336  7-10,724  ],943,889  4,937 ,~O  6,501 ,340  24,&20,0881  DES  2,668,850  906,730  342,0.';0  483,490  575,340  327,380  44,220  308,000  1,161,680  30,590  511, 110  2,40!.090  110.130  864 ,BOO  veudWl.  de  baae
          dépenses  Revenues  N.  DES BRUTS  $ ~1,790  58,190  DEPENSES  0,2tiO  pelleterIes  une  sur

          et     -  l'.E.I.  i no-dUol'.E.[  301,590  1,63B,960  932,730  645,043  672.275  778,542  927,903  113,156  1,618,760  1.055.260  8,754,29'  396,060  886,230  185,300  ~31 ,090  216,.550  144,120  113,l90  150,990  l6S,61O  120.740  822,8~0  43,800  456,10U  et  automobil(\lf.  ou
          bruta  Farm  REVENUS  prod-  . . . . . ..  .  ...  ..  (1)  (3)..  farm  '" &QurœB ..  ,  ..  farm  of  ..  ,"',:.... .  . , , , . ,.... , . ..  . .. Otherellpen'*'8................. .1~106,950II0,l41,470  .  Iourrure  1\  pour  propriêtnirf'.  œpèceB  en
                          Blé•.••.......•.........•...• ,.Wheat.......................
          17-Revenu$  17-Gro88  Othergraineandho.}·............  nursery  fruitll, .....•............. . . . prodllC18....... l'oultryandeggs................ ..CAUle.........................  ".........  woo1  and __ ..Hnneyandlore8tr}·produetll(2)..  on COIlBWiled  outside  Irom  ............••.  '  , .• ".........  ,......... Fiddgraasandgarden


                            , linfibreux...•................ PotatOE.!!.roots.tnbacoo,fibNlBax.  Vegelables,  uctll..  Daley  Swine animaIs  .. Other  Prodl1etll l'extéricur.lneomil!  '"  Feed  Fertllber  et lnachi- .. ,Bul!dingmatcnll.Œ.... maçhinery  llîndertwine (II) Fuel.o.nd  ,.Tax~s(5).  FrUit and  Rellt(6)  ( Que  de produitll  flli
                            tabo.  pl!-  de  .  .  .. "  (1)  '  (gagea  .  [lC'aUlt  les ferlll(>f;  detl  PRS  oi1timents et  la
                            racines,  produit5  ,  lain~  et Micle~produilsforœtieT8(2) (3) l:onoomm~aaue ferme  de  cultures  de  agric.ole!'l.... , ~oDBtruetio:o  huile  , Fournitwes pour fruits et légl.lJnPll.Fruit  .  ,.  Compu.nd  COInT,rend  Produits  comprend  Ne  les  Sur  Comprend
                           Autreagrain8l!tloin  terre,  de Pommee  fruits, Légumes, pinière................  Produitslaitierll Volaillesetœufs........ RNesàOQrncs.............  Porca  animAUX  AuLretl  ProdUits  provenant RevnnUll  TOTAL  Prow':!ue...• " " EI1./U8.J!I.....•.  grandes  de Grainc8  dejlLl'dînage  réparations et out.illage Aehale  ~
   343   344   345   346   347   348   349   350   351   352   353