Page 97 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 97
6--Population de la province de Québec, aux divera recensementB, par comtés
6--Population of the Province of Quebec at Various Censuses, by Municipal
1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921 ]941
Abitibi . ...ii:8Ol1 ...i4;947 2,405 2.063 14.807 23.602 67,689
17, ]66
Argenteui}, . 15,158 16,407 16,766
Ar thabaska . 17,241 ' 19, )r,3 23.254 22.958 24 ,44 1 24,848 27,159 30.031l
Bngot...........•.. 19,491 21,lU9 21.695 18,181 18,206 18,035 44,793 48,073
Beauce .....•....•.. 23,485 27,201 30, R37 33,198 38,161 40,308 25,163 30,269
Beauharnoi,"l .....•.. 14.757 16,005 16.662 21,732 20,802 19 ,118S 22,006 23,676
Bellecha"," . 17,637 18.068 IB,368 18.706 21,141 21,813 21,233
Berthit'r . 19,993 22,238 20.:m9 20.710 20,606 20,500 19.506 39,196
BoosvenLure . 15,923 18,908 20,B:l5 24.495 28 .110 29.092 12,433 ]2,486
Brome . 13,757 15.827 14,709 13,303 13.216 13,381 26,SOI 32,454
Chambly . 10,408 10, .'>8 Il.704 12,779 16.711 2l,924 50,$62 68,057
ChampLnin . 21.492 25,550 27,335 32.015 43,866 54,034 25.662
Cbarlevoix , . 15,611 17,901 19,03B 19,334 20,637 20,708 22.940 14,443
Châteauguay . 16,166 14,393 13,864 13,683 13,322 13.557
Chicoutimi . 11.812 13,SOI 14,244 16.872 23,375 37,578 55.724 78,881
COmptoo...... .,. 11.988 15,115 17,386 19 ..343 21,235 23.271 14,284 16,746
DeuI-Montagneo . 15,615 15,804 15.027 14,438 13,868 14.309 27,994 29.861l
Dorehester . 17,779 18,710 18,364 20.697 24,457 26.788 86.683
DrulTlmood.. , . 10.975 H.I:JO 16,639 16.041 17,149 19.976 26.179 28,596
Frontenao .. _ . 5.445 9,286 12.431 17,358 22,272 24,090 25.681
Gwmé . 18,729 25.001 26,B75 30.e83 35,001 40,375 45,617 55,208
Hull . 23,057 28,891 37,712 42,830 48,332 54,682 63.870 71,188
Hu otingdon . 16.304 15,495 14.385 13.979 13,240 13,174 12,345 10,273
Iberville . 15.413 14.450 Il,893 9.673 9.<193 Il ,299 9,402 SI,713
JolieLLe . 23.075 21,988 22,921 22 ,255 23 ,911 25,913 27,585
KaffiOUrR.skR.....••. 21,254 22,181 20,454 19 ,099 20,888 22,014 23.954 25.535
L8belle . 314 1.727 2,676 7,175 13,691 19,734 20,140
Lae-St-Jpnn . 5,681 9.729 14.048 20,156 27,111 35.539 50,253 64 ,306
LapTB.i rie , .. Il,861 11,436 10,900 11,057 11.623 12.071 13,491 17,543
L'A..>~ompl.ion . ]5,473 15,2,2 13,674 13,995 15.164 14,331 15,323
Laval.. (1) 9.472 g.4112 9,436 10,248 11 ,.407 11.005 16,150 21.631
Lévi•.............. 24,8.11 27 ,DIlO 25,995 26,210 28,91:1 33,320 35.656
L'Islet . 13,517 14,917 13,B23 14 ,439 16,43.5 17 ,8,,0 19.404 20.589
Lotbinière . 20.606 20,857 20,688 20,039 22,158 21.837 23.034 26.664
M kinongé . 15.070 17,003 17,266 15,083 15,775 16.2;'0 16.039 18,200
MaUlIlO . 10,022 13.544 14 ,621 20,456 27.639 313 , 30:i 46,272 55.414
M~~~ntie.: . 11l.87Q ]9,056 22.233 23.878 31,314 3:1,633 35.492 40,357
fl..1L:;SISquOl ....•...•. 16.022 17.784 18,549 17.339 17.466 17,709 19.636 21.442
Montc".lm . 12,742 12.066 12,131 1~,001 13.312 13.987
Montm.~ny . 13,55,') 15.2/iH 14.726 14.757 17,356 21,997 20,239 22.041l
Montmorency , 12.085 12.:l22 12.309 12,311 13.215 14,008 16,955 18.602
Monl.rell\·Ilc-laL . 144,044 103,171 277 ,526 360.83B 654,761 724,205 1. 003, BilB 1,110.800
7 .a~·~
Napierville. . . . 11.688 1/1,511 10,101 8,576 7,712 29,005 28.673 30.085
)licolel . 23,262 26,874 28.735 27.209 30,065 29.246 27,551
Papineau . 14,521 18.814 22.972 25,726 27, 180 2Ü,G511 21,241 19.852
PontiaC' . 16,5~:1 18.810 20.381 21.4-12 21. (23 20,271 35,963 SB,006
Port.lleuf. ........•. 22.56(1 25,175 25,813 27.15930.520 32.811 202,882
Quél"'e . 79,306 82,724 82,693 OO.lMl 10·t,554 124',776 170.915 23.601
Richelieu . 20.0·18 20,424 21.652 19.618 2O,6~6 10,548 24.91;6 27.493
IHdHl\ond.....•.... Il,21:1 14 ,508 16,329 17,821 21,2s2 24,067 14,233
RimollBki ......•.... 17.:100 20.247 18,~09 19,701 23,!J;'1 27,['20 31.151 15,842
ROll\'iUe . 17,6:H 18.5'17 16,012 13,407 13,131 13 ,(lM 22,161 29,419
8nl!uerIDY . ",4~7 8.879 9, 89 11 ,203 15,402 16,668 33,387
Sheflord . Hl ,077 23,2:J3 Z3.:.l1l3 23,722 23,976 25.734 28.262 46,574
37 ..~H6
Sherbroo\,e . 16.0S11 18,426 23,2n 30.786 9.328
Nulanp;c, . 9,608 9,028 9.400 10,065 0,009 27,072
Stao.t.end . }im ~U~ 1 18,061 IIl.998 20. 7Ci5 23.380 25,118 31,645
St-JJyaciuLhe . 18,310 20.42.5 21.135 21,543 2" l~? 23.098 20.584
St·Jean . 12, ln 12,20.5 12,282 Il,006 12:38D 14,219 17.649 80.352
St·M~uriee . JO,870 23.5:,0 23,033 1 35.045 60,845 6Ü.005 40,471
Tt;JII)~('a1l\ir.J!{]E;' . 1.M·1 I.O'J9 1.90~ 4,200 8,2!)3 Il,70'1 20,609 57,1376
T(~!ni~couata . 22,4:11 2.> .4H1 25.098 29.1~" 36.4:lO 41,310 60.201
Tenebonoo . 19 ':l!H 22 ,nG!) 23,128 26,B16 20,018 33,908 3i'.r,ll 46.864
Vnucireuil . 11.00:l 11.485 10,792 10.H5 11.039 11, !i!).) 12.01:' . 12,H7 12.449 12,257 11,539 12,004 12,719 12,603 14,214
17 ,492
Wolfe. . . 8.823 Il.7011 15.018 16,315 1 18.200 18.18] Hi .911 16.516
Yamn.k~ . 10,993 20.005 20,088 20.5(14 l' 19,511 18,056 10.$20
I--.:..-·I---- --.:...--I--~-I·-~-I----.:..._·I----I----
TOT.'L ... 1,191,5H 1,359,021 1,488,535 1,64U,8tl8 12,005,116 2,360,510 2,874,662 3,331,882
(1) 110 J"'ou•. (1) Jo",," Islaod.
Norr;:.-Vu III diWeuJUl d'obtenir 10, iJi!Tr"" corn· NOT...-Bec.ause of tbe difliculty o( obtaioillll com-
paratifs pour les prelllit.'re rer~m;enl(;ntfj, 1f'lS comt~~ do parat.ive fi~lIrcs for the -earlior ef'!QI'3IH!lC8, the oO\Jntic~ of
Charlevoix, Gaspé, H.uJ1. Lac-St-Jean. Mr.da.uc, Mont· Charle'Voix, Ûl\8pe. HuU, St. John, lV1l\tane, Mont.-
morency ct Térniecouata n'ont pas ~té eubdivisés dans HlOreooy anrl TemiBcouata. were DOt aepl\f'".d in this
co tableau. Toutefois, le lecteur trOllvera Ip.. subdivl- lah1e. HowevcT, in(orrnatioo for the yeLlTS 1921, 11131
~ion. pour les nnnées 1021, 103] ct 1041 an tableau 4 an<J 1941 Ulay be found in table 4 of th is chapter.
de ce
HUi·(.ième rcce.1'18C'men~ du Conada, Vol. Il EiQhlh Cens"> 01 Canada. Vol. n.