Page 98 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 98

82                            POPULATlOlV
                                     7-Popu[ation des cités de [a province de Québec, 1871-1941.
                                     7-Population of Cities in the Province of Quebec, 1871-1941.

                            eIT'   CiTTES  1  187l  1881  11'1 1  19(~1  1911   Ig:ll.  1~31   JI).41
                                                                       . . . ... ... .  J.700  4.r.; .1
                                                                                        8,748  1l,f,oUl
                                            1.303  1, 0~lï  '2;277-  '8:-"16           Il ,87,  Jü,1J40
                                                     900   I.n.j!)  I,fi,~              6.[,[19  10..~.~!)
                                             870   1.0·jO  1.710  ",773                10,  7  H.!!!;
                                                                  2.iill                li, '1 l  Il,0OR
                                           ':ÜOO'  6,8~0         n,Cl!l:J              2 .-1. :::  32.!N7
                                            :1,1)1;  3.268        4,r:JO                JO.7f16  J2.H!I
                                            2,6F1!1  3,248        6.3                   I.'<. R:30  20,0.;1
                                            8.0~2  8.7:11         Il.2~2                II, 7~~  Il,!Jnl
                                           12 , .-  170,203      ~!35.0li,1 j          Ij;l  :i,4O'f  003,007
                                    .......          387          1,1·18               23.611  :16,7;il
                                         "'5ùii,   62,416        6 .... -JO            IJO,.:i!i4  1,1",0,7.17
                                            1.., 1  2. :!Ill      4.1)69                 .'f9U  S.71:1
                                            :1.741i  5.:121       !J,21O               1 ,44.8  17,798
                                            il ,022  -1,314       ·I.~:IO               Il.2;;6  13,1;46
                                                                  1,302                 6.07;,  (j, tll'7
                                                                                       15,345  20~325
                                            4:.j:i2  7,227  10.007  Il.711.5           2F:,~Kl3  3&,Uti5
                                            0,G36  5, ,r,l  6.669  7.057                10,:1;10  12.2"1
                                                                  3.256                 10,701  12.7i1l
                                            7,570  8.670   8.3:1-1  \1,081             J5,4JO  ~2.007
                                    de......  1,800  3.006  S,515  1l, OriS  n.Hg  ~.215  II.Hl  17,052
                                                     :!78   :?!lfi  l .•!k  Il ,mm  2,•• 001  00.7· 5  67,:.119
                                             200     R. ·1  3,07(;  8.8ü6  1 ,57\!  17, ,,'n  3<1 1 2~~)  26.047
                              Le tableau ci-des~l1s met cu lumière le déve-  The a,bove shows a spectacu\l1r in-
                            loppement comidérl1,hle des Citf;~ de la province  crea..~e in the popllJl1tion of the cities of the
                            de Québec do 1871 iL 1941.  la, population glo-  province of Quebec from 1871 to 1941. The
                            bale de~ cités de la Province qui, v·u recensc-  agg-I'cgate poptùation of the citics of the Pro\'-
                            ment de 1S71 est do 237,408 s't:m",c a. 1,515,568  inee ,\']lich, at the ccnSllS of 1871 was 237,108
                            en 1941; en d'autres tmllles, plus de 41) pour  amounts to 1,515,ilü!3 in 1941; În otlwr words,
                            Cùnt de la population du Ql1élJee vit dans les  more than 45 per cent of the populat.ion of
                            cités en 194:1 comparativement à environ 20  Quebec !ives i.n the eil.jps in 1941 in compalison
                            pour cent en 1871.                   with about 20 per cent in 1871.
                              En 1941, sept cités ont une popwl1tion supé-  In 1941, seven cities have a population of
                            rieure à 30,000 âmes: Hull, Montréal, Outre-  30,000 and over: Hull, :Montreal, OutrBIDont,
                            mont, Québec, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières et  Quebec, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières and Ver-
                            Vordun. Au rccensemont de 1921, soules les  dun. In 1921. oilly Quebee and :Montreal had
                            cités de Montn\1.1 et Québec comptent pills de  more than 30,000 inhabitants.
                            30,000 habitants.
                             Sont pll.rticulièrflment rollln.rqllabk~ les pro-  Axe part.icularly remarkable the incrcas(·s of
                            grès accomplis dans les eités cutourant Mont-  the oiLies surroundillg :MOlltl'cul, i.e. l.achine,
                            réal, c'o:;t.-flr-dire LMhine, Outremont, Verdun  OUll'emont, Verdun and Westmount.
                            et Westmount.
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